The most unanswerable question of the year?

What do you consider the most unanswerable question, of 2023?

  • The necessity for any of the toxic ingredients in ‘all’ pharmaceuticals?
  • What a man or a woman, is?
  • How many genders there are?
  • If minors are old enough to take puberty-blockers and choose to transition and to decide to surgically change sex?
  • Are paedophiles simply just people that just happen to be attracted to minors?
  • Is all the above^ just a ruse, for when ‘the guilty’ get their day in court for the heinous crimes they have committed, and can cite the above^ as part of their defence case.
0 voters


  • Why does the pharmaceutical industry keep insisting on putting toxic additives in all injectables and medications?

  • What is a man/woman?

  • How many genders are there?

  • Are minors old enough to drink/drive/vote/smoke/procreate, etc. etc. etc… and to take puberty-blockers and choose to transition and to decide to surgically change sex?

  • Are paedophiles simply just ‘minor-attracted persons’?

Is all the above^ just a ruse, for when ‘the guilty’ get their day in court, for the heinous crimes they have committed, and can cite the above^ as part of their defence case?

Why I chose ‘all the above’, of course…