The philosophy of transgender

Some will claim it’s part of Nietzsche’s nihilistic transvaluation of all values…if it were not a negation of nihilism and Abrahamic “herd psychological” “slave values.”

I would say transgenderism is the ‘logic of Abrahamism’ pushed to its limit - for, if an immortal incorporeal soul can exist, or be trapped, in a mortal corporeal body, and if a “kelipot can trap divine sparks”, then a male spirit can be trapped in a female body, or a singular hermaphrodite divine spirit can be trapped in a multiplicity of body with a sex and gender.

Transgenderism is a symptom of the mind/body dissonance produced by nihilism.
Both spiritual and secular nihilism that begins with words and dismisses or integrated actions into concepts preexisting in minds, with no external referents.
When concepts like 'god, 'morality, ‘free-will’ can be abstracted by detaching them form external referents - essentially converting them to pure noumena, or ideas existing only as abstractions and words in texts - then sex and gender can be detached form the tangible, physical body and rendered meaningless or converted into an idea that refers to nothing or to words in books or ideas in minds.
Matthew 18:20 expresses this reinvention of the idea of man once the body has been crucified.
A “purification” of the concept.

Converting them to pure noumena makes them malleable to mental manipulations.
The tangible world being a undesired limit of how concepts can be defined.
The process is called divine…god of absolutes can only ever exist in the mind, as mind.
Absolutes existing outside of mind would negate existence.
but mind can synthesize and even invert perceptions - so unicorns, Leprechauns, singularities, wholes, ones/nils can only be mental abstractions with no external referents.
Like the one-god of Abraham.

From this we get Americanism’s ‘self-made man’.
A man stripped of his past, including his biological and ethnic, and racial and gender identifiers…all forms of collective identity is ‘transcended’ ideologically, and then man can remake himself from scratch - using monetary messianic codes.
The American individual is an entity that exists only ni theory - a pop-cultural amalgamation of symbols acquired on the open-markets.
As such, why can this entity, this thing-in-itself, not choose - or be fated, determined - to adopt either sex as tis identifier?
But why remain trapped by these binaries and not identify as asexual, or with another species?
Once the schisms reaches a tipping point, psychosis takes over.
Mind feels ‘liberated’ from its own presence, its own body, its own appearance, and can now explore the fashion possibilities available to it.

Maybe should’ve been called the baseline child instead of the overman if “trans” is a nihilating perspective.

Or perhaps he was just misoverstood.


Boys have a wee wee
Girls have a va va

How did so many people skip this in elementary school?

Oh yeah, because nowadays it’s become trendy and cool to pretend to be retarded. Idiocracy is like that… surrounded by other retards in a retarded world, you can get affection or attention or praise or success mostly by acting and being retarded yourself.

“Don’t worry, Scrote. There are plenty of 'tards out there living really kick-ass lives. My first wife was 'tarded. She’s a pilot now.”

Maybe it really is that simple. Idiocracy.

All this and much more is to be expected. We should probably stop being surprised.

We were built for More & we are brainwashed against the actual More so we are doing our best, flailing about to MacGuyver a More that makes sense to us… all brainwashing considered.

The real issue with transgenderism is that we can’t reliably tell if allowing a child/youth (or adult, for that matter, but at least adults have the right to make potentially harmful decisions for themselves) to do “transitioning” would be the right or wrong thing in that particular case. Each person is different and there are many types of transgenders. It could be a terrible mistake that ruins that person’s life, or it could be the best thing that ever happened to that person. Either possibility exists but we cannot distinguish ahead of time which is going to be the case. Therefore allowing children/youth to transition amounts to playing Russian roulette with their lives. Some people are OK with this game of deadly chance because sometimes it will yield positive outcomes; other people are not OK with this game of deadly chance because they focus on the inevitable victims, who are children/youth and are therefore most deserving of our protection; and still other people cannot even see that the issue involves any kind of risk, or oppositely they think it is all downside and nothing to gain.

The most reasonable answer is to ban any children/youth from transitioning, and let people make this choice freely once they have reached an appropriate age of consent. “Do no harm” as medical ethics. However, by then it can be too late to “authentically transition” because biological puberty was not initially blocked/redirected. So a catch-22 exists.

There is, as far as I know, no resolution of this catch-2. It is simply a contradiction in the transgenderism issue. This paradox will exist until science or medicine or philosophy or some combination of these can come up with some sort of test or screening process to accurately distinguish children/youth who would have positive outcomes vs negative outcomes from transitioning. Until then the issue of kids transitioning is just a hot button issue for people to get mad and emotional about, a nice fan for the flames of their ego but little else.

The thing that making ubiquity’s calls on boys and girls miss the finer detail: girls have tiny wee wees and boys have large vast vaas , and memetic prior markers pre determine the will to define it’s self in terms of a transcended object.

The elementary primal school, is really a testing ground of wether something of consequence can be reflected from it into secondary school, whereas some would view the autism as a preferred beneficial state, by choice, perhaps even pre-nately, well knowing the opposing opinion of deliberate, politically angled fisher of men coming from the dark pool.


I think we can allow many kinds of behaviour, but when we start messing up otherwise healthy biology, we are making tragic mistakes.

Of course, adults who decide to do this to themselves are one thing, but vulnerable children who have not passed adolescence do not know what they are doing. With such a high rate that decide to acknowledge their biology, we should be very careful what we irreversibly change.