In turn an interestingly composed reply. To identify the style in which the OP has been written as a way of “diagnosing” its content leads in this case to an insightful interpretation. Psychoanalytical philosophy revolves around the lie of language rather than the truth of it. Much to be said here which may be left unsaid. Your last sentence deserves to be further played out in the context provided by this approach.
Nobility - Adam was indeed a savage, he had no civilization but was placed as an innocent into a pure context. Placed before him were two types of knowing, two trees (which may be interpreted as the causal chains branching out into the world following from a choice): The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil: the binary system of knowledge of good and evil (yes and no), and the Tree of Life: the organic system of life, so indeed rather of good and bad, in which bad is the extreme of one of two poles. Imbalance - in prescientific oriental medicin represents the very notion of bad health.
For those who are not familiar with the tree of life, a quick search and read will result in sufficient understanding to appreciate its dynamic of energetic, magnetic polarity of force and form versus the static status of epistemic polarity of yes and no. Life is brought down by lightning, the charge of spirit through the phases of its condensation slows it down from pan-organic power to principles of organic, individual life to concrete makeup of the individual mind, to the body.
This top down process is reversed in the initiation, when man attains, step by step, knowledge of his life as he lives it. The Tree of Life may as such seem as a useless guide for a process that runs along fine without interference, and there is certainly, thankfully, truth in that. What this means is that its technology does not interfere with life. What interferes is the commandments of good and evil - “you will surely die”. Nietzsches philosophy virtually embodies the Biblical account of life, good and evil, in Genesis 2:9-17
[i]"And out of the ground, God caused to spring up every tree that is kind to the eye and with nutricious fruits. The tree of life was in the midst of the garden, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil…
"God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and keep it. And the God commanded the man, saying, “You may surely eat of every tree of the garden, but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.”[/i]
God tries to secure in Adam the innocence of becoming. Compare how Nietzsche fulminates against mans adopting of “good” (intended, responsible) and “evil” (not intended, not responsible) as the highest standard of knowledge, a standard based on as lowly a justification as social utility:
"[Man] has even made God ill with it, he has deprived existence of its innocence, namely, by tracing back every state of being thus and thus to a will, an intention, a responsible act. The entire doctrine of the will, this most fateful falsification in psychology hitherto, was essentially invented for the sake of punishment. It was the social utility that granted this concept its dignity, its power, its truth." - WP 765
And it is precisely the valuation of social utility that must fall for man to be free of good and evil, and set himself to the much more conscious and therefore daunting, deep and confronting task of understanding life - which is to say understanding himself, not in word as “God”, but surely as the reason why the world exists.
“We others who desire to restore innocence to becoming, would like to be the missionaries of a cleaner idea: that no one has given man his qualities, neither God, nor society, nor his parents and ancestors, nor he himself - that no one is to blame for him.” - ibid.
This grounds, however maybe be unattainable the way Nietzsche goes about it - for the very reason he do powerfully annuls for his intellectual progeny. He is the last man standing on the crimescene, with the blood of the false God on his hands. He cannot completely dissociate himself from the paradigm that he closed - his style is still a yes, a no, a straight line and a goal. This, precisely, is the error of metaphysical absolute. To overcome this error, man has, since the Christian attitude wreaked havoc in its ultimate consequence before the beginning of the atomic age, lost his attention to the branches as they amount to the crown, and taken notice of the “mass of roots”, “rhizome” - which is not so much a branching-out as a network.
“Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari use the term “rhizome” and “rhizomatic” to describe theory and research that allows for multiple, non-hierarchical entry and exit points in data representation and interpretation. In A Thousand Plateaus, they oppose it to an arborescent conception of knowledge, which works with dualist categories and binary choices. A rhizome works with horizontal and trans-species connections, while an arborescent model works with vertical and linear connections.” - wiki - my emphasis -
To return to the connection I make in the OP between the time before the original deviation in Genesis and Nietsches formulation of a time beyond deviation, - as in Genesis, so also to Nietzsche, it is woman who leads man astray to the notion of good and evil. She is the one who lets in with the Snake. But, dear readers, take heed that Eve is merely the woman of Adam. Even as Nietzsche and the Bible condone only Man as the original image of God, and as society does indeed modulate, I cannot fully allow this exclusivity in my thinking. But I will take heed that it is indeed woman-of-man who leads man astray, and unto death by judgment.