The real problem with Islam is a combination of these things:
(01) Islam is based on faith in a perfect god and his perfect message
O- This is not a problem or part of any religion’s problem but one of their claimed virtues. In order to have faith, it goes without saying that it must be because one sees it as the perfect message from a perfect god.
(02) The god of Islam is absent from physical manifestation
O- When they were winning wars, their victories were enought of a physical manifestation, just as it was for the hebrews before them.
(03) Islam has a book that has strict but ambigous rules of conduct
O- Another strenght. That ambiguity allows it to remain vital in the tension between interpretations. The death of a faith comes when no ambiguity can be found. The more mystical a faith, the more fuzzy it is, the more converts it will attract.
(04) Strict but ambigous rules are subject to interpretation
O- yes but only carefully. Some interpretations are kept other discarded.
(05) Islam is thus subject to interpretation
O- No. The interpretation is subject to Islam. I can give a specific interpretation but if it cannot be welded to the tradition, it will become a cult or a heresy.
(06) Interpretation is subject to the interpreter
O- Not all. If an interpretation is useful to the tradition then it is said not to come from the interpreter but from god himself. Take a terrorist. They might give an interpretation to blow up a civilian, but for a moderate muslim, it does not fall within tradition, so it is not from God.
(07) All interpreters are humans
(08) Humans are flawed
O- Is the Prophet flawed to a muslim?
(09) Interpretations thus cannot be perfect
O- They are believed as so when they are believed as coming from god through a man.
(10) Inperfect humans will want inperfect things
O- Religion is the wish of the imperfect for the perfect.
(11) Islam cannot be perfectly practiced
O- That is not a problem of Islam but of Muslims. Just because the lung doctor smokes does not invalidate the soundness in not smoking. Just because an christian is hard to find but on the cross, does not mean that the precepts there are wrong.