Unlimited Possibilities

Looks like this:

a hairy squid?

clearly it’s a severed limb.

you sure?

haha, yeah, I saw your squid too, but the 5 fingers and the distinct shape of the thumb definitely lend better to interpreting it as a hairy forearm.

Forearm. Indubitably.

=D> :laughing:

nice, rust.

so what’s this thread about, other than how people can interpret an image in different ways?

Well, it’s not about how people mistakenly think my arm is a squid. My image is a symbol of the ‘disability’ of having too many options.

I think people mistakenly thinking a drawing of an arm is a squid is a great example of unlimited possiblities, myself.

Maybe. But it’s not conducive to my artistic genius which is on display here.

:laughing: :wink: