The Irrelevance of masculinity and feminity

Upon thinking of attention whores such as Satyr and Chris Crocker and the associations with femininity and emo kids, i got to thinking…is attention whoring actually feminine? Lions with long manes and peacocks…i have decided that attention whoring is not actually a sexual function, masculinity and femininity are irrelevant…outdated and obsolete memes.

Paganism associates night with feminine…morning with the "male’ light…the scientific facts are that estrogen is emitted as a sleep hormone…that is the association.

I decided that masculinity and feminity are iirelevant…do we map the “ideal” model of behavoir on what? Apes, horses, pigs, cows…spiders…should women dominate and eat males/ I realize the past and evolution is not the perfect process, natural selection does not give us the perfect map…

so i have decided what the male and female functions “ought” to be using rational optimization for the basic ‘wasteland’ environment.
the primary function of the female, is to carry the baby. from this we can draw a map of what is optimum Female behavoir and Male behavoir, in a natural or ‘wasteland’ type environment.
Females, should have a tendency to stay at home.
Females, should be loyal.
Females, should be good at building and fixing things (such as building homes.)
Females, should be good at guarding.
Females, should derive entertainment from social things, games, and grooming by other females.
Females, should be good at rationing food and planning resource management.

Males, should have tendency to expand outward.
Males, should have a tendency to periodically check up.
Males, should be clever and creative spontaneously.
Males, should be good at hunting.
Males, should be physically strong (to carry their prey home)
Males, should be good at directions

These are the optimum primary sexual functions in a natural or ‘wasteland’ type environment.
The next attributes are secondary sexual functions. These attributes, however, are only secondary functions (perks), and so are not as important as the primary optimum attributes.
Males, would have a slight hunting advantage with smaller breasts (due to large breasts impeding agility).
Males, would have a slight disadvantage at being physically sensitive (due to being cut by branches)
Males, would have a slight advantage with bony ugly faces, but this would come at a cost (less aesthetically attraction from females, females who close their eyes during sex, thus the female dependence on all manner of fantasy.)
Females, would have a slight disadvantage with smaller breasts (less food storage capacity)
Females, would have a slight disadvantage at being physically sensitive (due to birth pain).
Female physical sensitivity, is a tertiary sexual function, or fetish function, aimed to increase sexual pleasure during the act, but it serves no role outside of that.Actually, it fulfills the primary function of social entertainment via grooming.

Homosexuality, is also a bit irrelevant, since true homosexuals are few and far inbetween.
We see an inversion of the male and female process…erroneous conclusions based on the outdated masculine and feminine dichotomy. People look to social norms, or perhaps even the past, to determine what ‘masculine and feminine’ is…but what do we choose? Apes, horses, spiders? Modern women, past women, etc? This is why one must not even look to the past to determine the optimum dichotomy, but to the roots of the equation, factoring in the Environment as the variable. If you ask a transsexual, who decides what masculine or feminine is by trendy social norms…she might say it is "masculine’ to stay at home…or feminine to be a busybody…since all of the women around her are busybodies who don’t stay at home…or, camo boots will be feminine because the fashion magazine says so…she cannot measure what actual masculine or feminine is at the core, the roots, because masculine and feminine are actually irrelevant constructs in her particular context. So we see an inversion…men who expand outward and chase after girls, are deemed feminine…men who stay at home, or men who socially manipulate others to get to the top of society…are deemed masculine…laziness becomes considered masculine…inversion of the optimized functions.

We see women all round us who are busybodies, men who are lazy…so we erroneously assume that being a busybody and avoiding home, is somehow feminine, and laziness, somehow masculine. We look at the moon, feel sleepy, and like some ancient tribe, unaware of the chemical hormone “estrogen”, label the moon “feminine”. ignoring the prime function of the hormone “estrogen”…evolved primary sexual functions, masculinity and femininity labels have become obsolete, deprecated, no longer a useful function. Even the top thinkers, such as Satyr, make also a bit of a mistake, confusing “natural selection” for "optimum selection’…Functions evolved in the species, characteristics derived from Estrogen, loosely coincide with the optimum functions, but are not the optimum functions, not the definitive "masculine/feminine’ traits…one must get to the roots, build and plot what the optimum functions are in terms of logical sense…not merely look back at the past for the random grabbag nature provided…which do we choose? Apes, pigs, cattle, horses…spiders, even? Which do we derive the best masculine/feminine patters? Male/female?

The Dna machine can be customized to fit any environment. in an inaustere environment, Males can become beautiful in appearance, like females, since the environment already has the food distribution infrastructure, males need not leave the home ever, thus, no need to have evolved breast reduction, they can essentially be lesbians. It can also be tweaked to fit hostile environments, males focusing more on bone density and breast reduction, in order to be able to sustain more damage from the environment.

Yeah it kinda is, attention carelessness is probably considered masculine, or even just apathy regarding specific things, but never completely. I think most men just want to be left alone, I think masculinity and femininity have always been irrelevant in the sense that there are two direct opposites, it’s probably always been like this to a degree, but today just more so…

Why would we map the “ideal” behavior on anything at all? things just form naturally, but femininity, in the sense of being submissive and docile, is being heavily promoted for the modern times as mere form of control, ideals do not really matter, you seem like the kind of person who takes the " a member of the public" as a literal involvement in a collective sense…as if that actually matters…

Isn’t that just typical patriarchy stuff, like traditional conservatism or something…This is kind of boring, why would you want this…

Modern society is socially selective towards the female, the male drops out because there really isn’t much to gain for him…and whether they realize it or not there is a “female revolution” happening, that he is kind of yawning at, if they enter into most work environments then he has to put up with all the female antics and be spoken down to and dictated to, as the female grins with a sense of superiority(this is often why women dart for managerial positions) most men will instinctively not like this and consider it kind of patronizing, and therefore not allow a women to have power of him, because why would he? Unless he is just a more feminine type of male and this never occurs to him at all.

So then they become lazy, play videos games where they can retain control in a virtual world. The new femininity is a social assertive pseudo masculinity and the new masculinity is a passive acceptance pseudo femininity, the change has already happened for the most part, the slides have been switched if you like, so the new kiddies will not know any different as they were never exposed to anything else…

So there you have it trixy, end of the world…don’t forget to bundle up…

If this is the case, then you should never address anything to him, mention him in one of your posts, or read anything he ever posts.
Deny him attention, and ignore his mistakes…just carry on.
That’ll serve him right.
Plenty of gifted minds on ILP.… choose one.

But trying to make your sexual dysfunction “healthy” is bad form.

Male/Female are sub-categories of the sub-category human, which in turn is a sub-category of the category mammals, and so on.
All these are sexual designations - reproductive behaviors, evolved in time the mental and physical traits to carry out their role within the interdependence of heterosexual reproduction.

Because the female carried the ovum, has control of it, in most species using heterosexual methods of genetic reproduction, the female buys what the male must sell, as worthy of her costs, her investment.
This evolves, in most species, including humans, the male mental and physical potentials, that may or may not be fully developed, of thinking outside the box, challenging authority, sparking philosophy and science as the challenge of natural processes, of empathy and projecting self in an alien organism’s mind…in females these same traits are less developed, or are developed to different degrees, and in different directions.
For example, because a female is social dependent during her pregnancy and weening phase, she developed, interpersonal empathy for the intimate, the similar. Her mind is focused on integrating herself within a group, and preserving the group’s cohesion, because this benefits her role.
Her role is a filtering one.
She controls who fertilizes the ovum, even in species where forced copulation ([size=85]rape[/size]) is part of the male’s response to female sexual dominance.
She increases the probabilities of fertilization by copulating with the desirable male during the most fertile phase in her menstrual cycle, and by orgasmic convulsions… some scientist claim that female orgasm is her body’s acknowledgment of the males genetic value, where the cervix dips into the most recent sperm deposit increasing the odds that the desirable sperm will fertilize her ovum.
This is so in species, such as many primates, and humans, where inferior males are not excluded from the social group, and intercourse is used as method of establishing and maintaining social alliances.

The male sex is the expendable sex.

Moved to Sandbox.

Expenditure is also Thinking. Thinking is not passive, it is rather supremely active. The brain using 80 percent of body heat illustrates this.

Good post, plenty to think about.

In absolute (thus fictive) division, the female sustains, is form, the male produces, is force.
But force also has its form; e.g. color, flowing hair, style of movement; indeed both sexes expend force directly into form without function other than to demonstrate the excess energy (merit) they have to offer.

“The Mating Mind” is a recommended read.

All three of you don’t get it…

You don’t get it. I am not saying it is “Good or bad” I am simply saying the optimum equation given the variable in a wasteland environment…in an environment of scarcity those are the optimum male and female attributes…get it…I never said I wanted a wasteland environment in the first place…Just like I dont like my whiny cat noises at me…If it were upto me we’d all be in some kind of lesbian utopia with hot girls everywhere…Course if you had actually read into my post and comprehended the whole thing you would have known this…

Again…I am not saying it is “Good or Bad”…I already made a post calling Trixie an attention slut so I don’t know where you came to the conclusion that I desire to modify Satyr’s attention seeking behavoir…

Woah woah…you’re getting ahead of yourself here. First we must acknowledge that natural selection is an imperfect process…a random grab bag. Males and females who live in the jungle are not the pinnacle of evolution…not the perfect DnA code…I mean if they were then why are they extinct? The females primary function is baby making.
So we, here, are trying to map what is the most optimized code for male female type species in an environment of scarcity. In an environment of plenty, males do not need bony ugly faces, since the danger is nil…therefore it is not “unhealthy” but in the jungle it gives a slight advantage (5%.) but it is not a primary sexual function, therefore not as important…If males did not evolve flat chests they would have a slight disadvantage (5%) but flat chests are not a primary sexual function of males. The main difference between male and female is Baby Making…If males evolved feminine faces and boobs and looked identical to females it would not be significantly unhealthy, however due to the chemical structure of the hormone Estrogen, and our bodies kind of configuration, such a thing also reduces sperm count and weakness in bones which could be detrimental to the tribe…however if our bodies metabolism was configured not to do that, if estrogen did not cause weaker bones or more bleeding it would not be a big deal, boobs would only 5-10% less combat agility.

The female, does not do sexual filtering Nature does the sexual filtering…The process is as follows. Females live in the community huts, males go into the jungle to feed…the males who do not come back do not have sex with the women…it’s really quite simple process. If a male successfully brings food back to the tribe, and the females refuse to have sex with him…it is the females which are malfunctioning, and this will cause the male to no longer support the tribe, perhaps even diverting his energies to anarchy and disrupting the community - therefore it is not female’s job to filter the males, it is the tree’s job. This is what I call an extraneous potentially detrimental function, an appendix, not an optimized function.

For example, in some threads they say needy males are feminine, not masculine…Not only is this an inversion but they are forgetting the basic functions at play here…needy males who hunt women are actually undergoing the base function of hunt reflex and the need to feed…therefore neediness is actually masculine ( a byproduct of the base hunt reflex and advanced hunger functions) but due to social inversion people invert masculinity and femininity, or point to other species using imperfect “natural selection” equations (pig, spider or cow) and not actually do the optimized equations themselves (substituting the Environment variable) and this is basically what the thread is about.

Just a butthurt mod who can’t appreciate good philosophy…If I recall, people here complained about too much posts about “masculinity and femininity” so…I make a post that will clean up the forums for you, reduce the exact posts you complain about and it gets moved to sandbox…What ridiculous treatment… Typical.

He said it was good, don’t you value his opinion mod?

Females produce milk, argument denied.

Also, I made a typo, I typed austere instead of inaustere cause I had the definitions reversed. I changed it though.

Irrelevant to whom, and since when?

irrelevance to philosophical discussions…I madethis thread because you all were complaining about too many injections of “masculine and femiine” dichotomy in discussions…

Like a bitch I get slapped by my abusive husband…now im crying in the corner…sent to the “sandbox” for trying to lend a helping hand, or baking a cake but putting in slightly too much sugar or forgetting the cherry on top…no good deed goes unpunished…


Lesbians are never hot, they are retarded. The ‘lesbians’ who are hot are not really lesbians, everybody knows this. A lesbian is an even more retarded version of a heterosexual woman, and generally equally as yukky, but anyways, lesbian or not, hot girls everywhere would be even more boring, usually hotness comes with a self-centered egoistical mind once hotness is felt and realized, and they are usually not bright enough to provide anything but physical stimulation, they are merely pleasing to the eye, which is a byproduct of their nature with little personal consciousness effort to present anything else, but for somebody like you I guess nothing else is really required, similar to that of a simple masculine man who works on a building site, and makes weird noises and cat calls as an attractive girls walks by, it’s enough to keep him happy, it begins there and ends there.

Not to mention your dreams of there being nothing but hot lesbians everywhere probably convinces you that it’ll increases the odds and the potential for your sexual contentedness social happiness, which I highly doubt given the fact you have a black snake dangling out your lower region, with little venom, might i add…Such a scenario would only be a more of torturing reality than the one you are going through now, if anything those girls would be interested in themselves and each other more than they would ever be interested in you, you might find the occasional oddball girl who will take an interest in your transgenderism but really it isn’t nothing more than her just making a social statement, declaring her so called indifference, you being the exposed fashion accessory that aids that, just how how straight women do with feminine men today… at the same time though, with you she can derive the benefits of being a fag hag, well in a certain way at least…

As soon as that statement has run it course and she jumps onto the next statement and social trend, you will be dropped immediately…sound familiar, darling?’s funny because you think by them being lesbians the circumstances will be different,and there will be some kind of relational understanding, but the fickle femininity still applies, especially if they are hot lesbians which are usually feminine…All this is on par with a beta male nice guy type who tries to establish an understanding with straight women, because they lack the natural dominance and masculinity to take control, begging her to see eye to eye with him, but the women always deep down inside resent them, ignore them, or use them then abandon them…sound familiar darling? One only has to look at your post history on women to confirm a similar experience…

But you’re right, it would be a utopia, for THEM!..but for you darling, a deeper darker depth of misery that you have convinced yourself that you would fit into perfectly and experience otherwise. Ever seen lesbians in a club when a transgender walks in? The oozing hostility is undeniable, they are never accepted as much you would think they are, In the clubs they are ignored, turned away, and usually own their own, or strangely enough appear with a straight girl or a gay male friend, this is why trans are trying to drop the T from LBGT, and go solo…Realizing that women are not inherently understanding and empathetic as society may think, especially lesbians! It even goes beyond this, ever seen lesbians around straight girls? The dislike is clear, they wont even accept curious straight girls, nor will they accept those who have children with men, or a woman who is trying something different other than men, they’ll deem them fake…

You would have a better chance if you were surrounded by hot gay boys, it would be a better fit for you… The lesbian angle is the denial of your own faggotry mixed with the difficulty of trying to separate yourself from the remaining remnants of the fragmented straight boy within you…

You’re more of a misfit than David Beckham wearing a do rag while meeting Prince Charles… :mrgreen:

again you don’t “get” it…you expose your ignorance for all…

Everyone would be lesbians, me, you, and everyone else. Snakes between legs could be a hot option, some might take it others not. Brains could be modified for lesbians to appreciate their own hotness…This isn’t David Beckham wearing a doorag…get out of here with that. When I say everyone would be lesbians, I’m not talking about trigglypuff central, this is girls gone wild.

Your dna “machine” is a crap idea. What other ideas do you have?

In an ideal world masculine and feminine would complement in order to achieve goals nether could achieve on its own.

It is not a bad idea. It will accomplish 5 things.

  1. Increase intelligence and nobility level which will
  2. Decrease war
  3. Increase wealth and health
  4. Decrease crime yet also decrease rules and regs
  5. Increase happiness, sexual health, and science

it is a game changer…people will look at the pre-DnA machine days as the dark ages…they call this “Modernity”? People will look at Modernity and moderns the same way they looked at the barbarians.

The creators probably wouldn’t even share it, just like when they terraform other planets, manipulate the environment and make it habitable for human beings, you may have the masses cheer them on while entertaining the idea that they’ll be included too, which I highly doubt it.

Why would they want weak and ugly slaves?