The Reckoning

I’m not a republican dumbass, I didn’t vote for Trump either. I hate both political parties for the most part but I sympathize with republicans or conservatives only because I hate democrats even more. It’s really that simple.

I have no problems with people executing democrats, neoliberals, or Marxists, for me they’re not even real human beings therefore should somebody do something like that with me hearing about it through television I wouldn’t cry over it at all. Wouldn’t bother me one bit, for me it would just be one less asshole breathing, that’s progress if you were to ask me.

Peter Kropotkin: “Like peace man, can’t we all just get along? You need love my brethren! You just need positivity man!”

Pacifists don’t understand human nature at all or basic life for that matter, war, insurrection, and violence has contributed to more political, social, and economic changes throughout human history than any other human force. A bunch of hippies yelling out, “Peace, love, and hope”, while shitting on a street corner accomplishes nothing at all.

Also, the global elites don’t give a shit about your ideals of love, peace, or hope either and they won’t negotiate with you to such absurdities[They view you as harmless pests that they can do whatever they want with], violence along with fear and intimidation is the only language they understand. Violence against the elite establishment is the only real negotiation tool historically when conversational dialogue or the rule of law fails.

Uh-huh, and Jeffery Dahmer was an environmentalist or humanitarian.

Does anybody publicly even discuss all the murders last year done in the name of BLM? How about the harassing of public bystanders by them? How about the vicious physical assaults done by them? Nothing, not even a single peep or public discussion. You’re just another stupid White liberal or Marxist that thinks white people are inherently evil, oppressive, and malicious, you hate White people so much that you wish you yourself were African, given the chance or wish you probably would become one now that black people are elevated to godhood everywhere in this country. As a White guy of European stock I hate White people like you more than anybody else, I view you as weak, submissive, and as a self destructive. Even worse, because of your retarded ideology you make life extremely hard or difficult for other White people that don’t share your mental illness.

A centrist huh? Yeah, people with cultural, political, or economic tendencies towards Marxism like hiding behind words such as centrism and neo-liberalism, I hate the dishonesty. Just call yourselves communists or Trotskyists and be done with it, there’s no need to even hide it anymore.

The very definition of fascism retard is rule by one political party, so in essence by bragging about the destruction of the republican party where the democrats are essentially taking control over everything, that makes you what exactly?

Fascism is a result of the failure of majority rule and democracy, that’s why historically when democracies fail you either get a fascist or monarchy government. Fascism is a natural inevitability especially when you understand the collapse of modern democracies taking place virtually everywhere nowadays. History is littered with failed democracies everywhere, they never last for very long and are usually destroyed from within.

Anarchy chaos blah blah!

I am the only one with a clear view of reality, the rest of you are fools!

Does anybody publicly even discuss all the murders last year done in the name of BLM? How about the harassing of public bystanders by them? How about the vicious physical assaults done by them? Nothing, not even a single peep or public discussion.

K: so, give us numbers… exactly how murders were done in the name of the BLM?
And I can give you the exact number of murders done in the name of white supremists,
5…and how many “vicious physical assaults done by them”… please give us a number?
oh, with sources… you all tend to lie, so I want numbers and sources…


why r u attacking his 2nd amendment rights u big leftist

[quote=“Peter Kropotkin”]
Does anybody publicly even discuss all the murders last year done in the name of BLM? How about the harassing of public bystanders by them? How about the vicious physical assaults done by them? Nothing, not even a single peep or public discussion.

K: so, give us numbers… exactly how murders were done in the name of the BLM?
And I can give you the exact number of murders done in the name of white supremists,
5…and how many “vicious physical assaults done by them”… please give us a number?
oh, with sources… you all tend to lie, so I want numbers and sources…

K: even a modest search reveals 25 deaths during the summer, however, with that
said, at least 5 were the results of right wing violence, including Rittenhouse? in
Kenosha who shot to death two BLM marchers… so, given the fact that millions,
marched in protest marches and the number was 25 and a quarter of that were
right wing violence…and during the right wing coup attempt caused the death of
5…including police…I think you are engaged in another false equivalency… trying to
connect the peaceful marches of millions of American’s into something that it wasn’t…


Here’s how all you Leftist Commie scums think and “argue”

You lose your arguments and conclude with “putting bullets in your head”.

That’s all you have left, threats of violence, scum.

This includes:

WWIII the real piece of shit, smears, PK, zeroeth_nature

None of you belong on a philosophy forum.

smears, kropotkin, zeroeth nature are all complicit in death threats and threats of violence,

Because that’s all they have left. They have failed the Philosophy side of the equation. They need the threats of violence and force, because they’ve got nothing else.

Backed into a corner, you see these fools for what they are. They accuse others of “evil”, but who was it “wanting to put a bullet in your head”?

Who said it first? Who backed it up? Answer: WWIII, smears, kropotkin, zeroeth

It is nobody else on this forum so desperate, stupid, cowardly, or childish. You don’t see me going around declaring: “Agree with me or bullet in your head.”

Why not? Because Philosophy doesn’t need threats of violence to have an impact. A voice, an opinion, a belief is good enough.

But not good enough for you so fuck you.

Shame on these above, and shame on Carleas for allowing this forum to degrade so low. As long as WWIII remains on this website, there’s no reason to “play by the rules”, when these scumbags clearly do not.

Agree with me, or bullet in your head! Pathetic.

On the contrary, you horn-mad little mud wasp! :laughing: Philosophy is the quest to replace beliefs, opinions, voices—by understanding, knowledge, insight!

Shut the fuck up, little commie bitch

You and WWIII both a couple of cowards.

[quote=“Peter Kropotkin”]

Rittenhouse only shot his attackers. Were the other violent rioters only killing others to defend themselves like Kyle? No.

It’s so funny how obviously frustrated you are to me! :laughing: The best proof on this forum of the alt-right’s intellectual bankruptcy—and that’s saying something!


K: that is simply not true… and the footage shows that…
the fact you are willing to defend someone who traveled to another state with a weapon
he legally wasn’t able to have, means you are happy to defend the violent shooting of anyone
who doesn’t agree with you…kinda says it all, doesn’t it?


Dead beat!

Talking bout Eastern feels, when you’re oblivious to Eastern facts. East feels don’t talk smack like that, so stop using East’s name in vain.


[quote=“Peter Kropotkin”]

Um, I saw Kyle laying on the street shooting men who were attacking him. Also, his friend who lived in Wisconsin lended him a gun which Kyle was old enough to carry.

Retards do not see or know reality as it happens before their eyes. Kyle was down on the ground being attacked by three men and he shot their dumb asses. Retards think Kyle was chasing them down the street shooting as the three men sang kumbaya.

It’s really disturbing to know that we watched the same video and did not see the same thing. I saw Kyle down on the ground when he shot his gun. What did you see? I saw three men run at him? What did you see?

These domestic terrorists, Zeroeth Nature included, are too obvious.

They want to hurt, maim, attack, and like WWIII issue death threats. Then they act innocent in the next paragraph. They believe they are untouchable, or won’t pay for their mistakes.

But they will. They need to be correctly identified as the source and cause of most of these calamities.

It’s not, and never was our side issuing death threat, censoring, burning down cities, attacking innocent people.

It is, was, and continue to be, their side. Then they have the audacity to accuse us of what they themselves do everyday.

So funny, these little people who can’t help demonstrating again and again how little they are… Ortega y Gasset’s point in his Revolt of the Masses was precisely that, whereas such children were formerly not seen and not heard, as befits them, they are now bustling everywhere! That is what Fascism is at bottom!

Go on little bitch, you need all the death threats you can muster where you’re going.

Defend yourself, coward.

[i]AOC: Marginalized Communities ‘Have No Choice But To Riot’

Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said in an interview Tuesday that marginalized communities in the U.S. and across the globe “have no choice but to riot” under certain conditions.

“I believe that injustice is a threat to the safety of all people, because once you have a group that is marginalized and marginalized and marginalized, then you create a … like, once someone doesn’t have access to clean water, they have no choice but to riot,” the New York socialist said during an interview on “Ebro in the Morning,” a radio show on the New York hip hop station Hot 97.

“And it doesn’t even have to be that way,” she added.

Ocasio-Cortez was discussing Israel and Palestine when she made the remarks, but included poor communities in the U.S. and across the world.

“I’m not even talking about Palestinians,” Ocasio-Cortez said about halfway through her almost hour-long interview, which The Hill flagged. “I’m talking about communities in poverty in the United States. I’m talking about Latin America. I’m talking about like all over the world.”

She noted riots in 1968, which occurred in numerous U.S. cities in the wake of civil rights activist Martin Luther King Jr.’s assassination.

“Social destabilization is what happens when people do not have a plan or feel like there’s no vision for their future,” said Ocasio-Cortez.[/i]‘have-no-choice-riot’-70466

So if you’re black and/or poor or a white ‘ally’ from the suburbs, which’s where the majority of these ‘activists’ are from, you have the right to commit violence against people and their property en masse in urban communities, which’s where the majority of the violence took place, according to AOC and her ilk in the democratic party.
You have the right to takeover and tear down government buildings and neighborhoods.
What you don’t have is the right to defend your community against rioters, hence defund the police in the midst of riots, because they’re just a tool of white supremacy.