the Joy of living in America...

just another example of the evil nature of America/capitalism…

for most Americans, me included, we have to work to get health insurance…
I need to work 94 hours a month to get health insurance…
In January, I got Covid and missed some time at work…
today, when to the store the get some meds, I really need
and discovered that my insurance is no longer covered… I didn’t get
my hours for the month and thus I have no insurance for the month of March…
now keep in mind that one ER visit, the last one ran over 17,000 dollars for
5 hours in the ER… ONE visit to the ER this month and we go bankrupt…
it is as simple as that…and that doesn’t even count going into a hospital,
just visiting the ER for a few hours will be enough to drive us into bankruptcy…

and once again, we see America at its worst… you must work to get health care…
you must make profits, if you want to be covered by health care…
that is the very evil aspect of big business… no work, no health care… and
if you lose that health care, you are simply shit out of luck…
there is no recourse, no way to get insurance unless you are willing to
pay for COBRA and that is over 2,000 month for health insurance…
and what if you don’t happen to have 2,000 grand laying around for health
insurance? once again, you are fucked…

we can’t go to the hospital for any reason or even visit our local doctor
as I am scheduled for an appointment on Fri… we can’t buy our pills,
the monthly average of our pills is around $800 a month to cover our daily pills…

if I were to break my leg… that would necessity our bankruptcy,
basically, the selling of everything we own… that is how fucked up
the American system is…one medical emergency and you are forced
into bankruptcy…or such dire money problems that the only recourse is
to declare bankruptcy… or be in debt for the rest of our lives… one
medical problem and I won’t be able to retire in a year and half, as I hope
to… I would be forced to work until I am at least 70… and tell me again,
how the American medical system is the greatest one on earth?

and this happens thousands of times a year, to Americans…
with no end in sight…


What you have said here, belies what you say elsewhere on the site.

I don’t get it? :woman_shrugging:t3:

I guess they gotta get money to fund all the mass-migrations from somewhere :woman_shrugging:t3: