This is an example of "chaos magick’.
The unreal is made real. Fantasy becomes reality.
These beings were created by human belief.
The creators of the beings had limits, and could not know what their creators did not know.
Nothing is true, everying is permitted.
Beliefs should be interchangable tools – as a means to an end.
A human body is a piece of reality/the-universe, and that person’s belief is the channel for the behavior of that small part of reality/the-universe.
Ofcourse it will eternally confuse believers in static physical laws.
But, animate forms of energy have their own physical laws.
As strange as it may sound, the secret to your ghost’s survival after the first death – is belief that you are not actually dead.
Alexandra David-Neel explains her experience with these thought forms in this famous account which I’ll post here for those interested. Though similar to Philip, these thought forms appear more dangerous.
Being able to fly to the stars and pass through walls – is an ability which is not to be under-estimated. Material bodies aren’t the best. A material body is good, but [is] not best.