Unknown: Order of Think, Feel, Act

Informal Poll:

When you encounter the unknown, what do you do first, second, and third:

A. Thoughtfully Analyze until you identify it.
B. Feel _______ because it is unknown.
C. Act to Seek or Avoid (circle one) in this way:
_______ (explain).

Feel free to give examples if your approach differs depending on the object/context/etc.

You do not have a choice
about the first step, since “feeling” is reactive, and will happen automatically. Feeling is also a ubiquitous presence in the human consciousness, and in any event NOT under your rational command.
The mistake would be to immediately act on those feelings, unless it was an emergency.
Best to think and consider your best move, then act.

So non emergency


Do you think someone with anhedonia (insensible to or unable to perceive pleasure), or Urbach-Wiethe (insensible to or unable to perceive fear) is in error, or incapable of appropriate response? Is there no functional, acceptable workaround?

Is this question directed to me?

Only if you have or gather thoughts on the matter.