United States and Population and Money

Will the united states fail when it can no longer support its population? They are talking about social security going broke in 2040, Medicare in 2020. Bush can come up with a plan all he wants but the reality of growing populations leads me to believe that the united states will eventually fail. Its anyones guess what will happen after that. Seems to me that some sort of revolution might take place?

the problems with american health care are very simple: privatization. there is a lot of extra beaurocracy and capitalism(advertising, promoting unnecesary services, trying to get profits instead of helping people) that is not present in the european systems. thats the only real problem ive ever heard that the system in america has.

as for social security, its problems have been exagerated. plenty of people estimate that even if we sit on our hands and do nothing, it will last until like 2060. if we stopped using our military to rule the world, im sure it and a lot of things will last much longer. the reason why SS has been turned into a crisis by our propaganda is because if its privatized, wall street suddenly inherits an amazing fortune from virtually every person in the country. implementing this, however, seems ridiculously complex.

there is a much simpler idea that anti-commies explode into rage at the mention of, however. what if we took all the money that social security gets, and use it to invest and gain interest now? how simple is that compared to having each person have their own individual account? ridicoulously simple. but if we do that, dubya will instantly transform into stalin and your children will be shipped away to gulags.

the revolution will happen when we run out of oil and nobody has done anything to stop it. the govt could very easily ban non-hybrid cars and all suvs in order to increase gas mileage by like 40% (~100% during traffic jams since hybrids run on electricity at low speed). they could do lots of stuff, but instead are exploding third world villagers in order to desperately cling to the last remaining oil reserves.

invest in fertilizer and farm equipment, theyre going to be the only thing worth anything in about 40-60 years.

Part of the population problem, actually most of it comes from illegal immigrants who cross our borders, overburden our schools, roads, health and transporatation systems. In California alone the cost is in the billions as most illegals to not pay taxes and often rely on welfare, food stamps, medicare to supplement their wages. We currenlty are experiencing outbreaks of the previously eradicated TB and the Plague, not to mention Hepatitis C. Many hospitals, currently more than 68 have closed with more slated for closure. They claim it is because of the many patients, usually illegals, who have not health insurance. There was a recent medical journal report on this.

Currently, there is a flight to other states because of this problem. The tax payers are leaving for the states that provide better education.

P.S. I am talking to Diet Coke and other posters, not FM :imp:

maybe if we didnt force mexico to adopt nafta and disenfranchise all of those immigrants, they wouldnt want to leave their destitute homeland.

you cant defend anything american leaders do. its not possible.

I don’t see how the United States will fail. I think the problems you’re describing (social security, Medicare) are government-related problems stemming from government-run programs that may (or may not) fail. But the United States will always be able to support its population because in a free country, the population will support itself. (And, moreover, will always move to reject your revolution).