Think about it

I really don’t think people appreciate either how important hunting is.

In Wisconsin, we have more than 600,000 registered deer hunters, which by itself makes it the 8th largest army on earth, bigger than the armies of Germany and France combined… just to keep the deer population in that state intact.

People who live outside of North America simply aren’t aware just how numerous and crazy the wildlife gets in America… a lot of the top tier predators like wolvers, and even terror birds are dead, and bringing wolves back on a large scale is out of the question (they got wiped out for a reason.)

Either way, deer are being killed and eaten by humans or nonexistent wolves, if you don’t, their numbers will explode into impossible numbers, our cities would be conquered, and then a mass pestilence would roll in periodically, dropping their rotting bodies into our vegan organic gardens.

Its better to go fast with a bullet than get chased for a few miles, then ripped apart slowly by a pact of wolves. … l?lc=Smart

We kill 6.2 million deer a year. Thats legally hunted on public lands, on private lands, or illegally, hard to say.

Deers can live easily up to 12 years, but most don’t last that long, a few breeding seasons at best. By age 12, their teeth fall out, and they starve. They aren’t designed to be the top life forms around, they reproduce from a young age.

If they live longer, with no natural predators, their population will triple to quadruple within two decades, it currently stands at 30 million in the US… that’s 90 to 120 million. In another 20 years, 360 to 480 million. Thats right, in about 40 years, we can have two deer running down our roads for every person in the US.

We most kill them, before they kill us, and die miserably, starving in extremely depleted Flora environments. Their evolution requires predatorial pressures, you cannot put a condom on these guys… by default now, WE MUST KILL THEM!

Now, if we have go kill then, why can’t they be eaten? It seems a silly rule to have armies of vegans shoot the deer, and leave them to rot.

This number doesn’t include other types of animals we have to hunt to keep their populations in check… people don’t realise just how big America is. How quickly diseases rabies can spread without occasional cullings.

Gary Yourofsky

If he has a son around 10 years old then I’ve seen him get arrested before. It was a guy who looked exactly like him at least.

It was at a Barbara Boxer Senate race in California, I was hired with a bunch of others to stand on a patio, completely cut off from anyone likely to enter or exit this building, think it was a country club… and this bald headed guy comes running up to us with plastic Halloween skulls around his neck like a necklace, and starts flashing anti-abortion signs at us… which was awkward because mist if us more or less we’re against abortion… he stood there looking funny for a while shouting at us, and only we could hear him. Finally some sweaty cops a little overweight came up, and like a experienced pro (suspect they both met in the last), got some cuffs, walked him away shouting.

Once he was away, this little balded headed chemo kid with skulls on his neck came running up to the same spot, yelling jingoist slogans… we we’re all horrified, and he could tell we we’re upset… fat cop came back around alone again, saw the kid and sighed, kid was looking around scared, and the cop just tugged on his shoulder and too him off. He came back around to assure us he didn’t arrest the kid.

He has got to be 10 to 12ish if this was his son, I can’t find any evidence he has a kid.

One of the strangest and most heartbreaking things I’ve ever seen… I agree, don’t abort, but also don’t give your son a arrest record before he hits puberty. Poor kid looked scared.

And another, in Israel, of Gary YouOfSky [“terrorist at large”] … with the all too conspicuous contrived last name, making his case on Israeli TV.


I seriously think that’s him… just can’t find if he has a son, so can’t be certain. If so, I witnessed his biggest dud protest.

He lives in Detroit… a city notorious for it’s dog fight rings, and crazed pit bulls walking the streets half crazed without a home.

I don’t understand the attraction to “mink farms”, doesn’t sound like good food, fur can be faked… so wouldn’t want such a farm to exist… but honestly, wouldn’t the local stray dogs being made to fight one another to the death and then abandoned on the streets of where you live be of a higher priority than… minks? Just has too much of a monies, liberal air to it, completely bullshit priorities. They don’t make minks fight to the death, and he had to invade another country to free those minks… save the more intelligent dogs first.

The essence of the question is first, “Are all forms of life equal in priority?”

And then, “What defines an acceptable level of cruelty?”

As long as those questions are left to the wind, there will always be cruelty and unacceptable inequality. Which means that if you wish it to end, you must correct the problem of such questions being left to the wind.

In Australia, cigarettes are sold in ‘plain packaging’ (see below). Perhaps meat should be packaged in a similar way but with images of tortured animals on it?


If we take this logic, then all food will have to be labeled, and vegetables are far more hazardous than meat. People cook their meat, but not always vegetables.

You ready to see a guy puking, shrinked wrap on every carrot? Someone in a hospital bed on every cucumber?

Thats modern reality, vegetables are the danger. I know a lot if Raw Food Vegans who don’t even rinse their food because they need Be Vitamins from the dirt on it… the food is fertilized using animal shit! Not wise.

“All lying, cheating, stealing, and murder is acceptable behavior as long as it is for the good.”

Who/what is this ‘lying, cheating, stealing and murder’ you speak of ?
To whom is it acceptable behaviour?

“Plain Packaging” with psycho-trauma scenes to propagandize new age socialist priorities… geeezz.

That isn’t exactly what “plain packaging” means (except to manipulators who allow themselves every immoral privileged).

Fruits and vegetables could be sold with attached pictures showing underpaid and exploited migrant workers.

Clothes could show the actual sweatshops where they were manufactured.

Apple products could have their Chinese factory as the startup screen. You know the one where so many workers have committed suicide.


Well, I agree with the concept of avoiding both cruelty and killing, actually of anything. But that thought has been promoted for literally thousands of years. And today it is merely worse. Obviously to prevent the act, something besides merely preaching against it has to be done.

The larger problem is that if you haven’t resolved ALL problems, then you really haven’t resolved any.

Easy, if we give Joker a knife, and freedom to kill at will, all our problems will end in short order… one way or another.

Just pass laws requiring a actual human has to put the animal out with Max efficiency and least pain. Has to be a human… rest, I don’t care regarding machines, dead is dead.

Kosher aims at this, Halah not so well (will undoubtedly get a exemption, but I want to see the Fatwa reasoning against a technique for more humane killing, as this is exactly what they claim they are doing. I think there may be some wiggle room if they actually have to logically explain how it’s working, yet not as quick as other methods, once this is laid out, a additional step that doesn’t violate Halah rules but speeds up the process may be formulated, reducing suffering).

Every stock holder knows that keeping your flocks and herds healthy and stress free is the most economic way of farming.
There are some exceptions to this, but generally a farm animal lives a safer and disease free life; better than in nature.

WEll, no. If we are talking about factory farming they are over-drugged, they eat foods that are not natural to their digestive systems, they have little room to move in, some of them have their kids taken away in ways that upset them, some are genetically modified with who knows what experiential effects. Their lives are generally shit. Small farms are another story or can be.

The factory farming system is indifferent to the suffering of animals except when it impacts profits. Animals are merely raw materials being manufactured into products.

It does not intentionally torture animals.

Yeah, the apathy of it all.

‘Plain packaging’ is a legal term that denoted what the tobacco companies were restricted to using on their packets. It refers to the removal of all logos, images, corporate colours, brand names (that don’t factually describe the brand), slogans, font styles sizes and positions.

It had NOTHING to do with what the government demands be put on top of the ‘plain packaging’ in the form of warnings.

Your claim about the government lying about the appearance of the packages and thus being immoral isn’t valid.

Geezzz. is right :open_mouth:
Could you cram in anymore cool conspiracy theory buzz words into a single sentence, James? LOL

“New age socialist priorities”? Really?
I thought the government was elected to work on behalf of the citizens which includes improving health outcomes, reducing the health costs and reducing the burden on the tax payer? If this is socialism bring it on.

“Psycho-trauma scenes”? Really?
I thought they were REAL images of REAL people who suffered REAL consequences from using the products inside the box. It seems you have a huge problem with reality. How’s that working out for ya?

The unfortunate truth is that these horrible image have to be used in order to break through decades of brainwashing and addiction that the real ‘immoral’ ones have engaged in. Anyway, this thread is about meat eating and cruelty to animal so I leave it at that.

Fun fact, they engineered this unconsciousness in the first place, to make profits. And they specially developed brain control techniques to get people to lust after cigarettes. Their lawyers are going to resist putting labels on items which will reduce profits, money is the only thing these fags care about. They are old and senile, and they don’t care about animals, these CEOS, these shadowpeople, are just walking piles of flesh.

Yeah, the idea of putting tortured animal images on meat was a thought experiment rather than a practical suggestion. When I was writing it, I thought about it being extended into some of the things you mentioned. :laughing: