

Three dimensional convolution.
Byet .


Albrecht Direr pisses on the wall

If you read this.your too late

You’re eternal. Choose wisely.

How? Just as they imply, between life and death, heaven and he’ll, between freedom and determination, between then and now, and then ; again(?) follow the light.

I dunno man. I can’t say anything but smile right now.

Live forever.

I hope your smile notes the distinctive feature of living in eternity rather than living eternally, hoping it doesn’t sound caustic…

Point your ship toward the bigger Yes and smile while all about you the waves are crashing.

Unless God bids you up from slumber in its belly and transfers you to the belly of a fish.

Peaceful waters were never promised.

Don’t hate the life that grows and gives its shade after the storms have passed and the sea is far behind.

The vampiric tradeoff between classic value and modern value:

The current value of Elon, not elan, is about 300 billion.

Julius Cesar relatively 4 trillion & Solomon 2 trill.

So there it goes in dollars and sense.

ok fine. Investment advice :wink:

storing up your treasures in heaven: priceless

plus you get the rest thrown in :wink: (on earth, as it is in heaven)

Just kidding. I ain’t no prosperity preacher.

but I have seen him do miracles at every level of wealth. Wealth is completely relative… If by relative you mean… unrealative.

You like that?

Yellow, source, transformation, Transfiguration, reformation ,orAnge>resource>

Part of me wants to listen & learn. Part of me wants to put it the way I’d put it. I don’t don’t know which is proper… ever… so… forgive me if I’m stepping on your toes.

This is how the story goes… whether meta… macro… or micro…

creation (red)
false orange… omg that’s hilarious, er… i mean no it isn’t (but we’ll eventually be able to laugh at those days)
fall (doubt the word in yellow… otherwise yellow is DISCOVER)
green - holy crap what else do i not know?
blue - play cards right, or cheat (redemption regardless)
purple - fear and trembling when poker face ripped off… or walk through valley like badass with Shepherd
back to red (restoration… born again… only once… but we may forget… then…)
orange: fascination (false? spin around again, true? discover more about this pleasure garden of delights)


needn’t be

just be :slight_smile:

Story time? In high school, I remember getting an A in government, but a C in economics. It could’ve been the other way around. I just spent a lot of time with truancy cops that year in high school. Teacher was good… Mr. Jostad. Total bullshit policy to pick kids up who are literally ON THEIR WAY to school & waste their time treating them like criminals headed for a life of crime. I had a serious case of senioritis coupled with stickitothemaniosis. That policy added gasoline to that fire. MORONS. I never quite recovered. :wink:

Also I met an anarchist or two along the way (forgot most I read, but some of it def stuck), balanced with the very Rev MLK Jr’s radical peace. Now they’re trying to make me a Marxist. Good luck with that.

Who are They?

wouldn’t YOU like to gno

Not really…

ok then

New key; Alienation which one can be proud of,

Note: grin and bare it.