Username change request..

If you change your name to Weirdo1, I’ll change my name to Weirdo2.

Incidentally, I just saw a blog flash across, but it was too fast and technologically I am a dud,

It would honor my tenancy here and would actually a good thing.

You didn’t convince the joker this way, I think being an idiot is no joke, I could say try it sometime as one of your roles in a good motion picture flick.

Convince the joker of what?

Ok I made another foolish blunder, even though my point about allowing a name like joker is a lot worse, because my name is no joke, I mean it is at the very least an important role to become an idiot, of the village or any other like idiot savant. Sometimes I think that is a joke but then realize there may be some measure of authentic relief in it.

I would be pissed if anyone called my friend an idiot. Dostoevsky’s idiot had epilepsy or something, no? Do you have epilepsy? Does having epilepsy (or any other condition) rule one out from having true visions (versus hallucinations or delusions)? What are you trying to say?

Yes. Reality test them. Focus on the good, beautiful, and true.

“Just because you’re paranoid don’t mean they’re not after you.” But also… you don’t need to fear them, or anyone, whether or not they’re after you. Love them the way they may have forgotten they need to be loved.

I’ll stop calling myself crazy until proven sane if you stop calling yourself an idiot.

Ok, again trading out of an element, an element ally non ascended source one would introduce one to a novisionaire,
No way!

None at all! Tiles about ol’ grand dad, and such going down generations of Muscovite’s, I made that clear when talking about Russian dolls, and that kind of habit tends to make one deep!

Must refrain from the iverly obvious, how ever,

As always and as in all ways.

Multiple personality or just adopting different roles as not merely an either /or elevation of aesthetically leveraged ladders.

Does diata here still, or has she staged left out is developing a traditionally staged method of acting (up)

Daresay not, not in the least, particularity not to be noticed but to downplay the effect.

All the stage is really a sounding board in context anyhooves

If you change your name to Nacho, I’ll change my name to Incarnacion.