so let approach abortions via ethics/morality…
abortion is murder and murder is wrong…
and yet the state itself practices murder all the time…
Capital punishment is murder… organized, legal murder…
and allowing soldiers to murder in the name of the state is
still murder…and allowing the police to murder innocent
civilians is still murder…for example, Saudi Arabia recently, March 12, 2022,
executed/murdered 81 men for various crimes… and how is that
different than abortions? several of the men who were executed weren’t
even Saudi’s… 7 Yemenis and one Syrian and the Saudi’s had no
problem with the murder of 81 men… the murder of 81 people…
5 of the 41 Shia men were tortured and ill treated to the point
that they were willing to confess to anything… in other words,
the basis of their convictions were in violations of basic due process
of the law… even Islamic law…to say the unborn aren’t given due process
has no meaning if the murder of people can be done without any
due process…or was George Floyd given due process before he
was murder? or were any of these people killed by the police given
due process? Manuel Ellis, Breonna Taylor, Andre Hill, Daunte Wright,
Lindani Myeni, Jason Walker, Stephon Clark, Dontre Hamilton,
Eric Garner, John Crawford 3, Michael Brown? you ask for due process for
the unborn and yet refuse it to those killed by the police…
to allow murder in some situations and refuse it in others is
called situational ethics… the situation dictates the ethics…
you might say, they are two different things, apples to oranges,
but recall, the explanation of Ethics… A set of moral principles,
especially one relating to affirming a specific group, field
or form of conduct… a unified set of principles… how is
having one set of principles for civilians being killed by the
police and another set of principles regarding abortion,
a unified set of principles?
which leads us to another problem with anti-abortion people…
they hold abortion to being a single, without reference to anything
else problem… they hold abortion in isolation without connecting
it to any other problem…abortion doesn’t exists in isolation, apart
or separate from other aspects of our lives…
abortion is deeply connected to race, income, our social-economic
place in society, religion… it cannot be, as anti-abortion believes
it to be, an isolated, separate incident… you have to place abortion
within the context of the society, the state, the civilization in which
it takes place…now given the fact that families and abortions exists
within a societal context, to offer up the advice as OBserve did,
to prevent abortions is to avoid having sex, is telling people what
they must do… in other words, by what right does Observe have
to tell us or anyone not to have sex? what gives him the right to
dictate what I can or cannot do? If I were to try to tell him he must
become gay, he would scream bloody murder for days on end,
but he has no problems telling us what to do, how do live our lives…
and where does it legally say, individuals like Observe can tell me or
anyone what we can or cannot do?
so anyway, how does the state justify murder in one instance
and bans it in another instance? the State like conservatives
are practicing situational ethics… which is not a coherent
set of principles meant to offer us a guide to what actions we
or the state can take…