WendyDarling wrote:
His sense of humor helped get him elected plus he calls out what he sees happening when no one else would dare do so. He’s a fighter and he’s sure in a fight now.
In that case, the only thing i can say(wish) that God bless America, because America will need the blessing the most.
with love,
This i wrote in reply to a post of WD some days ago and unfortunately it is coming true. And, he is still not learning.
What is more disturbing to me that he is asking his supporters to revolt against those states whose governers are not falling in line. And people are doing this too.
In conclusion, it looks to me that it is not the fault of Trump but the Amirican society(read voters) as a whole because in spite of being well aware his full life and mentality, Americans still chose him to be their president. Thus, now, the same people and nation has to pay the price for it too.
There a very famous saying in Hindusim- Do not ever give a knife(power) to a monkey, and you will regret it.
Some years ago, when i was not on the net, i was under the impression that the people of western countries, especially US, are more learned and wise than their counterparts of developing nations in general sense. But, i am sorry to say that i was horribally wrong.They may be more learned and well off not certainly not wise.
Look at the last US president election. What choices US society gave its voters to choose from. Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. Hillary is a cunning and shrewd lady, who did not give her cheating husband divorce just because becoming US president one day was on her mind and saperation from her husband would not go well with her voters. On the other hand, Trump is a stupid, arrogant and egomanical person, who thinks that there is no difference between playing part in reality show and being a US president. He is still in that mode. And, why he should not be? He knows that US presidency can be won only by goor PR. Actions/decisions do not matter. All he has to do is to be on the TV 24/7, makes everything about himself and throwing Insults and jokes on all others. That is all what it takes to win an election in US, because some people like it. So it is not his fault if he is using the same formula what won him the election. Who knows, he may win again!
Shit look at the election that’s coming up now. A career criminal who has demonstrated plainly that the interests of Americans are not his priority vs a milquetoast, washed up career politician who doesn’t exactly have a record of adhering to many principles. Oh yeah they’re also both nearly 80 fucking years old. The great experiment in democracy is over.
Well, i would not say that it is over. General populace learns and gets mature collectively over the time in the democracies. I am sure that will happen in US too.
Perhaps Trump’s handling of pandemic will make US people realize that it takes a lot more to be true leader than hosting a daily talk show on national TV.
Nah. The propagandists will convince the undereducated, (the majority) that somehow it’s someone else’s fault. Fox and Sinclair Broadcasting have made his followers into a cult who refuse to question him and who heap praise on his regardless of reality. It certainly seems like we’re too far gone. The vast majority of Americans can’t name the 3 branches of govt and lack any aptitude for critical thinking.
Mr president fired another salvo yesterday when he advised that a dose of disinfectant can be injected into human body and it would kill corona virus in a minute.
Is it not great!
Whatever I am able to understand so far about Trump’s mentality, it is clear to me that before upcoming US election, he would certainly attempt something outrageous to make himself hero again in front of voters. He can do anything like firing some missiles to Iran, cutting all economic and diplomatic ties with China or disallowing all Chinese cos to do any business in US. He is very desparate now and becoming more and more by each passing day. So, from his frame of mind, he needs to perform some highly heroic act to win the election.
It’s like we’re all having to come to grips with the result of 50 years of the GOP systematically defunding out education programs. Americans are just dumb, and so dumb shit is going to keep happening to them. It is what it is.
I do not think that all this has anything to do with formal education. Eduation is an entirely differnt thing. It does not make anyone wise. Wisdom is a totally different quality from education. And, in democracies, voters need to be only wise, not necessarily highly educated. All a voter needs is ability to read, write and speak in his/her mother tounge with a little common sense.
It looks to me that there is some basic systamatic flow in the upbringing of Amirican society so that people like Trump are able to get the top post there. This needs to be corrected in order to move America in right direction.
Political leaders adhere to differnt ideologies and those have their share of pros and corns. A layman cannot judge leaders on the basis of those. But, he/she can surely judge them on their intentions easily becasue their personal and political life mirrors their intentions. Many would disagree with me but a person who marries third time to a women who is 25 years younger than him just because she is young and beautiful, is not worthy to be a US president, atleast by intention.
Many argure that it is his personal life and has nothing to do with his politial carrier but it surely does. This tellls about what kind of person he is by heart and how far he can go to fulfil his personal desires. Look at his hair style. He is very near to be a bald but he makes a lot of effort in showing that he is not. It is not a shame to be bald in the age of 75, but for him is a very serious issue. That tells how much has obcessed about himself. His very same mentality refelcts in his polital decisions too.
Buddy of mine he had all these bullshit media reasons for fearing and hating and looking down on the President but because he is a buddy I took my time to answer all his concerns. He was completely satisfied that Trump is actually not in the least related to what people think about him who follow the media (never do that) because of the facts I showed him, and him being a scientific mind so not able to avoid facts when they stare him in the face. But then he said: yeah but I still liked the aesthetics of the Obama administration better. Trump doesn’t look as good.
He meant that beyond handsomeness. He meant it as in the aesthetics projected by power. As an American he felt embarrassed.
Now this is the only honest reason Ive ever heard for disliking Trump. He’s not concerned with facades. People in cities are generally concerned only with facades. They’ve never known real life.
I am not sure whether your post was addressed to me or not or you are simply mocking. Nevertheless…
I do not know who is your this friend but as far as i am concerned, i did not hate Trump when he was finghting election against Clinton, for the simple reason that she looked no better to me than her. But, after what he has done( and still doing) with America in this corona hour, i have to hate him. As you know that i am not an American citizen, neither have any interest in this Democrate/Republican divide. I hate trump for a very simple reason that the bloood of 80000 Innocent Amaricans( still counting) is on his hands. The death toll in the US should not be more than 2/3 thousands but he allowed them being killed just because of his politial reasons and ambitions. That single crime is more than enough for me to hate him.
As far as the media is concerned, nowadays every media house is biased, not only in US but all over the world. if CNN is biased what would you call FOX NEWS? A totally fair Channel! A viewer has to make his/her own judgements.
If i were at CNN and my single aim was to defeat Trump, I would never criticize him on air. The most harmful thing you can do to Trump is to ignore him completely. Just do not talk about him no matter what he does. His criticism would not hurt him. On the contrary, it helps him because it foeces his blind supporters to gravitate more towards him. The same thing got him elected in the last election. This happens to all extremist ideologies and leaders, so the best way is to ignore him. Let Fox News blow his trumpet as much loud as it can.