The temptation to belong [/size]
Modern men are supposed to be very, very happy. Living in their godless world, with no particular reason to wake up or to go to sleep, they surrender to the so-called “universal” reasons to do such things: “I will wake up tomorrow because all of us are supposed to wake up tomorrow. If that is enough for my neighbours, why wouldn’t that be enough for me?”. Modern men are supposed to be very, very “free” creatures. Without pronouncing a single word which is not directly put in their mouths by their environment and their so-called “fellow men”, they are supposed to feel and act with “freedom”. The absence of “freedom” should indicate to them that they are nothing but slaves to their environments, and that would certainly be a tragedy to the modern world- “Men now know that their acts contradict their so-called "freedom. That shouldn’t have happened”.
That doesn’t mean that freedom does not exist. It does. In fact, we are free creatures, we have free will, at least at an intelectual level. But society is a bunch of creatures, it is composed by many a man, so it has to supress our free will one way or another. It begins with a necessity (to supress man’s freedom for the sake of the group) and ends with a total dependence of the environment, untill the point man can’t live without feeling "part of something, even if this something is despicable and disgusting (like modern societies generally are). So, modern man is face to face with this horrific dilemma: he wants to be free, he wants to have his individuality, but he knows that doing so he is going to destroy society itself- the same society upon which he depends.
Modern men are supposed to have built a very, very “advanced” civilization. Modern men are supposed to be proud of their “creation”- this pathetic bunch of ridiculous and unhappy creatures trying desperately to destroy their own personalities in order to “survive” in this fake “modern technological paradise”. Yes, that is another pattern of our fragmented world, almost a law- our survival depends upon the annihilation of our individualities! What is the worst, the greatest enemy humankind has ever known? [size=150]Individuality[/size]. That is the enemy, that is supposed to be our target: individualism. The only way of showing that we don’t accept and don’t like the world we unhappily live in is to keep our personalities untouchable, to keep our individualism untouchable! But that is a hard, hard task. Almost impossible. We belong to a group: we are to surrender to it if we plan to stay alive, there is no exit, with the exception of suicide.
Modern men are supposed to be better that ancient men were. If that is true, they could have built a less destructive world to live in. In fact, they (and these “they” is a very restrictive one) created a world where hypocrisy, falsehood and artificiality are some kind of pattern of life itself: we are to be hypocrite if we are to live in modern society, we are to pretend that we like it, we are to pretend that our spirits accept its “moral” conventions and “laws” if we want to be seen as really “useful” citizens". “Thou shalt be a hypocrite, thou shalt pretend!” Modern world makes it clear that it is funny to pretend. It is funny to pretend that we respect politicians, that they deserve their “authority”, it is funny to pretend that we respect the artificiallity of our day-by-day, and it is funny to realize that all this imbecility doesn’t make us happy, but unbalanced, sad, untill we can’t stand any longer and either kill ourselves or become insane.
Modern men are supposed to have found a lot of things ancient men didn’t know. Their fake “happiness”, brought by all kinds of artificial amusements and a blind search for pleasure (we should search for pleasure if we are to forget pain) are a confirmation of a truth about humankind we can no longer hide: all our acts contradict not only themselves, but also our own natures. In order to “belong” to this world, we are able to sacrifice every single trace of personality we have. We have to divide our minds, to fragment it, to put one piece of it here, one piece of it there, all in name of a illusion, of a lot of illusions: the illusion that we do belong here, that we do like this world, with all its vain pretensiousness and all its hypocritical “moral” and costumes". An we aren’t given the privilege of running from this filth: our brains are constantly brainwashed to accept all these things as natural and good, untill we have a completely “positive” vision of life: “We are happy, we are good, we are happy citizens which “help” to keep this beautiful fake world some sick men have constructed in our places “alive” and we are to be very proud of that”. That is the subliminal slogan of the modern world: a world which destroys us, which makes slaves of us, which wants desperately to destroy our free will and our individualities, and which fights to put in our minds that there is no exit from that: either we accept it as it is or we kill ourselves.
That is what modern men are supposed to be proud of.
Modern men are supposed to represent an “advance” of humanity in relation to ancient men. Another modern slogan: being a creature naturally selfish, men have always fought to keep their illusiory “civilization” untouchable. Men of nowadays are no less despicable than men of yesterdays. Their inclination to destroy, to hate and to corrupt themselves hasn’t changed because of some scientific/technological “progress”. First, this “progress” is not a work of all men: most are too conformist and idle to create anything. If this civilization we live in exists, even with all its faults, it is because some men have built it, and only they. Civilization is not a creation of humankind itself, composed in main by despicable creatures, but of a few men, who were not responsible for something which is to be admired, but were only clever enough to build something their idle fellow men could never have the courage to build. So, modern men, despite all their arrogance and their pretenses, are not even responsible for the world they live in, they are taught that their world wasn’t created by them, but that they keep it with their “work” and that their existence is utterly important. Things are not different from yesterdays, they just seem to be different. Our “laws” and “costumes” are not a product of our wills, but a product of the will of a few men, who thanks to our indolence, can rule this world as if it were their “mission”, something that they ought to do.
That is what we are to be proud of.
My conclusion about that is not simple to express in an understandable way. I have no answers to our most precious questions regarding humankind, I have no solutions to our problems, I don’t know how we could really live worthy lives in a world where we are always pretending that we are happy and proud of belong to. All I know is that men, all men, haven’t any reasons to be proud of anything. Face to face with reality, which is the same for all of us, no matter how much we try to deny it, we have no exit. We have to accept this world as it is, we have to know that all it wants is to supress our personalities untill the point when it is nothing but a dream, we have to give up our individualities in order to “belong” to something. “Look at those black guys wearing nice clothes! Wouldn’t you like to be like them? Be like them, be like them, be like them. Belong to their group. Belong to our group. But belong to something. You are to belong to something!” And there is no run from that. Things are so disgusting, that we have no excuse, no possibility of running from society/“civilization” and live freelly (acting really like we will), civilization is so sick that is puts in our mind that we have no option: liberty or life, dignity or relationship with other people, individuality or the very important sensation of belonging to something. No exit. That is where we are today, that is where our ancestors were yesterdays and that is where men of the future will be, simply because our wonderful civilization puts in our minds and will put in their minds that it has to be this way.
This is what modern men are supposed to be proud of.
Thanks for the attention,