The Illuminati

There must be a few people on this board who have come across or previously discussed this society…

… what are your opinions?


The Illuminati is definatly a very interesting topic when discussing secret societies and hidden orders. I don’t know THAT much about it, definatly not enough to even begin truly talking about it in detail.

Have you ever seen the animated series “Gargoyles”? It comes on ToonDisney. In the series, the Illumaniti plays a role, as a society that is more powerful than the U.S. Government. They attempt to destroy the gargoyles and the such. It actually has some factual history of the society, if you can look past all the ficiton.

If it is true, it scares the living hell out of me. I have only recently become aware of the Illuminati and the NWO.

I’m still on the fence concerning the matter.

As I understand it, the Illuminati consist of a few people who sit at the inner most circle of a multi-layered secret society. It is only the Illuminati who have full, and complete knowledge of the societies purposes.

Gargoyles… I was a frequent viewer when I was younger. That’s really interesting you should say that the Illuminati play a role… must be my poor memory or … perhaps ignorance :wink:

From what I know, the Illuminati … a secret society, have evil intentions. The society does exist today, with members among society’s elitist. I cannot explain in detail exactly, what it is that they do… because I don’t know. From the research I have done, I’m beginning to think that the Masons are somehow related to this society.
Apparently, its members are of all origins, Arabs, French, American, Italian… and so on.
Galileo is somehow related to this society.
There is something called ‘The Illuminati Diamond’… it is a priceless object.
The society focuses on symbolism.

Can anyone expand on that?

I will add more, later on.


Bah. Don’t give me this crap. Dan Brown is a hack who cannot write. If you want some actual good storytelling on this, check out Wilson…

Fair enough, if you believe Dan Brown is a ‘hack’ who ‘can’t write’… each to their own opinion. I for one did enjoy his work. I am sure that each author has possitive and negative aspects about his published work… just like the book you have recommended.
I hardly believe he is a ‘hack’ as you say… I have previously read up on the Illuminati and most, if not all he writes about this society, is in fact truth.
But… each to their own :wink:


You know, a more realistic, and interesting evil conspiracy group would be a little more fallible and a little less omnipotent. If nothing escaped their influence, they would be highly visible. If they had vast coercive power, they would need an army, and a physical presence somewhere, bases, ect. to back it up. If they had a whole lot of money, it would have to come from some legitimate or illegitimate activity, also having physical presence. Motives have to be purposeful, accountable, and come from somewhere.

It seems that in order for the opressive “Them” to fully satisfy the paranoid psyche, they have to be unassailable and absolutely unaccountable. If they weren’t, then our protagonists would be perfectly justified in doing something constructive rather than fleeing and cowering in fear. It seems that people prefer some naturalistic conditions in which they cannot win or even figure out what is going on. They desire powerlessness, and the omnipotence of some enemy to justify a state of despair.
X-files, illuminati, matrix, whatever.

Fair enough. I enjoy a good conspiracy yarn as much as the nexy guy, but Brown’s work (purely from the perspective of writing) was predictable and way too dependent on cliches and the most obvious of literary devices. He does, however, do a fine job driving his plot. In summary, I found myself both disgusted and unable to put the thing down, at the same time. I have no such ambivalence about the one I recommended, which is crazier and, in my view, more entertaining.

I know that they are bigger than most people would like to believe.

The Illuminati is a historical organization that certainly did exist. It was founded in 1776 by Adam Weishaupt. Their antagonism towards the church was most likely a part of the Enlightenment. The society was probably disbanded by the end of the eighteenth century. It was said that they had infiltrated the Freemasons–indeed, many Masonic symbols are drawn from the illuminati, e.g. eye in pyramid. Many of our presidents were Masons. But, they probably never planned to take over the world any more than the Zionists.

I have a card game called ‘Illuminati’, by Steve Jackson Games.

Illuminati symbols are everywhere, from London to Washington to Paris and Rome (obviosly) But the illuminati can not be monitored, because they are an organisation that never makes its intentions known. The Illuminati is so obviosly seen everywhere, because of this it is so well hidden .In some shape or form, the Illuminati is still in the free world, and as said further up the page, they are a lot larger than many would to think.

I think the whole topic is laughably absurd. But then that’s what they want me to think. :astonished:

Yes, Dan Brown writes fiction, but he writes well similar to Robin Cook and has his facts straight regarding the Illuminati. An intelligent part of society who fight religious dogmatic lies. They search for facts.

NO SHIT! There is so much that groups keep from people, especially governments.

Actually, the Illuminatia dates back much further.

whilst i never rule anything out i think it is unlikely that the “illuminati” could be anywhere near as influential in the modern world as conspiracy theorists would have us belive. particularly whilst staying out of the spotlight.
there is one book in particular which has an interesting take on potential global backroom overlords. THEM - ADVENTURES WITH EXTREMISTS by Jon Ronson.
in his book he tracks down the Beilborg(spelling uncertain)group (amongst other things) which is an actual yearly meeting of some of the worlds richest and most powerful people and also young up and comers in politics. some would claim this group is a potential arm of the illuminati.
Also try your hand at being the head of your own secret society by playing the card game “ILLUMINATI” its bloody great mate!
Personally i think obbsessing about Groups which even if they do exist are beyond our power to do anything about is a pointless waste of time!

i am now reading the book by Dan Brown-- Angels and Demons-- and i found out loads of interestng stuff abt the illuminati. maybe you all can also try it too and learn more abt the illuminati. :smiley:


I enjoy reading Dan Brown’s books too. Just remember he writes fiction that often revolves around historic facts.

Smiles :smiley: