Well, after many more years of service to ILP, and especially the philosophy section, than I suspect he’s comfortable admitting it seems our beloved Impster is packing up his kitbag and hitting the road.
I’d like the honour of being the first to wish him well. Without his masterly, (if somewhat scathing at times ) hand upon the tiller, the philosophy section of ILP would have quickly descended into a morass of fallacy, confabulation and other long words ending with ‘tion’.
He is/was/will be one of the very few members here I actually listened to, and learned from; his grip of logic and scepticism was unmatched, the depth and bredth of his philosophic background quite gobsmacking in its tedious level of detail, and he was quite a funny guy too, on a good day.
Did I lay that on too thick…?
In short, despite arguing about all things middle eastern, I liked him. He had passion, and consistancy, if of the slightly frothing-at-the-mouth kind. When the world does eventually fall apart, I can think of no-one better to be with than Impenitent, except for maybe Angelina Jolie, or a busload of professional cheerleaders all rendered mute and willing by radiation poisoning.
Wow, this is actually very disappointing to me. I don’t know the guy, and never really got into a good conversation with him, but I can honestly say that I’ll miss his insight.
I always got a kick out his comments because his responses are rarely more than a few sentences, yet usually the most poignant response in an entire thread. No apologies, no explanations, no unnecessary attitude; always just seemed very mellow and knowledgeable - almost like he has already considered most of the ideas that get thrown around on here…
I will say that your comment about his skepticism seems right on the mark to me, and what good is a skeptic without a fitting sense of sarcasm?
Always had damn good suggestions for references too. As someone relatively new to philosophy, he has given me a ton of new names and a couple of great texts to look into.
Good luck on your journey Imp, wherever it may take you. The little I have learned about you tells me that you are a very respectable cat. Just keep on walking forward man.