The Philosophers

Or are you saying the thing was simply programmed to do precisely this, and then they called it an AI?

I presume they had to let whatever they made as a mechanism for producing words access the FB databases.

Thats like me asking you to list your DNA sequence before allowing you to make a point.

Except my DNA was produced by billions of years of building up, and “AI” was coded by some coders that work for Facebook.

Obviously I do not know the code. It hasn’t been published. Nor am I a programmer. I can derive certain logics from the result, but not the specific code strings - they could have been in a several dozen different languages.

Also, DNA is wrong. DNA would be the binary code. We are talking algorhythms, so something much higher in the molecular chain.

Yeah I don’t give a fuck about their code.

Am asking.

Something they never asked, because they ain’t philosophers.

How would a code for v look like?


Fair enough, lm thinking about the nonlogical constants in the database the code has access to.

It could simply be an instruction to filter out the centres of recurring patterns in usage of words and abstract from that, which is what Ive assumed. It seems not so hard to program an AI if you have so much actual life in code to build from.

Also, I will take an “I told you so” about fb trumping google.

The whole point of “v” is that it has to precede the argument, precede the code.

"Fair enough, lm thinking about the nonlogical constants in the database the code has access to. "

Listen motherfucker, Openheimer never sat down to try to explain to Einstein that gravity existed. Or Einstein Openheimer, that’s a pretty high metaphore.

That was about the stock price.

It was an innocent question.

The stock price will follow.


Staying within the terms of your metaphor, Einstein pointed Oppenheimer to strongforce.


Other than that the bomb is simply a payload igniting off a denser payload inside of itself. Its not theoretically complex.
A H bomb adds another load on top.
The only difficulty for the H bomb was inventing the computer to calculate the refraction rates.

Did you ever see the show Manhattan?

It’s actually pretty good.

Isn’t that interesting though?

Being so simple, the equations for the A bomb were remarkably complex. Being so complex, the equations for “AI” are actually ridiculously simple.

But yeah, that’s the good thing about the show. You realize it was mostly about refraction rates. And there’s some bona-fide archimedean moments in it. Dramatized, you know, hidden a bit. But still there enough to be enjoyed.