The philosophy of technology and time

Technology causes massive changes in society, we are in the middle of a transition period between the old world and something different and new. The significance of this cannot be overstated. Everyone alive right now is part of the transition generations; we still envision the world as it was and in many ways the world is still that way, the way it used to be, the “old” way. But we are increasingly forced to confront the breakdowns of the old and the emerging new.

This is a result of technology’s ability to facilitate connection. Not very long ago we had only a fraction of 1% of the connections that exist today. Image the world as a gigantic web of connections of every type. Now go back 10 years, to just the beginning of social media taking off and apps-smart phones becoming ubiquitous. What was the comparative level of connections back then? Probably only 10% what it is today, maybe far less.

Then go back 20 years from now. What was the comparative level of connections then? Certainly 0.1% or less compared to what it is today.

In a state of relatively low connections (relative to what we experience today) societies organize locally in terms of ethnocentrism and cultural homogeneity. Nation-states, for example. Ethnic groups sticking together, genetic lineages preserving themselves over time. Racism and culturism are quite common and to be expected, are not even that bad in the overall context. Each generation more or less tends to reproduce the previous generations, with some small upgrades or deleterious changes here or there (mostly upgrades since natural selection is still at work, albeit weakened since the peak of the industrial revolution).

Once we get to the level of connections that exist today, all of that is over. Genetic lineages collapse and along with this physical health and mental health also collapse. Most people become patients of some sort, defective in their physical workings and their conscious workings. Gene errors proliferate, meanwhile inter-racial breeding increases to the extent that anyone even breeds anymore. The massiveness of the connections is simply going to open up so many possibilities that the old world and its way of doing things cannot be maintained anymore other than in rare and isolated locales. What was the normal and standard now becomes the exception.

What is fascinating about this is that it is actually a good thing. Why? We are alive to witness the taking of evolution to a whole new level. Never before have humans been able to breed for pure characteristics without regard to race or ethnicity - now they can. Genetic research shows that mixed race couples are more psychologically similar to one another compared to same race couples. This makes sense in evolutionary terms; the preservation of identity and genetic fitness has moved to a new avenue, no longer about the mere physical phenotypes and now increasingly more concerned with mentality, with things like personality, intelligence, emotion, interests and skills, etc.

Anyone still clinging to the old ways of doing things, the ethnocentric monocultural same race breeding sort of pattern, is working so hard to keep things all shiny polished and working not realizing they are on the Titanic and sinking fast. This is the majesty of technology, how it FORCES change on the world. People can deny this change or run from it, they can choose to live their lives as relative luddites clinging to the past ideals and values and mores, and there’s nothing wrong with that. But that is just their own life, it has zero bearing upon the world at large and where it is headed.

Level of technology leads to the amount and types of connections that exist (“making the world smaller”), bringing people together who would never have otherwise had contact in these ways; this reaches a threshold at which point evolution takes on an entirely new direction. And this couldnt come soon enough, considering the accumulation of deleterious gene mutations in the population as a consequence of Industrialization and the breakdown of darwinian purifying selection. We NEED evolution to take this leap into the new. And as far as I know there is nothing to compare it to, we have no examples to look at. Every other example of evolution is under the old world model of relatively limited exogenous connectiveness i.e. the VAST majority of all connections are in-group and intra-group. Sameness proliferates. Along with this comes more or less isolates regions and locales in various stages of conflict with one another, and the whole ethnocentrism homogeneous monocultural thing develops quite naturally. Nothing wrong with any of that, however it increasingly fails to apply to the modern world we now live in.

The world is becoming “one thing” thanks to …technology and how it connects us. Just look at this, I can write this sentence and click “Submit” and people all over the world will see it. This is simply unthinkable from the perspective of someone living just a couple of generations ago. And the scope and degree of connections are only going to keep massively increasing from here on forward. There is a ‘hidden science’ to this, which would analyze and explain effects from this increasing connectivity, predicting and understanding how society and humans will change as a result, but no one so far seems to have any idea that such a science exists. All we have are weird quasi-religious technofuturists and transhumanists who want to merge with the machine and AI to “live forever”. Well certainly some of that is going to come true quite soon, but that describes only a drop in the bucket. Such a narrow view.

Where are the truly far-thinkers? Who can take a look at technology as it is today, and where it has come from, and where it is going, and extrapolate the philosophical grand implications of this?

I think human labor will eventually become almost obsolete.
Once we get more power plants and replicators like on star trek.
Maybe not, but maybe so.

I look forward to the later super computers.
AI will get much better.

What makes you think more connections makes the world a BETTER place? What I’ve observed is that the more connections people make the more they disagree on EVERYTHING, which causes more anger, more violence, and makes the world a WORSE place to live. One example is the massive increase in violent behavior on airplanes. It’s now a common news occurrence where someone on a plane acts violently and has to be removed from the plane by the police, and it disrupts the entire travel plans for everyone on the plane. This is a representation of the increasing violent behavior of people in general, as a species.

The closer you look the more there is to critique.

People start off loving their spouse, and the more time goes by the more they really start to HATE that person, because they get to know them better, and as they know them better the more there is to dislike.

There is nothing to fight over when one person is on a beach in Florida and another person is on a beach in California. With no contact or communication there is nothing to fight over. When they come in contact it’s almost a sure thing there will be a fight between them sometime in the future.

I think the thesis is simply right exceptin this maybe

Yes definitely. Human labor will become mostly obsolete, I agree. That is probably a few decades away still, assuming we don’t have a world war and revert back to the stone age first.

More connections has an initial effect of increasing discord, confusion and chaos, disagreement etc. That is just part of the process until people and society normalize to the new conditions.

Weirdly enough, our sphere of connections has for a while now been continuously increasing-expanding, so we are in a strange process of both normalizing to and failing to normalize to the changes, at the same time. This partly explains the polarization and hyperbolization of discourse and politics we see today.

Violence is generally on the decline, but incidents of violence are broadcast and highlighted more now. But yeah, some forms of violence have increased. The destabilizations clearly manifest in asymmetrical ways for whatever reasons.

That’s only true if you have a spouse who is hateable. Maybe you should have paid closer attention before marrying him/her then. That’s kinda on you, don’t blame technology for that.

But what you can blame technology for is how the increased connectiveness and intensity-satisfaction of technological experiences is replacing human-to-human needs. This is part of that evolutionary uplift I mentioned: things are moving away from the physical and into the metaphysical. Toward the phenomenological and pure experiences, mentality and feeling. We don’t “need” each other in the same ways we used to. Men and women don’t really need each other anymore, for example, just like they don’t really need to have a family like they used to (back when it was both practical and socially expected to have a family). Likewise we don’t need to be ethnocentric and nationalistic anymore, as the technology improves toward a singularity of maximal connectiveness and minimal distance-size of the world things will quite naturally become homogenized and unified. Of course that’s a painful process in many ways.

False, it’s more like the opposite. People far away from each other who have never met have been fighting each other in wars since the beginning of time. This is a consequence of territorialism, culturism/racism, and ethnocentrism. Plus simply the limitation of space and resources. People marching off to places they know nothing about to try and kill people they don’t know and never met before. Average human history.

But with massive connection this all changes. We begin to exchange, to dialogue. Economics and mentality begin to supplement and then cancel out warlike efforts and needs. The current globalized warfare we see today is driven not by the same kind of historical dynamics that always existed naturally in and across human groups and societies, but rather is being pushed by very specific and narrow interests constellated together in an attempt to both hold onto the way things are and also shape the way things are going. I look forward to the pushing momentum of truth continuing to slowly strangle and crush out of existence these pathetic outdated groups and the evil warfare shit they constantly push on all of us through their militaries, their corporations, their media, their drugs, their psyops and false flags, etc.

Singularity is real, but I doubt any of the techfuturists and transhumanists really understand what it means and what it will look like.

You have a contradiction. On one hand you state we don’t need each other as much as we used to, and on the other hand you are claiming we are coming together.

Which is it?

If anything we are more isolated than ever. People stare at their phone or computer screen instead of interacting with other people in real life. Virtual interaction has dominated the last decade.

I heard that there are some young folks who are ditching their smart phones for flip phones.

You seem to have missed where I explained that the connectedness we are experiencing now is increasingly metaphysical as opposed to physical. We don’t need to physically be together as much anymore; yet we have 1000x as many non-physical connections to others. Nothing contradictory about it. These new connections are more based on things like shared interests, common personalities and intelligence levels. So the quality of the interaction can easily be far greater than just hoping the random person physically close to you likes the same stuff you do, or can talk about things on the same level as you can.

If you are “staring at your phone or computer” but interacting with people in digital ways, how is that isolated? It’s the opposite of being isolated.

Who is more isolated, the person who sits around with 2 or 3 friends or family in a physical sense, or the person on his technology interacting with hundreds or thousands of people remotely, in both real time and across time?

Is talking to someone on the phone “isolating”? Of course not. What about video chats then? Or text chats? I never felt isolated when engaged in these things, unless the person on the other end was just a dull retard. Which happens, but that also happens IRL.

Online you can find people with similar interests, personalities, intelligence, passions. In real life you are limited to whoever randomly happens to be around you physically.

More technological advancements, means the more time we will have on our hands to undertake our own pursuits.

So an Island/good life? but for all… not just for the few. I don’t think that it’s any more complicated than that.

Yes, but with diminished time we will have to work that much faster with the fast increase of global technicians who need to work aling the same ibjective, and there is where the fork in the road can widen inexplicably and suddenly.

We will…?

I don’t think that you have any idea of what you are replying to, so therefore of what you are on about… you seem to misunderstand how ‘things’ work.

The faster tech progresses, the more complex it’s applications, the more need for specialized techs, which is taken up by an AI to AO transform, which again need to speed up the apparent time remaining of a coming global singularity.

If globalization incorporates global intelligence in a unified effort for this end./other than the other kind

I see

Then your view/angle, is one of nihilism and disdain.

Anything positive, to add?

Ok , nihilism with a chance for a plunge out of it.

Ironically the hunger crisis of bodies that die gets replaced with the power crisis of bodies that explode, and freedom diminishes for both. And the minds left over when everything is on fire… or frozen… well. Poetic justice is an understatement.

No exit from the absolute necessity to exist, categorically to retain the essential meaning of staying in the firestorm, ergo a point reached where there can not be further reviews from the turn back.

Guess it’s now, or never

If present tech can not jump ahead drastically, then we may gain a few minutes

B”however, the terrain can lighten up in an instant

So that choice has been extended to the in finite minus the minimally possible unit of divergence.

The phishers ^^^ constantly phishing for content and ideas… :icon-rolleyes:

…so staying vague for a reason.

when an offer you can’t refuse meets the path of least resistance

“will I find consent on the earth?”