The Harmonic Triads

But the question of instigation becomes clear, when put to the test: of transcending it’s self; being the truth. In this way patterns become a secondary consuderation.consideration.

Because, at that point of departure, the question of responsibility still rests with a confusion between a masochistic self identity of, the the original aesthesis, that is: the foundation of say Wagner contra Nietzhe can not be edified; simply a melange between being chosen for an undescriptive role; a dialectically analmous mess of choice, that confluences with being chosen as against an arbitrary autonomous pickings.

This ‘pattern’ can never be signified going forward, hence, no responsibility can be drawn by any vector. As much as I understand that concept.

This manner of description, or the absence of it en-mass, haunted the magnetic draw into the black center of the reversal to crystal clear clarity, observed in the third altar of the sianeze altar, the two egg pattern described.

Note: worthy of observation: sat in same xafe as Sartre , one time remembering sartre’s digitalis eye, : maybe in the snake spatial position/orientation : Cafe de’fkeaur or something -will look it up when not rushed as most of the time~may be he thought up the idea of the inauthentic wait-or then and there.

But cut to another channel.

Freedom in true, lived law (love, grace, forgiveness, shalom) because it’s the only way to fix / rise above a broken reality—return to the whole the true law describes. Create toward the eternal, or you produce nothing but destruction that valorizes in on itself.

True but here we review \ revisit kierkegaard through this sickness unto dearh.death.

The transcendence of patterns over the reconstruction of the Source’s alienation.

Just tryin’ to say.

NOT TO WORRY: the familiar/familial patterns of preceeding ‘higher’ floated zizek balloons have been comfortably been overcome even before the comfort of a pseudo peering-into.

Then what’s the bug?

The general disbelief in the/my entrance 2 ilp drwM about polanyi really talking (2me) and opening that cut chanel.Chanel.

As far as without committing an ad-hominem, does zizEc understand that he can’t leave? Even if wanting to? Wish could be informed bout with hotel calif.- anyways did not commit patent infringement so less to worry, just a mis Spell. No jury peering would/could convict on any ground.

&nil worries about abstracts fate cause literal father assured me by example. Tnks4list and thing.>>>>>>>>v
v … ek-2022-03

Nice summary … f_Ideology

on earth, as it is in heaven

not my will, unless in line with his

thank God his love runs circles around us

Tnks, even if must say so.

The standard is not lowered though we can never always, fully meet it. Instead he descended and fulfilled it in our place so that we could ascend with him into that against which there is no law.

Then there is the fact that man was not made for law, but vice versa, and an order based on an unjust law is an order we are obligated to “teleologically” suspend. Only for the One who sees all the way down every road.

And of course, when you take up your cross, you must be willing to accept the consequences, even up to the moment he takes them on himself and turns everything back to Good.

So this is where I began to outline the three levels. I did it using conflict resolution. It can be done with anything that starts with a problem and ends with solution—like the scientific method. It is basically the learning/remembering process. … 6#p2870896

I consider the three levels nature, nurture, and super. They exist in every sphere (see link for spider example).

Understanding’s Logistics
(resolve/implement new based on old)
Nature 1
Nurture 4
Super 8

Judgment’s Resonance
(where conflict originates and resolves)
Nature 2
Nurture 6
Super 9

Reason’s Rules of Engagement
(work on conflict/resolution)
Nature 3
Nurture 5
Super 7

Kierkegaard might say 1-2 are aesthetic, 3-6 are ethical if they denied 1-2, 7-9 are religiousness A if they moved away from 3-6 on your own steam, and in order to get to Religiousness B you prioritize relationship and trust in God who loves you and wants you to have life beyond mere survival or performance (joy—so, in a way, gets 1-2 back). That love motivates works of love despite fear.


This ain’t all me. Synthesized studies.

obv I didn’t invent this & already showed more complicated/intertwined.

For example…Roman numerals from conflict resolution Venn:
I Nature (pre/unconditioned)
IIa Nurture (unintended conditioning)
IIb/IIIb Second Nature (settled conditioning)
IIIa Super (intended self-conditioning/determination)

Often/Mostly Implicit/Nondeclarative: I, IIa/b
Explicit/Declarative: IIIa/b

“He who knows nothing, loves nothing. He who can do nothing understands nothing. He who understands nothing is worthless. But he who understands also loves, notices, sees. . . . The more knowledge is inherent in a thing, the greater the love. . . . Anyone who imagines that all fruits ripen at the same time as the strawberries knows nothing about grapes.”

— Paracelsus

Quoted in … m_text.pdf

Recommended by my Ethics prof, Dr. Turner.

(it’s the harmonic triads again)

But duality proceeds harmony, . But even if harmony is pre existent, who can describe such, other than by a blessed faith that need no eyes to see?

Very elegant and simple question in an age the where even it can be asked of dogs’ understanding along the lines of basic logic perceived and recognized in terms of.

Tautological certainty has evolved to some subordinate level of the uncertain, even as exhibited in lower order creatures

If the complexity is irreducible, the whole is eternal or from the eternal (or from the irreducible in the image of the eternal). Maybe.

Me: 1
Academy: 0

Interesting hits when you google “Three conjunctive Values and Complex Truth Values” … 115/208654 … 21-03313-2 … 1481700636

minus the weird stuff:

Therefore if the image or the eternity are closer to variable certainty, then at least the degrees of separation become less significant/faded and can be a source of revision but not necessarily through changing classes

Me : 1
meme : 2


meme2 , "yes please, for the joker has not yet appead, and there ain’t too many cards left in the deck.(since the joker is wild but 2 isn’t.

Now what about Me1. Would You care for insurance, or go back to the one armed bandit , 4 odds are higher there. It will ante upX2 every time meme2 wins unless it’s a draw. Get the picture bud?

Me1 ?

meme2 interrupts with defiant sleight of hand:

"but off, leave the poor guy alone, don’t can’t you see he is down on his luck, so far.

meme2 pours a large one out of his extra special non alcoholic lager and pours it down the hatch

Then after a while, M2 awakens from the attempted slumbering humbling counting of the remaining chips of various colors out of his rattle tale shade coat and sweeps them into the pot decrying “all or nothing.”

Then to his surprise, meme2 furiously awakens Me1 from his deleterious slumbers and almost screeches at him:

"Hey friend , don’t you realize that all this, if it was a houses trick, I would immediately have befriended you, you then could consider the superinflated aura I had to propose to You, given my lack of references and portfolio.

I an standing here before You , naked, magically transported so that I can attune…attune to the only man who’d believe me, especially cause all I want as a reward is neither titles, namely game fame game but an attempt to serialize myself within myself abd not have to be called a fake, (I don’t mind weirdos, or even a failed actor or whatever failing even a presentable x something.

In fact all I ever wanted since kid time before TV was a room somewhere with lots of chocolate to eat and get through the history of Turkish occupation of eastern Europe especially when Maria Theresa mother of Antoinette got down on her knees with the latest out of innumerable progeny, wistfully teardrops wiped by her faithful maiden, begging the husszarsz to help her defend Vienna.

From then on recovery has not been all that successful.

I won’t even sub counter the girl of peace; wiping her brow in disgusted disbelief:

"How could this be possible or even allowed to masquerade as something other.

Than what?

I won’t even allow myself draw this out any farther, and not for the reasons you may necessarily think.

~and that’s letting m2>M1 off very lightly.



So, death to philosophy as is known, at least the eternal mirroring part through the new Socratic method, because eternity even the imaginative image of it is not reduciable to the original except by those few(saints, prophets, hermits and other oddball vaudvillans ) who don’t have to prove nothin’ cause no one pays attention to 'em anyways, and they are bested where they always have spun their tails of gold so that whoever is out to collect is quite certain no one can guess their name right?

(Clue: right not left out of an impassable equation on pain of excommunication and/or verse.)

Got it in spite of you not believing the advent as reducible from a constructed ><deconstructed pentecost.maybe

The solemnity today, speaks not as thought as a real meme ( as perhaps a trick playing a devil’s advocate ), but truly, verily, a tested sign that;

Hey, maybe there is something real and attestable in an imitation, the truth of that is in its self.

Last words before leaving, (but that’s just meant for antidramatic affect)

An Absolute can’t contain It,'Self except by an exact Copy.