Trump is bringing JUSTICE and AUTONOMY back to USA

Trump has a message to Soros and all his Marxist-Democrat-Liberal pawns, who thinks he’s above the Law of the United States:


Trump lost me at “I am your retribution.”

Not that he ever had me.

He just… legit lost me.

We should just scrap everything & start over.

I’m getting tired of Trump.
He’s better than an establishment dem like Biden or an establishment rep like Bush, but he didn’t drain the swamp or build much wall.
He’s responsible for ‘warp speed’, and he wanted the military to distribute the vaxx, that wasn’t cool.
He’s also an old Boomer, 3 presidents born in 46, Clinton, Bush and Trump.
I think it’s time to give someone younger a chance.
If you’re a die hard R, vote for Rand Paul, or Ron DeSantis if they’re running.
If you’re a die hard D, vote for RFK Jr.


Interestingly RFJ Jr says they assassinated his uncle and father.
I never looked into it that deeply, but they probably did.
And if you’re independent, vote independent or 3rd party.
Establishment politics brought us to this point, our civil liberties violated, a standard of living that’s been shrinking for decades and on the verge of WW3.
The neo/woke/lib/con establishment have failed us, they sold us out to big brother, big business, big pharma, globalism and the military.
It’s time for outsiders to take the reigns.

Yeah but… only Trump has a personal motive to hold the Federal Government accountable for their endless corruptions:


I get the impression that RFK Jr. would not be able to strong-arm his political enemies as Trump can.

whoever the stylist is who chooses the shade of his foundation obviously hates him

gloominary, rand paul got beat up by his neighbor and desantis is threatening to build a prison next to disney world because they are owning him in court right now as he is trying to leverage his office against them because of some culture war shit about the gays. neither one of those guys will ever be president. there is literally 0 chance whatsoever. i will bet you ten thousand dollars on that right now.

All talk, zero action. In the parlance of psychological manipulation this is called revelation of method. You are being gradually conditioned to the truth of this world, while at the same time also being conditioned to the fact you can do nothing about it. Unconsciously you are slowly learning to accept these ‘hard truths’. Trump is one of the primary figures achieving this mass gaslighting effect.

Trump had 4 years and did nothing about any of these issues. He didn’t even investigate Hilary, after all that “lock her up” promises he made he literally let her go. One of the first things he did after being elected. Zero accountability, no charges, nothing.

Same with every other corrupt politician, intelligence operative and deep state swamp creature. Trump’s administration charged literally ZERO of those people with any crimes.

He also did nothing to stop illegal surveillance of the American people or the censorship abuses in the media. In fact it was under Trump that the current system of internet ISPs being allowed to see everything you do online and then being legally allowed to own and sell that as data to whoever wants it, came into being. This was legalized under Trump. It happened overnight, you may have noticed the change to the ads you were being served online if you were paying attention.

Not only all of that, but Trump allowed an illegal coup and theft of the presidential election. He knew and had all the hard evidence of this, he also had support of the military and national guard, and he had support of the vast majority of the American people, AND he had the Insurrection Act on his side. He had all of these things, and he knew for 100% certain and could prove that the election was stolen. So what did he do about it? Absolutely nothing. He walked his supporters into a false flag trap, then he walked away and never did shit about any of it. Abandoned his sworn duties and knowingly handed the country over to literal traitors.

Oh and he also pushed, promoted and is still pushing and promoting deadly covid “vaccines” that are responsible for the death and injury of millions of Americans.

He never did anything about the fake news media he apparently hates, even as president he talked to them every day. He invited them into the white house, on Air Force One with him and his staff, he gave them interviews and talking points.

In case you still haven’t noticed by now, you have been played. By a master con man. But please, go back to your regularly scheduled MuH MaGa TrUMp WiLL sAvE uS aLL fROm ThE DeEP StAte nonsense. :-" :-" #-o

vivek ramaswathy went to school on a soros fellowship

skull and bonez

Trumptards got lots to learn. And they are learning it. Slowly but surely.

Give them credit, at least they are still somewhat capable of learning. Unlike their counterparts across the aisle.

are you american? have you ever actually met any of these people in real life? they’re fucking retarded. gop defunded public education for years and are desperately trying to reap the reward of that.

the set of people who are still listening to donald trump has pretty much condensed down to the stupidest minority of people that the country has to offer. the kind of people who will believe anything if someone says it over and over enough times. its really sad when you meet them in person. im in alabama. the rural people here basically are living their lives in a state of fear and panic. they think the vaccine is going to be forced onto them or they’ll go to jail and have their dna altered. they think someone is coming to take away their children and give them to groomers. they have decided that the possibility of a business being allowed to kick them out for not wearing a mask is cause for full on rebellion. they have “DO NOT COMPLY” bumper stickers and shit. they are literally off the rails.

meanwhile, normal people are just living their normal lives. buying groceries, taking a vacation, visiting the doctor, going to a show or a game, watching a movie or having dinner/drinks with friends and doing normal shit.

they are so deeply entrenched in that weird media bubble that tells them that they cant believe anyone but them, and that no one can be trusted and that their religion is under attack etc. nonstop fear/rage porn. its sad.

they reason in this weird loop and only respond to anything in a few ways. they think that the whole world is split up between them vs cnn viewers who are also either communists, satanists, or both. mf will just pop off and be like U WATCH CNN U COMMIE SATANIST U R A DEMON GROOMER DEMON WHAT IZ UH WOMIN

we are now at the point where the average, historically apolitical, regular american joe wants to slap the shit out of these people

Literally no idea what you mean, sorry.

Imagine living in that bubble. No, I mean the one you’re in.

have you met the average american?

Piagets study on children made them too smart, loving and compassionate.

The studies were shut down by the Canadians who took orders from the United States.

Actually, the Asiatics, meeting triangularly , with South Korea, Japanwith China, shoe no dialectically formed objective to oppose what they sense as a growing level of trust in Asia on US influence, which in fact formidable, and remind of SEATO’ pre existential crisis with Vietnam and all, but point to the whole global picture as the Chinese hope to influence the US next year’s election to the Democrat’s favor.

That said, the underlying Moscow’s lean to Europe’s embedded transcendence underlies and optically revise the differences that Marx and Hegel presented, and under that of Hobbs and Russeau.

The anti dialectic of the New China reflects an optically illusive double standard, and for good reason.

Hungary sided with Putin on this, for the obvious reason that Nietzche captured their hearts, against Hobbs, and even Rousseau, basing this accessible overvaluing as definitive proof to duplicate reasons for weltscmertz globally.
So in total, The US of A is far from being an ex superpower, in fact the economic tribulations are due to the effects of global capital being distributed in it’s very early stage of development.

; as we are being more and more virtually connected. I’m