the problem of the Enlightenment was this question of
authority… On whose authority should we act?
Should we follow god and the bible in our lives or
should we follow the political authorities, the state,
the king, democracy, dictatorship? and on whose
authority do we practice ethics/morality?
the entire Enlightenment project centered around the question
of authority… should we consider ourselves as being the voice
of authority? this is where democracy hinges on… and the political
question of who is in charge and who pays… virtually all of political
theory revolves around this point, who is in charge/and why, and who
pays?.. the three major political revolutions all deal with this question,
the American Revolution, the French Revolution and the Russian Revolution…
who is in charge, has the authority, and why them and who pays?
Much of the defense of traditional authority, god, bible, church,
revolves around the statement that man is sin and by in sin,
man is unworthy, unable to be in charge, to be the authority
due to this failure of the weakness/sin of man…
thus the state or church is best for being the authority of man, in charge,
because of the weakness and sin of human beings makes them unable
to govern themselves…
Virtually the entire argument of the Enlightenment revolves around
this point… that man/human beings are able to govern themselves,
they have no need for external authorities to run their lives,
individually or collectively… We have traveled from childhood,
where we needed authority to guide us, to the point where we
no longer need any authority to rule/govern us… we are adults…
and thus, we act and are moral in an adult fashion… the state/church
no longer is our role model, we are our own role model… thus the value
of the ‘‘great men’’ …Gandhi, Goethe, MLK… as people who set
the standard by which we follow… not god or the bible or the state,
but individual human beings set the role models we follow, and not
Jesus… But Kropotkin, why not Jesus? For he is alleged to be god,
and we no longer need metaphysical authority to govern our lives…
So, the question of authority becomes this, whose authority do we follow
and why that authority?
When IQ45 says only ‘‘he can fix it’’… America, he is claiming to be
the authority to follow… but even a cursory glance at his past,
tells us he has been and continues to be a failure in everything he
has ever tried… he has started over 50 businesses and every single one
of them has failed…he has declared bankruptcy 6 times… that is
not having success… that is failure… and we should not
follow failure as our role model…
so, in this day and age, whose authority should we follow?
and the answer, for me anyway, is we should follow our own
beliefs and understanding…but that requires us to know
and understand what our beliefs and values are…
and not have beliefs and values that have been indoctrinated
by the state, church, media, schooling… for that is simply
following, rather blindly, the beliefs and values of the state,
the church, the media… which is exactly what we are trying to
avoid…if we are to follow our own values and beliefs,
we must have values and beliefs that are our own, not indoctrinated
values and beliefs of the state, church, media…
this is the point and value of Nietzsche overcoming… to overcome
the indoctrinations of the state/church/media/education…
otherwise, we haven’t gotten anywhere…and we are still
following the authority of the state/media/church/education…
which is the thing we are trying to avoid…
whose authority do you follow? and why that authority?