Urwrong Thread

It’s my time to shine:


it says, “this video is unavailable”.

I guess my time to shine is censored…

Perhaps it was censored because it
was your puerile crap… like the ever witty
“I’m didn’t lie, you lied”” that being the
Highlight of your writing “career”



I’ve written some pretty crazy shit, if anybody around here cared to read it.

More on the way too…

Reality is more mysterious than Mysticism.

sounds like some drug talk. you on drugs?

I often times think of how the planets, sun, moons, and celestial objects move in relation to each other.

I might just be a genius. I’ve never really been interested in drug abuse, seems lame to me. Investigating the universe is far more interesting.

K: please, a genius? you can’t even outthink a paper bag…I have tennis shoes smarter then
you are…

oh, look at me, I think about something and that makes me a genius…

just stop, now you are just embarrassing yourself…


Uh oh, PK is mad… oh noooooo.

Imagine believing Joe Rogan is not “an expert” on health…


No need to insult this person farther.
It’s not about whether someone is smart or dumb.
Everyone or most everyone gets to post freely,
as long as they follow the rules.

I appreciate that Dan~ but it’s only PK.

Nobody really respects him or what he has to say anyway. I don’t mind.

A lot of people on this forum need to believe in Lies because Reality is too much for them.

Kropotkin actually believes I’m a Russian in Siberia, who learned English from a young age, child of KGB parents, who spends my time humorously trolling and infiltrating the American intellectual realm to cause division and create chaos. I mean, can you actually believe that?? Hmm, I wonder how true it could be?

Matt Walsh, LGBTQ+ Best-Selling Author (congratulations to him!):


English author Aldous Huxley was fond of Peter Kropotkin (the original) enough to incorporate some of Peter’s ideas into his novel Island. Is the ILP PK anything like the original?

No idea, but he certainly dissuades me from researching the proposition…

Jordan Peterson and Sam Harris are pretty much the philosophical Heavyweights, since the “Four Horsemen” of the previous decades, David Dennett, Cristopher Hitchens, Richard Dawkins disbanded… although I would recommend a political and historical injection into their discussions and debates about spiritualism and religion:






When people help others; that is Charity.
When people help themselves; that is Politics and Religion.