The philosophy of transgender

There are different kinds of transgenderism. Some people have gender identity disorders, others have body dysmorphia, others are gay or transvestites, others are on the Autism spectrum and/or easily influenced by trends/social media/etc or want attention. The association between transgender and Autism is already established, as is the association between Autism and markers of genetic instability (higher number of gene mutations). First point of understanding is to realize not all transgender people are transgender in the same way. There is a good book about this, Galileo’s Middle Finger. Funny title but very well documented and researched, written by an “ally” of the transgender people/community/movement. Nevertheless speaks some hard truths those people generally don’t want to hear.

Speaking of that, why do these people accuse others of “transphobia” any time we don’t 100% agree with them? Their extreme reactions and crude irrationality betrays them, shows how we are dealing with some kind of mental illness. Incidentally this is the main reason why people often cave to transgender pressures to use their “pronouns” or go along with the ideology of transgenderism even though they personally do not agree with it-- the same reason people do not make racist jokes about blacks or joke about Muslims in public, they are afraid of these people. There is an almost implicit understanding that when you are dealing with these groups there is an inherent element of violence or serious mental instability under the surface. The stakes are raised, you are not usually dealing with a calm, normal person.

Nothing wrong with calling someone by their preferred name, even if that isn’t their legal name. Also nothing wrong with trying to be nice to others and accept them for who they are even if you don’t personally agree with that. But being forced to lie, to speak untruths, that is wrong. To be forced or compelled to call someone something you know they are not, whether that is calling a man a woman, a woman a man, a human being a cat, whatever it is, simply irrational and a violation of conscience. No wonder people on the political right associate transgenderism with communist ideology, they have this inversion of truth in common. And not only the inversion of truth in the public sphere of discourse but the fact this is compelled, required, asserted with the not-so-veiled threat of violence behind it.

Most (but perhaps not all) instances of transgenderism are instances of severe mental illness. There is no reason to hate or fear someone who has severe mental illness (depends on the illness of course, you might need to be more careful around some of them) and it makes sense to have some sympathy for them. But would you cater to their illness? If a person with schizophrenia told you he was Jesus (not that uncommon) or that he can fly (also not that uncommon) would you agree with him? I mean yeah in the moment you might just agree with him to get him to leave you alone, or to avoid escalating him into angry reactivity. But you wouldn’t seriously tell him that you agree and know he is right, at least most people wouldn’t. Absent the threat of violence I mean.

Then again people are accustomed to lying all the time, for much lesser reasons. Truth-adherence isn’t exactly a hallmark of human discourse or society. And of course in some cases we should lie or conceal the truth, for our own good or the good of others. Maybe you can argue that the transgender issue is one of these cases, I don’t know. Never thought about it from that angle before.

Metaphysically speaking, a man is a man, a woman is a woman. Sex and gender are essentially the same thing seen from different perspectives. Sex is physical, gender involves this physicality of sex while also incorporating other things such as social norms. But we already have words for that, “gender roles”, “gender norms”, “gender expression”. So when some zoomer tells you gender is a social construct because of “social norms, gender expression” you can just point out that isn’t gender itself, we already have separate concepts for those things. Gender ITSELF is quite literally nothing more than a way to refer to someone as either male or female, a way to refer to the sex of someone in language. Using pronouns. That’s it. Some languages other than English also have other sexed/gendered nouns. Cars are male, tables are female, I don’t know much about that stuff. I don’t speak French or whatever other languages are like that, but it is interesting how they have male and female for non-living objects.

The male-female dichotomy is foundational and fundamental to human beings, this is just a fact. We are a sexually dimorphic species and come with a basic template of either male or female. XY or XX. You can refer to it however you want to. But that template is basic and does not change. Everyone falls into that template structure, even people who are more ambiguous or have genetic disorders affecting their sexuality. Some people are more or less “masculine or feminine” within those templates but they still exist in the template structure. Male or female. This is basic. And we already have separate concepts to capture these differences between people within their particular template, we understand that men are variously more or less masculine, women are variously more or less feminine, etc. Some people adhere to gender norms, expression etc. while others do not. Yet a man in a dress is not a woman. Anyone can understand that. Well, not everyone. Clearly some people allow themselves to be deluded to the point of insanity, which is a bit frightening to see.

What about someone who uses drugs and surgeries to modify their body physically and emotionally, so they can pass as the other sex? Well they are still what they are. A man who passes as a woman is still a man who passes as a woman. He does not “become a woman” just because he can successfully pass as one. This is basic ontology. A thing is itself, first and foremost. Phenomenologically we can add on all proper associated concepts and attributes including how someone is perceived and experienced, to get to the fuller picture of the truth. Too bad most people don’t care about that or are too lazy or just want to conform and do what they are told. Other people suffer from pathological altruism (this describes most liberal-left types) and as long as someone can be placed somewhere high up on the supposed Victim Hierarchy or can easily be seen as a subject of empathy/sympathy then this overrides logical and critical reasoning. Truth means nothing to a mother protecting her child, and the power of this material protective instinct is present in the pathological altruism experienced by many people today and even pushed as an integral part of western culture. The fact that someone’s feelings might be hurt is supposed to matter more than the fact that something is false.

Regardless, transgenderism is quite interesting and I recommend you try to get a transgender friend. For better understanding of them. I had a transgender friend for awhile, it was pretty interesting. I learned a lot. I was always kind and deferential to him, I even referred to him as “her” out of kindness. And I did start to think of him as a “her” after a while, which show the power of words. It shows why they are pushing for this control over language, because language shapes our experiences with reality. If they can control the words you use then maybe they can actually make themselves into what they want to be, at least that seems to be the underlying intention.

I forgot about another type of transgender, the auto-erotic fetishism. A person who is sexually turned on by the thought of themselves as the opposite sex, and by the experience of this. A kind of sexual fetish.

The difficulty in the transgender issue largely has to do with monolithing all transgender people into one group, just like the left does with homosexuals. “LGBT” is supposed to be one thing, one group. What a joke. These are all different, and even within each category “L G B or T” there are very different types and reasons why people are like that. Creating a single group out of it all is nothing but a political move. Politicizing these people, turning them into a cash cow and battering ram for liberal politicians and ideological movements to use for their own power machinations and to pretend to “care about”. Just like the left does with ethnic and racial minorities too.

Various types of transgender, more than one of these can be the case at the same time in a single person:

Auto-erotic fetish
Identity dysphoria
Extreme body dysmorphia
Transvestitism with homosexuality
Autism-related hypermasculinization
Attention-seeking from peer groups/social conformity
Confusion/impression of trans ideas-images on children too young to have a coherent stable identity and so adopt these trans ideas/images for themselves, thinking that is what they are now

The main reason for the them they movement is fear of reprisal.

All sexual orientations can be defined.

But people are bigots, and what better way to fight bigotry than to be undefined.

The reprisals are real, not imagined.

So even though they/them isn’t true… I protect them.

It’s always reasonable to lie to and coddle crazy people who might attack you for disagreeing with them.

I read most of this thread.
Not every word, but most.

I agree that we shouldn’t favor illness.
Any facility of the existence can be ill or in the wrong.
Morality itself can have an illness.
And morality is supposed to be the anti decadent.
In this case, identity became ill.

Because we are only held accountable as far as we are aware, and a non-dictatorship allows us to learn from our mistakes, my go-to is to affirm what is essential to all humans, and where we disagree: We can disagree and still be kind… until you start sexualizing the prepubescent and mutilating their reproductive organs.

When those in power start doing that, I like to interrupt with ironic absurdities so they laugh instead of wanting to kill me:

I identify as a vestigial female. OR: I identify as a female biologically, hermaphrodite spiritually, and vestigial nun sexually.

But only at Starbucks.

I was born trans but I decided to be gender conformist.

When it comes to memetic reproduction and identity, I like to think of myself as a flower identifying as a bee.

Yes. But that is not the entire story when it comes to transgenderism, because not all of transgenderism can be reduced to illness or decadence. The issue is more complex. Which is why most people will never approach the issue authentically and will instead just fall down on one ideologically-collapsed side or another, usually in satisfaction of their emotions, ego and social needs.

Yes, but again it is not that simple. The issue of prepubescents taking transgender ideas or hormones or surgeries, or the idea that these things necessarily constitute the sexualization of those prepubescents, is not a black and white issue. There are instances in which these things are true, and there are instances in which they are not true or the ways in which truth is beyond the simple “this is true” are in fact greater or more relevant, more true.

Who has the will and ability to dive that deeply? No one, as far as I have seen. Although a pretty good start can be found in the book Galileo’s Middle Finger.

Absurd trolling this this only serves to further confuse the issue and force people into more ideologically closed positions. Sure you might generate some amusement in the short term and this might give the appearance of “agreement”, but that would be a false and inauthentic agreement.

Yes, but I identify as authentic.

No you don’t, you’re just saying that.

wull yeah

Called it.

Hi, you refer to to the gender dysphoria aspect of transgenderism as a mental illness. That seems to be the traditional view within psychology. When somoene’s mental condition is putting them in a position where their satisfaction with life is decreased as a result of mental confusion that does seem to be a correct word usage of the term “mental illness”. However, some people are not so much confused as are re-defining words in ways that make them more comfortable with their mental state in relation with others. However, in re-defining words they are not leaving the dictionary in a state of affairs that is very useful because of the genetic differences between men and women. So, mental confusion remains as a communications disagreement with others.

Word usage and pronoun usage as it works in the world today is an collective negotiation among the people using the words. Words are how they are used, and they can only mean things as they are understood to be the same by two or more people. Some people take this situation to mean that word usage is purely a matter of personal preference. However, when their is logical inconsistency in one set of words over another set, then the more consistent set of words can be said to be more correct as more useful for communications. If one defines a woman to be a personal preference, then they have to have another word for someone with the genetics of a woman for the definitions to work for actual communication. In this regard its much better to simply consider one self to be an effeminate man because it doesn’t leave logical holes in definitions of man and woman.

If someone with a penis wants to be identified as a woman, what they want is to modify traditional dictionary terms. Of course the meaning of words changes over time, but to do this they’d have offer a new set of words that meant what man and woman meant previously in ways that are medically consistent, which has not been done. Then other people must accept these terms as part of the negotiation process. It seems to me the benefits of redefining the word system to not outweigh the drawbacks of confusion and partial rejection of the new word system a current transgender subculture is seeking to create.

Many if not most people have been accidentally called another gender than they are typically called, and I believe the better solution to any level of that is to accept one’s self just the same either way rather than to make attempts to change the meaning of words as used by others.

No, it is the view of obvious and basic truth.

Thinking you are something you are not, is the definition of delusional. I legit think I am an astronaut, except I am not. What is that? Or I think I am Jesus, or a woman, or a cat, or a child, or someone who can fly if I jump from buildings. When being delusional extends to something as categorically basic and unavoidably obvious as your gender, well… delusional becomes significantly mentally ill. Just facts.

Of course you are free to pretend to be whatever you want, or feel like whatever you want to feel like. This is a free country after all. You do you. Just don’t expect to rope the entire world into your delusions with you.

“Woman with a penis” does not exist. Sorry bro. You have brain damage, I hope you can overcome that somehow.

I think if someone is not comfortable in their own skin… 1. we are more than our bodies, and there is something in common between each “more than” which should be the main focus, 2. what initially sparked the discomfort… the root cause of being dysphoric… should be addressed and healed, rather than just going along with it.

I don’t think plastic surgery nightmares rule out all plastic surgery, but I do think we need to be “reconstructive” minded & not just deconstructive.

That’s one reason I think sex (re)assignment surgery on babies actually born intersex (viewed as a blessing by Jesus if it takes them out of “the game”… just saying… Matthew 19:11-12) needs to wait until the baby’s capacity to give consent fully matures.

This whole ‘men can have babies, too’ movement, stems from the phenomenon known as the ‘female-to-male’ sex-change… where females identify as males.

True females can give birth / true males cannot give birth = the pregnant ‘male’ actually being a…? :-k

‘Trans’ is a social construct.
There are only two sexes (with the exception of the intersexes, which’re rare phenomena).
And basically, sex/neurobiology can’t be separated from gender/identity/sociopsychology.
The idea that sex can be separated from gender is a form of body/mind or body/soul dualism, a metaphysical error.
Sex and gender are essentially two ways of perceiving the same thing.
‘Trans’ is a misnomer, they’re cosplayers/crossdressers/imposters/roleplayers in womanface and manface.
That being said, much of the genderagenda doesn’t irk me, just keep it away from kids.
I’ve never had to interact with them much, but if you have to and wanted to keep the peace, you can always use they/them pronouns, it’s never incorrect to use they/them.
I don’t care about sports, sports is dumb anyway, but unless you look like Blair White/can pass, fake women should stay out of the of the women’s restroom or they’re liable to get hurt.

Whenever I have to piss in the same bathroom as a transgender person, I feel like super woman. No idea why. Maybe because I feel sorry for him not wanting to piss with his own kind.