time as a world

has anyone ever thought as time being another world which we dont know anything of?like time is how long somthing goes on.but how long does it take time to go in progress.like it may be so small a number that we cant compr hend but i bet that it can be comprehended in another dimension.i wonder if there are different world all around us but we cant preticipate in them because we dont have the bodies or a skill as the same comprehension of time and size.thoughts?

I didn`t quite understand what you wanted to say…but it sounds interesting, so explain a bit more clearly :confused:

yea o.k like we may live in a time where we think every thing goes at a good speed .but what if there was another body that excested only in a faster time and in our time evrything would be in slow motion.like we ourselves cant think fast enough to analize a milla second.i was just thinking we could be in a world of time that only is alive to 'us’becase we a the right thinking abilitys.like a heart donor needs to have the correct blood type to match a recever.let your thoughts trail on from this.

There are things somewhat like what you describe. Relative velocity determines time. Something which seems to us to be moving at near the speed of light (an electron, let’s say) is very hard to understand, because from our frame of reference it seems like its time is distorted. Similarly, if the electron were a sentient creature capable of looking back at us, it would find us hard to comprehend because we would be moving at a velocity close to the speed of light relative to it, and so from its frame of reference our time would seem distorted. This is all in Einstein’s relativity.

time is a freak. If there is nothing to measure it it does not exist.

what if there is no time, and the future moments and past moments happened at the same time? it would be like a flip book of pictures, that were all taken at once, and the flip book is constantly fliping, so life is constantly playing. or maybe it just flips through once. the flip book that you are, is a page in a giant flip book, the giant flip book, makes up the tire of a fairytale bike ,being ridden by a fairytale opera singer. her name is aria. time isnt a freak; its a miracle.

time is a freak because it is so complex to us. But yeah, GalacticHeart, it does have its good points. But it also makes our lives end and stuff

I think that a dimension of time does exist, but not in the way most people perceive. I think this dimension of time exist only in a timeless manner, where time isnt necessarily perceived, but rather everything simply is the now, sort of like what GalacticHeart is describing, but we are the beings experiencing this panorama of life from our own limited perspectives. So time doesnt matter, its as if we are beyond time in this dimension, and all things we percieve become just as animate as we are. As a result, the dimension has an added dimension of depth, making things appear as if they were 4-D, because in a realm where time is felt and measured, things exist in time, and the passage of time is perceived as change. In this reality, because the passage of time isnt measured, an added dimension of what is really there and has always been there but not seen by us because of time, is now perceived. Things would be percieved as even “more real” than they are now, more enlivened. Colors will come to life and be seen as they truly are within this added dimension of depth. This is hard to explain because there is nothing like it in our 3-D world, but I believe it exist beyond our perceptions due to our living in time, which inevitably makes us not pay as close attention to things as they truly exist in themselves.