As a human we don’t know squat. We don’t know what we can know, and within what we think we know we can know we know very little.
A part can not understand the whole. That much we might understand.
Religon is mankinds way of being honest about that.
This honesty is what virtually none of the religious know of themselves, but it is still true about 100% of them. That makes it so powerful - they’re even ignorant of their own honesty.
Religion is the only way to properly deal with the excess of ignorance we embody.
“God” is, on the deep down emotional system, the premise “I don’t know jack but accept what I don’t know as awesome”
Thats by far the most powerful attitude for a human to walk around with.
Religious people are always the badasses of the planet. For good or for ill.
As ignorance gets further stripped and religions get down to their cores and brass tacks, wars will become less interesting, as religion for its own sake is entirely absorbing, because it addresses the so-much-more with open arms.
Religion puts valuing of the whole being first, while science puts the specific part that is entirely predictable first.
Science is thus more surgical and will always dominate how things are being done, but religion will keep dominating why things are done. “Because God (aka existence beyond our limited views on it) is Great”.
This attitude naturally prevails over the sense that God (idem) is not Great (a depressive, weak position) and the sense that God does not exist - which is, given the given definition of religion, untenable. By his/her/its/their definition, God exists.
Logically then the coming thousands of years will be the refinement of religion until this gaze of wonder, of which also all science is born, is the basic condition of human outlook.