which tribe?!?
this is environmentalist propaganda dressed up in “native american” regalia and it is offensive.
to blanket all 550+ DISTINCT AND SEPARATE nations under the moniker “native american” and think that they all thought the same thoughts is offensive.
the Cherokee were originally from southern georgia and florida… lots of snow there for the “blessing”…
an Apache would scalp you as soon as look at you… the pacifist lies are sickening…
Imp… I would not go as far as saying it is offensive, no more so than your comment about the Apache’s. There were many more of them, far more than you have read about.
Georgia was in the snow at one time, remember, we have been in global warming for 20’000 + years.
Of course you will not find many aunthentic photes of the Natives in their time, atleast not any happy photo’s. So, pictures have been created to paint a beautiful picture of the Native culture, good, because before the photographers came around, it was quite beautiful.
No, this is not an authentic video, however, it was obviously made by someone with good intention.
Sorry if the post offended Imp. It was not my intention to do so. If you care to delete it, please do.
60 million were killed. Pacifist all of them.
the one that resisted were demonized. That is all.
Why would it be deleted, and why would any of you be offended. Are these your ancestors? Did the time of the Native affect you?
sweep genocide under the rug.
Sweeping is good.
Speaking of Apache…
no, there is no good intention behind an offensive lie.
The most heinious and evil lies is sanctimoniousity.
Imp, perhaps you will want to check out the source for your link, I am assuming that it is written by a white man. We are back to square one.
The Apache you speak of were Warriors, kill or be killed mentality… hence the word War. Welcome to your world.
There was more to the Apache then the Warriors, there were Women, Children, and Elders. Be careful not to bunch them all together.
You said there was no snow in Georgia when the Cherokee settled. That is easily disputed, but either way, the Natives settled in North America during the Ice Age, they tracked through snow for Thousands of years before they reached their destination, so, stories with snow will be part of all our ancestors past.
Lies are nothing new to any of us right, Welcome.
If we spend all of our time angry about the lies, we will not learn the truth.
and if we spend our time spouting half truths and lies as gospel, we make many enemies.
Very Good Imp…
I will respond late this evening, I will tell you what I know.
You are right about assumptions, eventually we run out of knowing and we start assuming.
Here’s the one commandment that people really care about:
- ultimately being more efficient and less polluting will save more money than being wasteful and impractical for everyone whether or not anthropogenic global warming exists. In fact in terms of long term models the savings can only be exponential.
The only real problem here is that the time scales of government are small, and the time scales of business smaller still.
I must admit I’m pro efficiency and pro streamlining and pro renewable energy and so on, and for actually remarkably economic and pargamtic reasons, go fusion! You really are going to get nowhere convincing people with old superstition repackaged by modern people. That will just persuade the give peace a chance, hippy types, or the already converted. The only way to convince people is to speak to their bank accounts and their sense of the practical. If you can convince people that they will gain personally, then you’re in. Really it’s a pretty selfish world, and you wont get far speaking to the mighty eagle in people that soars above Earthly concerns.
This reminds me of another bit of myth mongering in the rant thread, ie how we will all be communists by Christmas 2010, they equally use some unrelated ideas to try and bring together loosely disparate ideologies and ideas, they stir the emotions, if not the ability to reason critically. Not very effective though, unless as I say you’re into preaching to the converted.
Damn straight.
Liteninbolt, curious, did you create this slide show, or did you radomly discover it on youtube? If so, why were you drawn to it, enough to post it on here?
Imp, to answer your question about the orgin of the Apache language and the meaning of the Apache name, I am sure you already know most, or you would not have asked.
Apache= given during the Spanish raids, meaning “Enemy” Translated by the Spanish, of course they were enemies to the Spanish. The Spanish did not have good intentions.
The Apache had two laguages, one for the warriors, and one for the tribe, so to base the warrior on the whole tribe would be wrong.
The Apache did not call themselves “Apache”. The regarded themselves as Nide= “the people”
I will not go into detail, because I am sure you are familar with most of this, but what you are familar with has been translated. One word can change an entire sentence.
To reinterate your original comment, You said that Apache would scalp you if you looked at them. That is the Spanish theory, a translated theory. Of course, the Spanish had to watch their scalps around an Apache, they were the enemy afterall. But, ask a Pueblo “Indian” about an Apache, you would hear something different, even the French version is different. So what you know is based on assumption, and we already know what you think about assumptions.
Basically, this youtube video is based on an assumption, but the intention is a good one, so it would seem harmless. How do you think it should have been dipicted to give a correct translation of the things you know?
I know little about the heritage or practices of any indian tribe. It was my assumption someone who is of indian decent had made this presentation. Some tribes in North America have a spiritual background of one form or another which is why it caught my interest. Originally, I had found this video at another site, but it had no affiliations with YouTube, so I looked for it there.
If the video was created by other than someone of a tribe, I seen nothing outwardly offensive in it’s nature. I have no vested interest in perpetuating or creating ill feelings with any culture in any form. There must have been times when indian peoples enjoyed peace and joy of their lands…this is where I saw the beauty of this video.
Liteninbolt… You are right to assume that this video was created by someone of Native decent, but my assumption would be that it is made by someone who has recently discovered a part of their blood line. Someone who has tryed to learn about where they come from, we all do it at some point I assume.
I assume that most Natives would not find this offensive, It portrayed the Natives beautifully, and that is how most Natives saw themselves before the “coming of the white man”.
Unfortuantly a modern video would not be as flattering.
Like all cultures the Natives also have their commandments, Same meaning, different words. They also have a story simular to the story of Moses, different people.
Like Imp said, it would be wrong to blanket all under the same belief, just like the Commandments of Moses, we all know about it, but we all do not follow it.
It is all about respect and disciple, be good people, live a good life.
Cultural appropriation.
iron eyes cody had no indian blood
bunch of fucking environmentalist propagandist liars