

I’m sorry mate.

But comon’, make your own ideas. This immediately made me thought of “The Matrix” which i can compare to an idea which is untrue and just like a video game.

Think about the question you are asking before you ask it. What do you think? I frankly don’t think we are a “virus”, because the word “virus” was used for diseases or computer faults.

We are not a virus, we have just been created through probability. The word “virus” originates from an idea in this world that has been defined by “intelligent beings” which have the capacity to form complex inventions and forms of communication.

maybe bacteria…

stop reading the environmentalist wacko propaganda, humans are swell…


is that you mr.smith? would you like to share a, revolation, with me?

humans may not be viral, but their symbiotic species, language, sure as hell is.

What about the assimilation of mitochondria about 200,000 years or so ago…


Virus is a relative concept. We only use the word ‘virus’ to refer to thing who are bad for us.
I know thread starter’s meaning, we detroy the environment, consume resources, kill living things, so I think other things–such as the earth, the plants, the other animals–can call us viruses. I think it’s necessary for human beings to be this kind of viruses.

I have always thought of humans as being a kind of cancer (yes even before i saw the matrix films)

A cancer is a cell that has become out of harmony with the surrounding tissue. I believe the Earth currently has (is) cancer, and if we observe our own roll that we play in that, we should also realise how to cure it…


It’s that damn knowledge of Good and Evil I tell ya. Everything that is “Good” benefits, and everything that is “Bad” harms. We have a hard time dying and living in creation because it is “Bad.” We take everything we need (want) to survive because it is “Good.” Although, as we can see if we open our eyes is that we have taken too much.

I don’t think we humans are virus if we lived in harmony with nature. Like our ancestors thousands of years ago.
Greed is the real virus in us.

Harmony is LIFE. !

Death is only lifes poop



you got things all mixed up. human beings are not destructive. Again, please read my post “on competition” in philosophy forum.
Humans beings are carrying the virus of greed. But human beings are not virus themselves.

If you really want to know survival, go read up on my topic on competition. If you really want to know.

Please define survival. I don’t care what you wrote either, you are a garbage dump. The only thing coming out of your mouth is pure nonsense.

Isn’t a homosexual lifestyle anti-survival? Assuming you are not a sperm doner and try to act straight. If you don’t want babies, and you talk about survival. You are just the typical hypocrite, who says things he doesn’t believe in. And no one has any respect for hypocrites. Frankly, no one wants to hear from hypocrites.

I am a kid. I think you are going senile, because your reasoning power in the past week is starting to diminish at an exponential rate.


Darwinism is just a theory. It hasn’t been proven, due to lack of evidence. Just finding a couple of skulls here or there does not in any way, support evolution.

If surviving means you don’t die, then why get born in the first place. If you are not born, you can’t die.

Darwin is a fool. Since, there are homosexuals means, life is not all about survival. Otherwise they’ll be committing suicide.

No I don’t get upset over people with different sexual orientation from me. Only ignorant people who tries to confuse others.

I do what I believe in, I am not a hypocrite. Actually, a hypocrite is also anti-survival, because people don’t trust hypocrites. Therefore, less likely to have babies with them.

perhaps homosexuality is natures way of trying to balance off the population? If 10% of them don’t want to reproduce then that saves having to send 'em some natural disasters to even things out.

The fact that there are homosexuals doesn’t go particularly far to disproving Darwin at all.

In fact, Darwinism probably supports the fact that there are homosexuals…

We, as a society, “allow” (please don’t pounce on that word, bad choice, I know) homosexuality, so it continues. In the wild, homosexuality would not be particularly successful since it, as an evolutionary change, would put an end to itself in one generation.

This isn’t even touching on the nature/nurture thing, because I personally think that at least a percentage of homosexuality is a lifestyle choice.

Sorry to interrupt your discusions about the matrix, but I come to you today to tell you about the most insidious horrible creature on earth… BEAVERS!

These little buggers do more harm to our earth than muskrats and earthworms COMBINED! They cut down trees and dam rivers. thus creating both flooding and drought! They don’t even replant the trees they themselves distroy!

Therefore Beavers=Viruses Q.E.D.

P.S. By definition we as humans can’t be viruses, we have penises and vaginas! We consume, excrete, and reproduce, oh my god! that means we’re ALIVE!!

lemerz, thanks for that useful insight.

Gnome. there are other ways to balance off the human population. What is the difference of in the wild and in human society?

hahahha. please stop embarrasing yourself.

  1. There is no evidence for evolution due to the existence of three skulls.

  2. haha, so it becomes the survival of genes.
    Genes in a homosexual will not get passed on
    Does that mean, genes hate homosexuals?

If homosexual “genes” do not get passed on, how come there are still homosexuals today?

  1. “Things will go wrong?” an explination is required.

  2. ok. regarding liars. I’ve got to start a new post.

Very interesting.

by memes - are you suggesting homosexuals are made in society and not born that way.

please, explain the concept of ‘exaptation’