I just had a serious revelation when I saw Steve-O drink his own piss. Does not God also drink His own piss? Consider this:
I am ‘of’ God, and, I piss. Even if I do it neatly in a toilet, it will be absorbed by the Great Waters of the Earth, which is All of Him. I’m not sure if this consummation of my bodily fluids can be called drinkin, but then, neither did Steve-O’s motorics while taking in himself his own piss seem much like drinking. I don’t know if you’ve seen it, but there was something peculiar about it.
If Steve-O dies indeed possess this attribute of the great Begetter of All, this can explain in part his popularity. But what is essential to understand that not only does Steve-O endure pain inflicted on him by others voluntarily, like Jesus in his disposition of Christ, but he chooses his own suffering. In a way that shounds like Nietsche to me. I don’t mean similar to Nietzsche, but as something which Nietzsche might have hailed in his multifarious songs of praise.
Certainly, Steve-O, be he akin to God or not, is not akin to ‘He whom Nietzsche loves’ as the philosopher describes in the Will to Power - “He who enjoys only that which is wholesome for him” Then again, who is to say Steve-O’s piss is not wholesome for Steve-O? Who can tell what laws determine the entity Steve-O?
God should get hiz own reality show, dawg.
Okay, I had to google Steve-O because I am not hip enough to know who he is.
defamer.com/hollywood/steve+ … 202590.php
When will it all end? Sorry if I don’t see the philosophical significance to this, but I don’t. At best, it smells like blasphemy and makes a mockery of the faithful here at ILP. Am I wrong?
“The entire culture surounding the idea of god today in my nation is laughable, ancient non-sense. All I see is Christendom and Islam, I have become sower towards god because of these fools.”
Is that what Jakob meant to say?
How can you deny that God drinks His own piss? I think it is unholy to exclude the greater mysteries of regeneration from religion. If you have a God who turns away from the most fundamental mechanics in our ecosystem, what kind of God is that?
I think Steve O does far more to further the Lords Aims, and to make him understood to the slower members His herd, than is his duty as a mortal. He is almost a Christ figure, someone who takes all the suffering unto himself and remains joyous.
The Lord works in mysterious ways, Bessy.
No, it is not. I have nothing against Christendom and certainly not against Islam. But I am always on the lookout for new manifestations of the All-begetter. And neither in Christendom nor Islam have i seen such dramatic figures arise as Steve-O.
I found this one really hilarious when I first saw it. It appears, however, that the next episode would be much more outrageous.
hey, if god drinks his own pee he’ll be eternally young… lol…‘eternally’ LOL
God should get hiz own reality show, dawg.
Its been on since Ronald Raegan.