The Kingdom of Boredom

I now realize, that boredom is the absolute motivator for genius.

After all needs have been fulfilled: clean water, substantial food, shelter, warmth, luxury, sex, a man has nothing left TO DO. What can a man do, after all his needs are sufficed?? He lazes about in a daze, drifting to one source to the next, feeding his higher addictions. For information. Didd you know that electronic information is the most powerful drug of all? And that, as humanity continues to evolve, this drug will become more and more potent over the next decades?

But who is the supplier of information, except the philosopher? This is a man, who, creates thoughts and ideals for other people to consume. He is a drug dealer, of information, and a pimp to those addicted to their fixes. I, must, have, more, information. And the human mind never seems filled up, on top of all this luxury and excess, on top of this BOREDOM.

I can only imagine what it must feel like to sit on the throne of mankind, and to live under the curse of boredom. Didn’t the ancient pharaohs live this way, just absolutely bored with themselves? I am sure they did. So what did they do for fun? What did the roman emperors do for fun? They started to take their addictions higher. Not only was mere entertainment not enough, but the blood of christians soon became desired to fill this need, this starvation, due to boredom. So too, now, do people in the first world become restless in a stupor that requires MORE, MORE, MORE. The need is pertinent.

Why were weak minded Christian scum fed to thelions of Rome? Because it was a fun thing to do. It was fun to watch, these sub humans being torn apart by lions, having their innards spilled out onto the dust, and painted in crimson red. The cheer roared in a FURY, a blood lust. And the legions and legions of Roman citizens chanted for MORE, MORE BLOOD, to fill the needs of their boredom. So too now, this is where we find outselves today, right? Entertainment will not suffice. We need something more, POTENT, something more, VIOLENT.

Ancient pharaohs used to kill their citizens, for fun, for mere entertainment. Why not? So what will happen today when the citizens of the first world grow weary and restless, and hungry for more and more blood? HIstory has a strange way of repeating, doesn’t it?

What I do to fulfill my own boredom, is quite simple. I design very, very powerful and potent memes to affect weak minds (like yours) with my propaganda, with my ideals, and with my thinkings. It works everytime. In fact, I fail very infrequently. I know how to step right through all of your mental defenses. Why and how? It is because I have bene doing this a long time. I can even teach people how to do it, at this point. It is like an instruction manual, for controlling people’s minds.

But, one must be smart to be a GOOD trafficker of information. In this century, the true drug lords will be lords of information. Data lords. Trafficking new ideals from a source, a powerful CREATOR MIND, like God. This mind is the one who creates all the thoughts in the world. And other data lords want to emulate His thinking, but, cannot. Because the best thinking, and good thinking, is strictly genetic. You either are born with the thinking gene, or you are out of luck, sorry, case closed. Those who do have this thinking gene, well, we can create and destroy thoughts and ideals as God creates and destroys matter. We say what is, or what is not, for universal truths. And in doing so, in knowing ushc potent facts of the universe, can traffick this infomration to whomever pays the highest price.

Information is money.

And so boredom inspires me, as it inspire you. This is the WORST CURSE OF ALL, to be confined to boredom, and have nothing to do. It is the most painful existence, when one becomes UNSATIFIED even after all the amenities are fulfilled. One begins to crave blood, Christian blood. One wants to see it painted on the ground of the colloseum, in a fine display of guts and still warm organs, gushing everywhere. You can see the two powerful, male lions clamped on the shoulder and legs of a Christian animal, pulling him off the ground with their might, from opposite directions. The crowd rises to their feet, roaring with the lions, who can still be heard over the stadium full of fanatics. Then, the two lions backing apart in opposite directions, it happens, the Christian torso gets ripped in two and a splash of deep red blood sprays into the air. Isn’t it brilliant?! Isn’t it lushious and exhillerating?! It certainly is. You, dear reader, most likely are one of the crowd. But a few readers, are those of the Christian lot, who will be cast into the arena to await their own turn to die.

The strong feed on the weak, always.

The human body, and mind, never stops craving more and more consumption. The need only becomes more acute, sharper, as boredom chips away at the psyche.

Great post!

However, I don’t think boredom is the worst state - terrible pain and life-disasters are worse than boredom. And boredom, as we internet users know well, is fairly easily overcome.

Absolutement, mon ami. After all, I think it’s a categorically imperative transcendental idealistic fact that reading Kant will end all boredom as we know it on this planet simply by providing a contrasting corrective to every other possible experience, even and including listening to Faust and friends on hurricaneradio. :wink:

jonquille diabolique

Tu as raison (but it only works if you prop your eyelids open with matchsticks to keep you awake) !

Mais oui, monsieur bussie… comme ceci:

But my love for Kant transcends all such petit concerns. What are boredom and vanity but silly baubles compared to enlightened transcendentalism?

Ha! Kant a cure for boredom? That’s a first. I guess if you really, really understood what he was saying it might be captivating, but this is an unattainable ideal even amongst Kant scholars as they themselves admit.

Learn to read, Gib. The key is in the words “contrasting corrective.” I better parse it out for you. After reading Kant, everything else will seem interesting by contrast. It’s a joke (for the humor challenged).

I disagree, I think absolute boredom is even worse than losing your family and dearest loved ones in a horrible, bloody, and slow death car accident.

Boredom definitely is worse than that.

Absolute boredom must consist of a life lived as though one were a dead person in a coffin. Anaesthetic claustrophobia trumps a bloody, excruciatingly painful, slow-motion death in a car accident simply because it doesn’t have any sort of end in praxis, meaning one coffin is as good as another.

jonquil, happy to add to the endless stream of absolutely boring posts that help fill the ILP coffin

See life in a coffin here:

Aaaah! I detected a hint of a joke in there, but couldn’t be sure. Then you said:

which lead me to believe you really did love Kant (i.e. he doesn’t bore you at all) and have a profounding understanding of his wisdome indeed.

But maybe it’s both: you understand him, love him, and find interesting everything else by contrast. C’est correct?

Ha! Seeping, you would say that.


That’s how I see it, jonquil. It is like being trapped inside a coffin, FOREVER, unable to die or kill yourself.

It is like purgatory; isn’t purgatory worse than hell? At least in hell, you are tortured with pain. And that is SOMETHING to consume your time. But being bored, I think that maybe a worse fate than hell.

So you’re telling me that you would rather be stabbed in the abdomen with a stake glowing red-hot than be bored - even out of your wits? It seems obvious to me that you don’t know life - let alone ‘nothing’.

Drama, whether good or bad, relieves boredom. Even if I were stabbed in the abdomen with hot pokers, that instantly would relieve my boredom. But there is a difference between suffering and DYING, that you apparently failed to catch. There is a difference living 1000 years, bored out of your mind, than living 1000 years, and being tortured. I would say the torture maybe bearable compared to the pains of boredom. So yeah, I still think boredom is a worse fate, as torture would be something to look forward to, at the very least.

What does this have to do with nothing? I detect RESENTMENT here. You may want to discuss your issue in the other thread, where it appropriately belongs.

Il est très correct, mon ami Gib. Merci beaucoup de votre arrangement précis. O:)

jonquille of the babelfishes

Jonquil definitely prefers purgatory over hell, at least on Mars anyway. It is exactly like hell, only temporary. She has decided, peremptorily and non-boringly of course, that Dante’s hellish version of boredom suits exactly the deadly sin of luxuria, which naturally includes bloodlust. It is the greatest of ironies, then, that one who is stuck in the hell or earthly purgatory of boredom most desires his former lust above all things. Jonquil therefore advises this sinner to enter a Buddhist monastery at once and follow the path that extinguishes all desire in favor of the bliss of all blisses.

Bosch’s Luxuria:

What Dante’s hell of boredom might look like as seen by Blake:

That’s got to be some boredom!

Nah, it’s just an inside joke.

De rien - or is it one word: derien? I would think two words: of nothing… I really have to brush up on my french! Graduating from a high school level of french emersion doesn’t do the language justice. It’s been 15 years and not once have I practiced my french - not seriously at least. I’m getting rusty to say the least :smiley:

Lol. De nada works just fine for me. I’m sure babelfish would sort it out for you just fine. Almost all my French comes from there; it’s so much fun.

“Life swings like a pendulum backward and forward between pain and boredom.” - Schopenhauer

“Idleness, then, is so far from being the root of evil that it is rather the true good. Boredom is the root of evil; it is that which must be held off. Idleness is not the evil; indeed, it may be said that everyone who lacks a sense for it thereby shows that he has not raised himself to the human level. There is an indefatigable activity that shuts a person out of the world of spirit and places him in a class with the animals, which instinctively must always be in motion.” - Kierkegaard

it’s all about the idleness, and one must be able to amuse and entertain oneself.