The Information of Meaning

True.but…& admittedly a good point however that point right now appears (to some or even me) as a series of concentric circles -all connected to like, diminishing to it. The difference is hidden in the architecture of illusion.


People go running to the gates of wisdom, and then shy away like shoolboys when they reach it.

Am I at fault for making assumptions?

Maybe I am, who knows.

Wisdom is a mountain which peak you never reach.

Meno’s paradox? …but not the Idiots dilemma.

Little miniature abyss.

As for the trolls, Meno, not everything is a great mystery.


But the truth is that everybody has their own little secret garden of gold, even trolls.


Ok Ya’ll u made yor Pont now live with it.can it be expanded without expansion? Or . can you begin to love facts to suit non existent meta for ?

what’s the meta for

spell it out in crayon

meta for invisibly descended point of con jecture.

Or in kerouaiken: accepting loss forever

That he was too a child there is no doubt. At all.

a backward look sometimes invites myopia or worse, much worse, but if u are drawn, irresistibly, by a high cause, then , ?

Reasonimg: it’s not a good idea either to under or over exposed in whether like this.

It’s a heatwave here.

What options resolve the loss in a way that does not potentially cause further loss or relational damage? I’ve left a trail of death behind me & I’m tryna turn over a new leaf.

I double dog dare ya, ya wussy.

It’s not that I lost my nerve, but my reason do bother me, so of course have to concede.

& that is in part to appease those who understand meno- Meno.

Was kid… ing. With whom? No freaking clue.

In all honesty, only Minerva could maybe tell.

saying that; again as truthfully as capable of; the measure of certainty is obviously from left out side of the fulcrum toward the right.

The right wins, and even if not; it does by default.

Do you want me on your scent or off your scent? Make up your mind, dude. Try being one person at a time. Stop spinning me around. Just leave it alone if you can’t do anything with it.

The answer is obvious…leaving 'it alone draws in both possibilities at once - alone is just as much a misnomer, so, scent away with a terrific dog keenness of a very fine and faithful dog - god.

If there is something like thT in any language or literature.

Course lassy classy all was comes back.

Gate er late er.


Oh yeah? How many fingers am I holding up in my head?

I don’t can’t but major premise and had I really known would have gone to Duke, but as it is, & here scratching head in still thick heat , but thinned somewhat in between the pockets :

er ist ene fogelmeistet? No that’s not …

Going or returning to st Petersburg?

Can tell u though guessing 2. Ok u either got me or got to me and it really matters not since to could be 1 or 3.

If it’s one it could be two, but if it’s three it could only be 1 or stay . 5 is one other, an wx communique a pretense may offense, or, stay .

Where you are.

No cigar for you, phony boy.

I was joshing for really how absurd can you get suggesting such preposterous idea?

The question is obviously one only a trickster or a talented scam artist could dream up, cause you can’t hold fingers in your head.

If that’s not right, may your characterization return to you like a boomerang.