Having just found a couple of questions from a new member, I thought I might enter here an essay I wrote some time ago. It was actually intended for my children should they say, at some time in the future ‘I wish I had asked Dad that.’ It was, and is, my intention to make it into a rather more ‘tight’ argument, but in view of those questions I thought I would enter it now, ‘warts and all’. Here goes!!!
Preamble. Why did I write this? Recently I heard, for the umpteenth time, somebody say “I wish I had asked my father (mother) that when he was alive”. I therefore decided to write down what I think whilst I still can. There is much that I may find time to write, but I thought I would start with my most controversial belief. It is this that has driven my attitudes to everything in life and has, therefore, resulted in what some regard as my more eccentric angles on various subjects. Some have also found them surprisingly different but remarkably sensible. I added this preamble after I completed the first draft of the essay. It was then that I found what a major exercise it would become. Anyway, here it, and maybe more, is. 29th. January 2003.
An Essay on the Nature of our Existence
The object of this article is to expound a logical manner in which we, as part of a much larger and partly unsuspected whole, exist. I believe that, although some of the particulars may change with debate and discovery, it contains the core of the truth of our existence. As it will be dismissed out of hand by those who believe that what you see is all that there is, I direct it mainly at those who already believe in the existence of the soul. It may also be of some interest to those who feel that the mind, somehow, survives death but are unconvinced by the versions portrayed by the present major religions.
I have spent some thirty years pondering this problem and reading books and articles on a variety of related subjects. I have also discussed it with many different groups of people, as a result of which I have heard numerous first hand accounts of unusual events they have experienced and which they have only revealed when they have seen that I am genuinely interested. I have frequently been told that, due to a fear of being disbelieved or laughed at, they have never previously told anybody outside their immediate friends or family.
I have started from the premise that if such survival occurs, it must do so in a form that has a complete internal logic. It may seem fantastic to "modern" thinking, and, indeed, extremely unlikely, as indeed do many of the world's theological ideas, but it must have a logical consistency. I have further accepted that most, if not all, of the occurrences and experiences that have been used by me in this article were described to me in good faith, i.e. the people certainly believed that what they thought transpired had indeed actually occurred; they were telling the truth as they saw it.
My own views have changed in detail, somewhat, over the years. Indeed writing this article has done much to crystallise my thoughts, but I, obviously, now describe the position they are at the present moment.
There are three main factors from which my ideas have grown. Firstly, I have long believed re-incarnation to be a fact, although I now regard it very much as a simplification of the truth. This is not a necessary requirement to the theory, but it is what led me down this path of thinking.
Secondly, whilst under hypnosis, in an attempt, unsuccessful, to regress to a previous life I suddenly experienced an overwhelming feeling of happiness, bordering on bliss. On discussing this with a “born again” Christian I found that she had experienced just the same feeling whilst in prayer and that this was what prompted her conversion.
Thirdly, one of the current thoughts in physics is String or M Theory. At the time of writing, this postulates a ten or eleven dimensional universe, of which we are cogniscent of only three spatial dimensions and time, or just three space-time dimensions. The other dimensions are somehow “wrapped up” at the points at which these ten dimensional particles, or strings, exist. Quite whether time is a dimension at all, or just a phenomenon of “our” three spatial dimensions is a matter for those interested in relativity. I am going to assume that there are ten dimensions, that the three spatial dimensions on which we exist are the “lowest” of the ten and that the time “dimension” is just an “overlay” of these three. This could prove to be inaccurate, but is a good basis around which to develop the theory, which may need to be varied as more is discovered. Whilst we perceive “our” three dimensions as being the only “unwrapped” dimensions I see no reason for another entity not to exist on three, or more, or less of his own separate or overlapping dimensions and possibly believe that his are the only “unwrapped” dimensions.
My Hypothesis
A mind exists across many or all dimensions. Some parts of these dimensions are variously referred to as me, the sub-conscious, the super conscious, ones guardian angel, god and various other names. The majority of us, the majority of the time are only consciously aware of “our” three and time (or “our” three space/time); the “me”. The major part of a mind exists in the dimensions of which we are unaware. Thus, as individuals, we are only a very small part of what we may regard as “our” whole.
When one is under hypnosis, at prayer or in meditation what is happening is that all the normal inputs to the brain are being shut down or ignored, leaving the brain free to become aware of it’s basic background “noise” and any input that may be coming from other sources. These sources are the higher dimensions of the mind. As all the normal inputs constitute attention-getting “offences” to the brain one is left with no negative impediments, hence the overwhelming feeling of bliss; love if you like. Since this usually happens, as already mentioned, when one is contemplating some aspect of ones own religion, in meditation or prayer, it is usually sufficient to convince you that you have made connection with your God and that your religion is the correct one.
Having thought long about this paragraph since I first wrote it, it occurs to me that, in fact, all but one of the senses are shut down, not all. Under hypnosis the sense of sound is still being used and in prayer a small part of the brain is being directed in one direction. Both of these, however, leave sufficient space for the higher dimensions to “get through”. The other occasion when this occurs is when one is overcome with the thought of a new “beau”. This could explain that totally illogical human emotion called “falling in love”!!! The more you think about the new love, the more intense the concentration and the more the background feeling of bliss penetrates the mind, it is self perpetuating.
This account of the whole mechanism is, I am afraid, bad news for the religious “authorities” as, if what you wish to do is make contact with your higher self, or god, or indeed heaven, any religion, or none, will do; so long as you adopt some form of hypnosis, self-hypnosis, contemplation, meditation or prayer. Interestingly this is just what a number of religions, including Gnosticism, Hinduism and Buddhism appear to have professed as the correct path to take.
So what happens when one dies?
We have no definite reports! We do however have a number of clues. It is here worth considering the reports made by some people of their “whole life passing before them” in circumstances where they are convinced of their imminent death. It would appear, and here I have not spoken with anyone to whom it has occurred, that in, maybe, a “split second” all the events of a persons life are recalled, in detail, by them. Whether this includes events that they had forgotten and events occurring prior to their “event horizon” (i.e. when they were a baby), or not, I am not aware, but, again, this would be something well worth looking in to. I suspect that these flashes do include those events. The apparent time that this takes to occur is so short that something unusual must be happening. What?
It seems that this is where the expression “frightened out of my mind” originates. If, indeed, the mind is in the same dimensions as the brain is in the first place. I suspect that the “me” may actually exist, either partly or in total, outside our three dimensions but is so strongly connected to it through the brain that we are unaware of this distinction. What is happening in a state of severe fright is that the connection to this next dimension (or these further dimensions) is being temporarily broken and that the “me” is now in an area where time either operates differently or does not exist at all, thereby giving us the ability to examine our whole life in such an apparently short time. This is one of the factors that leads me to suspect that time is merely an “overlay” of our normal three dimensions.
We must also here consider what are known as “near death experiences”. A large number of people who have come very close to death, possibly during operations or after accidents, have reported unusual events. These appear to fall into a sort of pattern. What the majority of these cases report is that they are drawn towards a brilliant white light. The effect of being drawn towards this light is of rushing through a tunnel. Despite the brilliance of the light it does not appear to hurt the eyes. On arriving at the end of the tunnel one is met by whoever one would either expect, or wish, to meet had the situation been considered before the event. Some meet their mother, father, or any other dead relative of whom they were fond, whilst Christians may meet Jesus or Mary, and presumably people of other faiths meet some notable from that faith. Some have even reported meeting a number of people and some, surprisingly, even a favourite, dead pet being present!
It seems to me that what you are actually meeting is the higher dimensions of yourself, your own soul. It strikes me that the obvious way that your soul can put the “me” completely at ease is to adopt a guise that will cause you to immediately “transmit” that same feeling of love which is the medium in which it exists. Or possibly this “medium” is just, apparently, produced by the sudden total cessation of all other inputs that I mentioned earlier. For those going through a near death experience this is as far as it goes. Nobody has ever reported touching this apparition, indeed some are strictly warned against doing so or they cannot go back. I use the word apparition, but those who have had this experience definitely regard it as an actual, solid person, the real thing. The conversations reported at this stage vary from private tittle tattle to the nature of everything… I particularly like the account where the person said they were completely aware of the way the whole universe worked, and it was so beautiful and logical; but afterwards could not remember any of it. At this stage in our existence we are not permitted to know the full story.
There are two points I would like to make here. Firstly the feeling of bliss or love, that I mentioned earlier, being the medium of the soul. This is a relative term. As I described all the normal inputs to the brain as being negative impulses, when they cease the feeling can only be positive. Rather like putting ones hand in a bowl of cold water and then a body temperature one. The normal temperature feels hot. So the absence of inputs feels like bliss, or love. I suspect that after death this feeling rapidly reverts to being the norm and thus becomes unnoticed. Secondly someone to whom this near death experience has occurred described to me the experience of “tasting” sounds. Since all sensory inputs are instantaneously removed, the normal parts of the “me”, which do the receiving of these inputs, are suddenly receiving nothing and, prior to being taken out of the circuit, are briefly looking for something to compare this new nothing with and therefore confusing the different senses, giving this peculiar result.
I believe and expect that, for those who die, contact is made with this apparition and that your mind is somehow “absorbed” into the greater you. I might here mention that a distant relative of mine, who was having a particularly uncomfortable death was reported as having, from a very drugged state, opened his eyes, smiled, moved as if to reach forward and fallen back dead. Contact with the apparition was made. This is , I believe, the normal method of departure. When you make this contact with your soul, any hostilities you are carrying are immediately and totally disarmed, or left behind, and forgiveness, understanding and total sympathy for others, which is the normal state of the higher self, take over completely. At death you actually “dissolve” into your higher self and are able to view your whole life completely dispassionately and uncritically. Passion and criticism are only characteristics of “our” three dimensions.
At some point thereafter, time not being relevant here, you take yourself through a complete de-brief of the life you have just completed. I believe this can happen before you have been absorbed into your higher self and can, therefore, be a fairly horrific affair. I can only think that this is the reason for some fairly nasty reports of out of body experiences. It may also give rise to the account in the “Tibetan Book of the Dead” of the nightmare through which you pass after death. If you have not read the Tibetan Book of the Dead, fear not, it states that if you hold to the truth, that this is only a reflection and de-brief of all the thoughts of your former mind, including all the “dustier”, forgotten corners, all will be well. That has saved you having to read the Tibetan Book of the Dead.
Judgement Day?
This de-brief is undertaken by your higher self, of which you are now a fully integrated part, and can be a very peaceful and wonderful event, because the rest of ones mind, the soul, into which you have been absorbed, is all-accepting and completely aware of all your faults and mistakes. It is your own soul that makes all the judgements upon your death, although judgements is definitely the wrong word; assessments of progress, or otherwise, is infinitely more accurate, and it can do so because it is fully aware of the whole, ultimate truth. This soul, of which you are only an extension, decides what course of action to take after your departure from this earth.
Let us now look at some of the levels of mind that are a bit closer to home, our own lower dimensions. There are a number of interesting phenomena that have been reported over the years. These include mental telepathy, awareness of events as they occur at some considerable distance, precognitive dreaming, and, most peculiar of all, the case of the man who could diagnose medical conditions, whilst in a state of self hypnosis, in people who may not even have been on the same continent as he was. I would describe this as “the higher up the dimensions you go the more interconnected they become”, the larger becomes your immediate family of souls. You may not have to go up many levels to know what your wife is thinking! You would have to go up rather more to know what is going to happen next week.
The lowest level above our own, I would suggest, involves the well documented common awareness between twin siblings, and other similar occurrences. As I read over this I find in the newspaper the story of twin brothers, one of whom was rushed to hospital with suspected appendicitis, which cleared as suddenly as it had appeared, at exactly the same time as his brother was operated on, unbeknownst to him, for the same complaint. We can clearly see the relationships here but, for all that, these are still super-normal phenomena.
Beyond knowing what someone else is thinking we have seeing events at a distance. Possibly the earliest recorded, and most famous, case of seeing events afar is that of Swedenborg’s house fire. He suddenly rose in alarm, from the dinner table, to say that his house, some considerable distance away, was on fire. Some time later he calmed down and announced that it was out and nobody had been hurt. All the details he had given were confirmed, at a later time, both by those who had been present at the fire and those who were with him at the dinner table.
Words -
During the war an aircraft was hit by enemy fire. With one engine out and the other overheating the crew were ordered to jump. The navigator was about the third man out. As he went through the hatch his parachute webbing caught on the door which slammed shut, leaving him hanging under the aircraft. At this point a voice said to him, to his perception loudly, “Don’t pull the chord”. Had he done so his parachute would have been wrapped around the tail-wheel and he would have died. The next man out managed to use all his strength to open the hatch, the navigator fell away and survived. The navigator was my father.
- and Actions
Near the end of the war a soldier was making his way across a ploughed field when he froze with fear. He was quite alone and exposed. A hand took him by the elbow and guided him to the far side of the field. When he looked around nobody was there. This man spoke at my wedding, of lighter things.
Intelligent Interpretation
If we go up another level, or more, we come across the mysterious case of Edgar Cayce. He used to go into a voluntary state of self hypnosis and then, after having been given the name and address of someone who may have been many miles away, rarely even on a different continent, gave a complete rundown of their medical condition and a suggested course of treatment. His diagnoses appear to have been one hundred per cent accurate and his description of their problem was often described, by the “patients”, as “more accurate than I could have given myself”. He sometimes spoke in languages he did not know, and regularly used medical terms of which he was completely unaware in his normal waking state. He had to read what he had said when he woke up; he remembered nothing of it. He did this over nine thousand times. There were, apparently, two people with similar abilities found by Mesmer when he first discovered hypnosis or mesmerism. A few more could save a fortune for the NHS!
We are here dealing with a different level of communication altogether. It includes a level of intelligence completely outside that of the physical participants and is the first clue, as we go up the dimensions, that some additional “outside” levels of mind may be involved. Another incongruous phenomenon is automatic writing whereby the hand appears to write with no conscious input from the person to whom it is attached. This is sometimes in a foreign language, which may be unknown to that person, and occasionally it is music, the writing of which that person may know nothing about. It usually occurs when people are under hypnosis. It was whilst contemplating this phenomenon that the kernel of my present ideas came to me.
Many years ago I read a book called “The Link”, about the poltergeist experiences of Matthew Manning, and I felt at the time that the quickest way to get those experiences under control would be for him to attempt automatic writing. So it, apparently, transpired. The control required to produce this writing would either require a complete “overlay” of the body or a strong connection through the mind to all the muscles involved. What better explanation than control from some remote part of your own mind that you were not aware existed. At some higher level this “remote” part of your mind, your soul, could get information from other souls with whom it is in, or could make, contact. It could then cause you to write whatever it wished, whether this be the truth, or what it wished you to believe as the truth. Here is another point I wish to make.
A word of warning
Over the years there have been a number of instances of information coming from these apparently unlikely sources, in particular from automatic writing and hypnosis, which appears absolutely accurate. Various people have then gone on to assume that all other information from that source is also true. I believe this not to be the case. It would appear to me that this is, sometimes, a deliberate attempt to steer the thinking of a person, or group of people in a particular direction. I often wonder if that is the way religions have started. There is certainly some evidence that the direction in which the world has developed has been steered by some outside source, of which, more later.
Another super-normal phenomenon, already mentioned, should be considered here, the irrelevance of time. This is partly through dreaming, but that is a subject that I shall deal with separately. Under hypnosis some people are able to apparently recall details of previous lives in terms which suggest that they are actually there. They give intimate details of thoughts and events which, and this is the important point, are later verified as accurate. The case of the person who was regressed to a life in Nelson’s navy, and described what a certain item on the Victory was used for, being a case in point. This was the life of a crewman who had apparently served on another of Nelson’s ships, but he was able to explain the purpose of that item on the Victory, the use of which had caused speculation for many years. There are very many examples of this sort of occurrence, sufficient, I believe, to prove the phenomenon beyond reasonable doubt.
The other, possibly more surprising, aspect of time is the prediction of events that have not yet occurred. Examples of this are well documented, but I would like to mention a case that I heard from the lady in question. A stewardess who dreamt about air crashes before they happened. She has deposited signed and dated affidavit’s with her solicitor detailing the colours and types of aircraft which subsequently crashed. She has not “got” the airlines to which they belonged, just the colour, nor aircraft that have been destroyed by acts of terrorism. These categories of phenomena very much suggest that time does not always operate in the manner to which we are all accustomed. They, again, are factors that lead me to think that it is only an overlay of “our” three dimensions.
Never proof
There is another aspect of paranormal events which is rather interesting. There is always sufficient evidence, for those who wish to believe, that something has occurred, and always little enough for doubters to say rubbish. Always. Almost as though it was intentional. I now change what I said earlier from a statement to a question, “Are we not, at this stage in our existence, permitted to know the full story?” There is no doubt that many would certainly deny the existence of anything beyond the “me”. And there is no doubt that many would disagree. I wonder if one of the purposes of this existence is to explore the interplay between fact and belief.
Let us now speculate, and here there is vast scope for debate, some of the speculations are undoubtedly wrong and some will say I’m out of my tree. Oh well, never mind. I am going to use a lot of computer terminology, and the more I have used it, the more, possibly startlingly, appropriate I have found it. Starting at the bottom we have three dimensions containing our physical body and a computer called the brain to run it. This starts with an operating system and is gradually programmed to operate in a more sophisticated manner as we get older. This improvement in operation is mainly controlled through the left side of the brain. The right side, meanwhile is getting to grips with more abstract thoughts. Possibly these abstract thoughts are not entirely in the physical brain but may be, in part, in the next dimension; the fourth. I say this partly because of the earlier point about being “scared out of ones mind”. Or maybe all these thoughts, the “me”, are in the physical brain and only a “back up” is in the fourth, in case of our sudden and unexpected demise. Whatever, I am sure that every detail of ones life survives the death of the body. Is there a requirement for a physical connection between this three dimensional brain and the fourth and subsequent dimensions? I don’t know. I am not sure that this scheme would require one. It seems to me that the dimensions could be integrated throughout the brain. I have seen suggestions that such a connection does exist and that the highest physical connection in our scheme of things is the three dimensional, physical side of the third/fourth connection. The pineal gland was suggested as the site of this connection, by Descartes and Cayce, among others.
Possibly the fourth dimension is the seat of the sub-conscious and it is here that originate those little thoughts and influences which seem to nudge us as we go through life. It would seem logical to have the complete records of our life in the same place as our “still small voice within”. Is this the level of telepathy? Possibly. So at this next level we can send and receive information from somebody near and dear to us, and possibly from anyone who we are thinking about; those with whom we are “in tune”. As we have seen, as we progress through higher and higher dimension things start to get very interesting. I suppose that there would be some logic in saying that the fourth is the sub-conscious, the fifth, the super-conscious, the sixth, something higher and so on up to god. I feel, however, that this is rather simplistic, and it is not something to which I have ever applied my mind. Does your soul start at the fourth dimension or higher? As one appears to exist in all dimensions, and the “me” only appears to exist in our three, I surmise that it does, that is if the soul is all the parts that don’t constitute the “me”.
Communication with the “higher” you
I think everybody has at some stage or another has had the feeling “I knew I shouldn’t do that” or “I knew that was going to happen”. I think this is the lowest form of another aspect of communication from your higher self. This, of course, can easily be dismissed, but as we get to stronger feelings and occurrences this is not the case. Next up the line we have people who say “somebody must be looking after me”, and above this are those who say that somebody definitely is. There are then those who feel a presence, those who hear a voice (too much of this, however, is called schizophrenia), have a guardian angel and ultimately to those who have been “spoken to by god”. We can now see that these are all examples of communication getting through from your own higher self. In some cases more strongly, and in some possibly from a higher dimension, than others.
Does God exist?
We can now consider the overall picture of mind. It exists in many different forms in a number of different dimensions, possibly many more than exist in string theory. It is quite possible that at the very highest level of mind all entities are completely aware of what the others are contemplating. Effectively, therefore, you have just one mind, or God. Since the nature of this one mind, at the highest dimension, may be vastly beyond our comprehension this is as far as I am, at present, prepared to go in my consideration of it. I fully expect to find out more of the truth, or hopefully all of it, one day.
Now here is a fascinating subject. I have already drawn the analogy of the computer and the brain. The majority of dreams are completely explicable in these terms. After awakening you start a number of “programmes”, such as “breakfast” and “go to work”. The majority of these programmes are executed, completed, and therefore shut down. Some, however, are not completed by the time you next go to sleep. If you analyse your dreams you will find that the vast majority are running through a sequence of events to complete these programmes and therefore shut them down also. The purpose of dreaming is to give you a “clean slate” with which to start the next waking period.
There do sometimes appear to be other purposes. I have already mentioned precognitive dreams. Additionally, why should someone who you have not seen or thought about for years suddenly “crop up” in a dream? I leave this particular aspect to others. I would, however, point out that a vast number of the ideas and discoveries that have propelled modern life have come to people in their dreams. I suggest that the soul can sometimes pass information and ideas to a person during periods of sleep. Whether the soul knew these answers already, or was working on them at the same time, in order to assist, is a matter for debate. That man may have reached a stage in his development where a particular item of knowledge is permitted, or is required, for his assistance is a highly controversial idea that might be included in our debate.
Examples of information and ideas obtained through dreams include; Niels Bohr’s model of the atom, Mendeleyev(?)'s periodic table, Singer’s sewing machine, Coleridge’s Kubla Khan, Stevenson’s Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, and the melody for the last movement of Handel’s Messiah.
Others to be confirmed and placed in order, Edison’s light bulb, penicillin, Franklin and many others.
I have heard it said that at least fifty per cent of modern scientific ideas and developments have originated in this way.
Another tale
I must include, somewhere, one story that I was told some years ago that is the only one included here that I was not told first hand. The grandfather of the woman who told me was staying at her parents house, as was she, when she was about eight years old. In the middle of the night her mother woke her father and said “Go and see how Dad is will you”. Her father said something to the effect of don’t be silly, of course he’s all right. The mother then said “No he isn’t, he’s just waved goodbye to me”. Needless to say her father was found dead. She had seen him as perfectly solid and happy, waving farewell, in their bedroom.
Knowing the way
As a child an ex-colleague of mine was taken on a cruise, by his mother (possibly both parents), which called at Durban. His mother mentioned that she needed a bank. He took her to one. He then showed her round Durban, knowing where everything was. He had never been there before, at least not in this life, and he has no idea how he knew where everything was. Again as a child another man, who told me this, was taken on holiday. I believe it was to be his first beach holiday and he was very excited. As they had arrived in the evening he had been put to bed without seeing the beach, which was some distance away. During the night there was a thunderstorm, in the course of which he found himself out of his body and over the house in which they were staying. He saw the way to the beach, which was fairly complicated. In the morning, after breakfast, he led his family to the beach as he now knew the way, having never, of course, been there before. I have heard a number of first hand, and other hand, accounts of “Out of body” experiences (OOBE’s). Two single event accounts immediately spring to mind which frightened the life (good phrase!) out of those who experienced them. Both my father and a Flight Engineer found themselves outside their bodies during sleep. The sincere wish of both, which in each case has so far been realised, was that it should not happen again.
Which reminds me
It would appear that all (?, or most?) people who claim or appear to be psychic have suffered an electric shock very early in their lives, either as a child or when still in the womb. Additionally, I have had four lucid dreams over the years, the most clear of which occurred during a thunderstorm.
Come again
There is a wealth of literature on the subject of re-incarnation. Some about people remembering past lives, but most is about people being regressed to them under hypnosis. I now point out that when referring to past lives I have been careful not to say that they were “their” past lives. Whilst re-incarnation is the obvious answer, it may not necessarily be the correct one. It may be that these past lives are merely lives that have a high relevance to the present one, but were not actually lived by the same three dimensional “me” that occupies the body that is under hypnosis. There is plenty of scope for analysis and debate on this point. I must here mention the colleague who, whilst we were on this subject, casually mentioned that he had found his own grave; it was that of a Roman soldier in South Wales. He, unlike myself, had no further interest in the subject.
Other odds and ends
There are a number of other phenomena which are regularly reported, that can be explained in terms of what I have had to say and about all of which I have heard first hand accounts. They may or may not exist. I will, however, list them now and make any observations that I feel relevant.
Poltergeists. A phenomenon whereby objects appear to move by their own volition, sometimes quite alarmingly. This is often dismissed by stating that it is associated with adolescent children, ignoring the fact that it is none-the-less phenomenal for that. One account I have heard was from an engineer, a very practical man, who said that he never believed such things existed until he found he had acquired one. A very common comment; seeing is believing.
Ghosts. Unless they are of someone who has very recently passed on, such as that which I included under “Another Tale”, all reports seem to indicate that they totally ignore whoever has observed them. They almost appear to be “tape recordings” of old events. I have met several people who are sure they have seen them. I just don’t know.
UFO’s. Again I have met a number of people who are certain that they have seen them. They could be just the same as ghosts except that this time they are tape recordings of the future, not the past. They could be some interaction with the higher dimensions. They could be another civilisation that has learned how to make use of the higher dimensions. It would be nice to think that they are observers or tourists from elsewhere, in our universe, but I think this is highly improbable, the distances making this so. Should anything arrive in this manner it is almost certain to be a remote probe, such as we send to look at the distant planets.
Crop Circles. Just don’t know. I would only say that some would appear to be far too intricate and complicated to have been “drawn” by tricksters in one night.
So what do I really think?
My view of the process of our existence is not exactly re-incarnation, as generally accepted, but something closely akin thereto. I have tried throughout this thesis to avoid “popular” phrases, but here, and I have tried many analogies over the years, I can only find one accurate model to use, that is “The Tree of Life”. The life of each of us is but a leaf on the tree of life. We are born, we participate in various events, have various thoughts and emotions, and we die, just like a leaf on a twig on a branch on a tree: with this difference, that although the leaf is gone, as is our body, a record of our thoughts and emotions is preserved in the twig, and therefore in the branch and in the tree. This leaf has made mistakes and, in order that this twig and this branch do not leave an ugly ripple on the skein of time, other leaves yet to sprout on this twig will have to experience allied situations to fully comprehend the hurt and emotions that these mistakes have caused and to fully understand and appreciate and know the ultimate truth of our existence in all respects. Hence, when Homo Sapiens has completely passed away, there will be an addition to the sum total of Universal Knowledge, but any ugly ripples that were created in the body of human experience will have been completely cancelled out. Whether our tree is alone, with God as the trunk, or if it is just one tree in a massive forest, I hope, one day, to discover.
This is the end of , what I hope is, a coherent essay
Additional Thoughts and Snippets
Having re-read and revised this essay many times over the last few months I can see how very unlikely the whole thing might appear. It does, however, give a complete explanation of many extra-normal occurrences and phenomena. Indeed it is the only theory that I have ever seen that gives an explanation of all of them. Any “likely” theory would have been looked into, and accepted or rejected, years ago. The truth, if these phenomena really do exist, has got to be unlikely at first (and second) view. I think that I have been entirely logically consistent throughout and I still believe that the whole truth is something along the lines I have proposed. I do not expect it to be accepted. Why? Because if it could be proven to be the case, there would be no point in us being here in the first place. We are here so that each individual can come to a realisation of the truth through his own trials and efforts. Some could be assisted by this essay, but only those who are at that stage of their existence where they are looking for this particular answer. I feel this is where the established religions go wrong, except for those that encourage the individual to search for his own answer. This may never be read beyond my immediate family; if it is, however, I hope it is of assistance to, at least, a few.
Why did we come here anyway?
Existing, as souls have for untold lengths of time, as remote and, at the lower dimensions at least, individual minds we developed a curiosity as to what it would be like to experience the sensations of a physical body. When a suitable one developed on this planet we took the opportunity to do just that. How that initial connection was made I have no idea. Having found some way of making the connection, however, we rapidly discovered the strength of sexual attraction and began to get carried away by the whole thing; even to the detriment of our fellow souls. This, if you like, is where the story of original sin took it’s rise. I presume that in the early days we were still aware, whilst in the body, of our real origins. With the passage of time, however, and with the increase in magnitude of our offences against the peaceful background of mind, we became cut off until such time as we had completely expunged the offences we had committed. Hence re-incarnation. To what level of awareness we return between lives I know not. Possibly it depends on our level of advancement.
The Nag Hammadi Library is the translation of a series of scrolls, in many ways similar to the Dead Sea Scrolls, that were discovered in Egypt, near the village of Nag Hammadi, just after the war. Amongst these scrolls is one entitled “Discourse on the Eighth and Ninth”. This gives an account of the “occupiers” of the eighth spending their entire time in admiration of the ninth, the clear implication being that the ninth is God.
Also in the Nag Hammadi Library is the Gospel of Thomas, one hundred and nineteen sayings of Jesus, all commencing “Jesus said”. Interesting reading.
For many years I have mused along the following lines. Once upon a time there was an ant’s nest. It was moved somewhere dry and warm for the BBC Natural History Unit to film it. Many generations of ants later an ant philosopher was contemplating the nature of life. He recalled the myth of the day that the “Hand of God” had been seen in the sky followed by copious amounts of food, it was called manna from heaven. There were various other clues that there may be something existing in the wider universe. He decided that there was definitely a god. What he was unaware of was that his god was a cameraman in the Natural History Unit who spent, at least some of, his time wondering whether there was a god. Are we all but ants?
There have been many publications, and much interest over the years, on the subject of “Ancient Knowledge”. Unfortunately, a lot of those interested go on to assume that these ancient thoughts are “Gospel Truth”. The ancients undoubtedly had these thoughts and philosophies, they had the same brains we have. And here is the clue. There is no way that their thoughts and ideas were necessarily, in any way, shape or form, any better or more accurate than ours. Just the tantalising possibility.
It seems reasonable that if a three dimensional object shares only two of “our” dimensions it would be infinitely thin from our perspective, and therefore invisible. If it occurs to no-one to look for it, it might also remain undetected. It might even be undetectable. It therefore seems to me that there is room in our new ten dimensional universe for eight parallel three dimensional objects, or even universes. This is ignoring two, four or other dimensional universes beyond our comprehension. So, with our eight three dimensional universes we would only be able to detect one eighth of the mass of the universe. Interestingly, cosmologists believe that we can only see ten per cent of the mass of the universe. Could I have just found eighty eight and a half per cent of the missing ninety?
Now that science has found a few extra dimensions it is possible, I would say probable, that they all effect one another in some subtle ways. Einstein might have been relieved to find that, maybe, god doesn’t play dice after all.
Interestingly I recently saw an Horizon programme on the subject of religious experience. Here was shown an area of the brain which shuts down when in deep meditation or prayer. Needless to say the conclusion was "Here is the area which gives that experience". I would suggest that here is the area whose shut-down enables the higher self to "get a word in".
If you have made it this far, well done and thank you for your patience.