God pure and simple for me. I hope you’re not asking this question as if I was to be the one to make the decision for the entire world…because you couldn’t make that decision either.
But as for my life, which will end at some point, I would choose God.
I too, am troubled by this. Proverbs says “Do not answer a fool in his own folly, lest you become like a fool yourself.” But then it also says “Answer a fool in his own folly, lest be be wise in his own conceit.” I mean, the two verses are right next to each other, and when certain situations crop up, I can never decide which way to go. Invariably, I always choose wrong, it seems.
But you know, it’s not like it’s a contradiction. If it were a contradiction, then I should be able to figure out which of the two statements is false, and it’s pretty clear that both of them can be true depending on the nuance of the situation. That’s the beauty of statements about human life, they can contradict and that’s ok.
well, my belief is that God is the ALL, and if God is the all, then we can no longer separate God from anything. But your question is choose between God and sun. I choose God, we’ll create the sun later.
Proverbs are proverbial which means that they are only generally true. Thus they can sometimes appear opposed to one another. Christians get themselves in all sorts of trouble when they think that proverbs are promises from God. They are not. They are proverbs.
Let me remind you that it was the lack of a certain type of energy coming from a certain celestial body that caused the total extinction of a certain breed of reptiles, some 65 million years ago.
But the sun IS going
Jesus said of the end of the world - "Immediately after the distress of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, the stars will fall from the sky, and the heavenly bodies will be shaken.’
(Matt 24:29)
Should be quite a sight, get your camcorders ready…
Right, but is your faith in jesus so strong that you would pick your lord over what you can actually see and feel, and most importantly rely on to survive?
Is this litterary character so real to you that you would pick him over the sun? Faith.
I still would man, I wouldn’t deny Christ. I know that at my death I would feel honored to die for this cause…I could die many ways but even if God didn’t exist I’d be dieing for something I stand for…and to me that’s a just cause.
Oh by the way I like your display…did you draw that?
To each his own, although this is when philosophy becomes usefull. Philosophy teaches you to get beyond your dogmas and look at the issue as objectively as possible.
My icon is a photo of nietzsche with his pointing finger up. I used paint to make it look like he’s doing the devils horns. (Rock On)
Duder quote - My icon is a photo of nietzsche with his pointing finger up. I used paint to make it look like he’s doing the devils horns. (Rock On)
Speaking of Nietzsche, he said -
“…if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you”.
I can’t help thinking atheism is a form of empty abyss…
Really? I view it as it is those who follow dogmatically are staring into the abyss and giving the nothingness (god) a face. But I guess it is up to personal interpreation.