Hundreds of years ago people believed the earth to be flat…they were proved wrong…people believed the sun to revolve around the earth…they were proved wrong…
Does anyone think one day what we believe now about religion will be proved wrong…one way or the other?
I am not after an argument here as to wether or not god exists or jesus existed…just a few thoughts as to mans faith in what he believes to be true at various points in his history and how that faith was misplaced.
It was at least a thousand years ago that ‘some’ of the people thought the earth was flat, just incase you didn’t know.
As to your question, I don’t think all religions will ever be disproven, maybe some of the false ones however. And as for many, the world would have to fall apart for them to be disproven. This is just what I think with good reasoning and logic.
“Religion” is different then “Semetic dogmatic monotheistic slave-morality idealist perfectionist nostalgiac faithridden slop”.
“Religion” = Something held as highest truth, worshipped and fallowed.
Har har.
Everything is “religion”.
When humans don’t want things anymore, they wont entertain the existence of those things anymore.
The real problem here is the dogma. Without the dogma it can just be a free, easy learning experience about ancient culture and ideas, but when preachers puke it up it’s not set out as strait-facts, it’s set out with a hidden motive: conversion to the bigot.
…Sigh… What could have been a history lesson turns into a moral commandment. So sad.
If you’d studied books about how to create thoughtforms, and developed enough psychic powers, you could probably then realize how to evoke & invoke certain godforms, aswel as learning about how they were made and how they work.
Then – you would “know” in yourself the “proof” and the “disproof” about certain things, but you couldn’t “prove” it to anyone else…
And there are other things too. Basically anything can eventually be known, but spelling it out to twits never works.
… … oh, right.
Yeah, well, winning an argument with an SOB is different then having sufficient descernment and already knowing the right answer. If you had to prove the deeper, complex and most important parts of your existence to everybody who ever physically saw you, you’d have a very troubled life. What would work far easier is this: “Fuck them…” As in, no need to prove or argue anything with any form of fool. Life’s too short to waste on those twits.
Imagine you’re an explorer who stumbles on a lost tribe in the middle of the rainforest, they’re friendly so you decide to hang with them for a while and learn their language, then they eagerly gather round to listen as you tell them the earth is a spinning round ball whizzing through empty space.
They look at each other, then drift away disappointedly,mumbling to each other “Poor guy, he’s completely off his rocker and his ideas are uncomfortable, we’ll kill him when he’s asleep and pop him in the cookpot tomorrow”…
Likewise a young carpenter arrived on the scene elsewhere and told people "You’re spirits trapped in fleshy bodies,
there’s a heaven and a hell,
God is the good guy, Satan is the bad guy and you’re caught in the middle, but I’ve been sent to get you out…
I’ll tell you things hidden since the creation of the world…
You’re of this world but I’m not of this world…
No one has ever gone into heaven except me who came from heaven…
Nobody knows the Father except the Son…
In my fathers kingdom are many mansions,I’m going on ahead to get them ready for you,I’ll be back later to take you there…
I’m the Messiah, the Christ,the Superprophet and the Son of God…
(Matt 13:35/ John 8:23/ John 3:13/ Luke 10:22/ John 4:26/ John 14:14/ John 14:2/ Matt 11:3/ Matt 16:15)
And what happened? -
“Jesus’s family and friends tried to take charge of him,saying he’s out of his mind” (Mark 3:21)
"Many of them said, “He is demon-possessed and raving mad. Why listen to him?”(John 10:20)
Then they killed him…
And all possessed mad men are potentially incarnations of god?
None of them are?
One of them was?
Maybe two?
Who’s to say? Who’s proven anything?
Magick can be done by persons who are not god. Miracles can be done by persons who are not god. Miracles are not proof of god.
Mick can you at least once ague without telling some fucking religious story and quoting scripture!!..I mean tell me what you think!..not what the fucking bible tells you say…lets have Micks thoughts for once and not some fucking carpenter!..
Club29…according to you only the “false” religions will be disproven…So by false you mean any other religion that isnt christianity…how fucking arrogant can you get?..
And finally the original question wasnt about religion…it was about man believing something that eventually was proven to be wrong and how that realisation affected him.
Of course religions will change or fall to the wayside or give birth to new ones. Proven wrong? Since religion is faith based and not based on proven fact, no, they can’t be proven wrong for that would mean hard evidence exists and words in a book are not hard evidence. Man needs faith of anykind to go forward so there probably will always be some sort of faith based belief.
Dude…I’m not even going to sink to your level here. But I will say this, THERE ARE FALSE RELIGIONS. Religions contradict each other and they cannot all possibly be true, it’s common sense. Please man, grow up.