to embrace trees

,the, white, drops,
,the, tiny, incy,
,wincy, pinkey,
,drops, are, frozen,
,in, cold, chilly,
,mumzy, wumzy,
,tumzy, ballons,
,floating, as, spys,
,who, gaze, on,
,ice, cream, cones,
,in, jelly, jars,
,and, belly, jeans,
,in, crystal, lairs,
,where, ice,queens,
,melt, and, little,
,boys, deal, in,
,on, monkey, bars,
,in, hard,top, cars,
,where, soft,rock,
,dwells, and, jazz,
,excells, with,
,and, soft, heart,
,coups, to, milky,
,ways, a, million,
,miles, away, in,
,far, of, lands,
,with, cooler,
,bands, and, faster,
,cars, rounder, squares,
,and, fatter, chairs,
,happier, faces,
,and, more, colorful,
,places, blue, and,
,orange, violet, too,
,yellow, daisies, and,
,purple,hazies, wonderful,
,with, rosey, toes,
,and, backward, bows,
,and, cherry, treats,
,on, soft, knock,
,lands, in, candy,
,caves, with, merry,
,tops, and, hand,
,held, games,

(i dedicate this poem
to embracetrees – call it

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

this poem had the same effect on me! except this is even better!shameless sillyness and painted rocks, lollipops and tiny socks…all encolsed on one poem, and as you read it, it hops and giggles on your tongue!

how lucky i am to have this dedicated to me!!!

Glad you liked it – makes me very happy.

Would you object if I entitled this poem: to embrace trees ? Let some critic try figuring that one out :wink: (if i get your permission of course).