Violence is psychologically anti-structural

And not only in psychology but also in terms of biology, ontology and logic and all forms of systems. Our human insights and experiences and concepts of good and bad develop from this deeper level of meaning. What meaning? That reality, life, truth, being are inherently ‘good’. Does that mean bad things don’t happen? Of course not. Or we can even understand how bad things and imperfections, errors, and random accidents are a part of reality and perhaps even a necessary part of it. Yet the statement still holds: reality, life, truth, being are inherently good.

Do you know what this means? What I mean is, do you understand what this statement is really getting at? What is the underlying meaning of those words?

I am convinced very few people understand this, and philosophers especially are clueless. Over-cognizing at the expense of intuition and more emotional-level insights will cause blindness here. Use a balance of both approaches to override the toxic ego effects, as much as you can without creating even more problems. So let’s dive in and explore the meaning of this meaning, namely what is written as the title of this topic.

Violence is psychologically anti-structural

Structure is created content, substance and form, what exists; physicality and immateriality, the substantial as well as the metaphysical; that which has been organized into dependency relationships with other things sufficiently similar enough to itself to be capable of acting as extensions and new parts-pathways for flows of energy, content, movement, meaning, possibilities. If reality were only tiny blips of energy blinking on and off at some quantum level then nothing else would exist, obviously I would not exist to be writing this and you would not exist to read it. So more does exist beyond smaller or even smallest levels. We know this is necessarily true just as we know “why something and rather not nothing?” is a philosophical question with a baked-in dishonesty insofar as it fails to acknowledge the necessary or inescapable fact that something DOES exist and therefore it would be impossible to fully conceptualize the idea of nothing existing. No matter how much you negate, you cannot negate everything. Even if you negate “everything” you still are left with both the negator himself/herself and the negating-itself as a process.

What is substance, what is structure? It is everything. All around you in all its various and many tectonic forms and layers of relations. The nature of structure is to exist. What does that mean? It means structure IS this 'nature of existing-ness-as-such" whatever and however that might mean in any given instance or situation. Solidity is one way to view it, but structures also take on semi-solid and un-solid forms too. Solidity can transcend simple forms of solidness. What matters is the enduring nature of the thing(s) that are existing and their being constructed and BEING in such a way as to continue to further this enduring nature. Philosophers call this things like will to life or will to power, I try not to use those terms since they are metaphorical or image-based and not entirely accurate. You could say the enduring nature of structures is like something that is attempting to “will more power to itself”, yet to understand whether or not and to what extent that is true as a comparison would first require you to understand the direct truth I am attempting to explain in this topic. So let’s leave metaphors and images and those sort of comparative analogies aside. We don’t yet have the means by which to evaluate whether or not those are accurate or false analogies. And in fact analogizing is often used in philosophy and probably elsewhere too as a way to circumvent more accurate pathways to understanding, I believe as a means of venting out ego-excesses via inertial entropic holes or errors in our own mental structures. A failure of proper convergence across key boundaries. But that’s probably a different topic.

We now see what is good, in terms of structure and existence, existing things/beings. What is bad? Bad is anything that harms, hurts, destroys or causes problems and errors in structures. Whatever impedes or retards or warps growth that would otherwise have occurred. Trauma, pain and suffering, extreme and negative emotions, ignorance that has become toxic and embedded as an aspect of one’s personality (as opposed to a more pure ignorance which can be good, depending on certain other factors); loss, confusion, unpredictability (again all things being equal here), destruction and loss of self/life/potential. Anything that cuts down goodness. As we know that good = structure now, we can see that “bad” is anything that has a destructive effect on anything good.

Bad often materializes as errors in the systems, as imperfect structures or dysfunctions within structures that leads to failures of systems to operate as they should be operating. That’s not only a moral claim but rather and more importantly here simply a claim of logic and ontology. If a car is driving down the road and suddenly a bolt falls out of the engine, because that bolt was made from improper materials, and this causes the oil to spill out of the engine which then causes several moments later the pistons to seize up and the engine to stop working as it simultaneously heats up and then ignites the gasoline and explodes, that is… bad. No one can argue against the fact that this is bad with respect to the car itself. You might say cars have no feelings or preferences either way, and that is true from a conscious perspective. But structures have logical sets of operations and parameters in-built which are key and necessary to those structures themselves. The broken bolt would be, objectively speaking, a violence against the structure of the car. Violence is anything that causes harm, and harm can also be understood as breakdown, collapse, destruction of any kind.

What about the destruction of bad things? Maybe the violence that occurs to bring down an evil political regime or to stop a would-be murderer are good? Yes from a higher perspective that can certainly be the proper evaluation, yet it does not belie the fact that the violence itself is bad in terms of its anti-structural effect on the given structures themselves. We need not evaluate those structures in order to understand this at the basic level. Evaluation comes later and would be best saved for when we have the necessary grasp on the basics, in order to avoid introducing or feeding-outletting our own errors.

The proper life would be one without violence, although we know that is nearly impossible. Yet its impossibility does not militate against the truth of the claim, merely against the likelihood of its actualization. Maybe this reality or our portion of it is still quite young and underdeveloped, maybe a lot more time is needed for perfections to be achievable (for errors to be properly worked out and fully purged over time). For now, we can at least understand these principles in a psychological way that is both objective-philosophical-logical and personal-subjective-immediate. Understanding these truths will naturally begin to edify your own structures, since we can also understand that reality = truth = good. Errors, bads, harms are merely the limitations and failures and dysfunctions, the persisting imperfections in our systems.

This helps explain how trauma induces narcissism and willful ignorance. Actually willful ignorance is the wrong way of thinking about it, it should be called the lack of any will to truth. Anyway, violence is being perpetuated against us psychologically-emotionally from so many directions and this has been going on for so long, decades, probably a century now, as a concentrated effort of directed mind control and mass propaganda that it would be unrealistic to not believe most people have not become at least a little narcissistic as a result. Even good people who otherwise, in a normal non-violent environment, would be very much non-narcissistic have over time very little resistance to the subtle threads of narcissism and ‘lack of any will to truth’ developing within themselves as a result. Like a disease it starts small, and the environment becomes more conducive to the disease spreading and eventually taking over.

Technology is offered as a substitute for what is lost to the disease. Connection, meaningful experiences, novelty, pleasure; the sense of escape and forgiveness, lifting of the burdens and a customized highly individualized alternate reality via screens. Experiencing the feeling of being valued again. Anything and everything your neurology might have the smallest error- or exploit-driven tendency to pursue is potentiated, growing a network within the network of your mind. This newly growing network has no name but it is a substitute reality-experience that could be better called anti-reality anti-experiencing. Phenomenologically we cannot reduce the anti-real, anti-experiencing components of our lives to just another aspect of existential being merely because of having passed through the sense organs and achieved substantial impact in the mind; that which is empty is only an illusion, like food that has been emptied of nutrition. It looks and tastes like food but it isn’t food when we understand the MEANING of food (as well as the actual experience, i.e. not just the taste in your mouth but the nutritive effects it has on your body after consuming it) as opposed to the meaning of ‘junk food’. The same is true of all manner of experiences in our everyday lives. What lacks substance and reality is only the presentation of illusions designed to fool you and offer quick artificial satiety, exactly like a drug high.

Most people don’t care about learning the truth about anything. The world in which they find themselves is not a mystery or an interesting problem to solve, they do not feel concerned that forces beyond their understanding are shaping their reality against their own wishes and what would have been good for them. They will simply keep obeying what the TV tells them to do. Keep following the scripts, eating the junk foods, taking the toxic pharma death-injections, believing the lies and helping to persecute those who don’t conform to their own manner of zombified and controlled slave-existence. What is the cause of this? The accumulated violence having triggered new levels of narcissism, which narcissism is at odds with the natural human spirit of truth-seeking, simple natural living and moral goodness. Regrettably it is ignorance or naivete, lack of real-world experience and living inside of a bubble that usually protects the good aspects of people. This makes them easy targets for the evil predatory world-controllers, who find it easiest to manipulate and destroy the best among us. Goodness is easily confounded by a small bit of narcissism when that narcissism cannot be removed and is felt like a thorn in the side, a continuous out-letting of violence-induced traumas. All it takes is to overcome the natural strength of resistance, which is easier overcome by small attacks over a long period of time than a single powerful attack. We are more resilient in the shorter time-span as we can marshal our psychic and biological energies to our defense and later go through a concerted recovery period to return to homeostasis; not so much with the small, never-ending pinprick attacks that continue for years and decades.

What then is the connection between narcissism and lack of will to truth? First we should take a look at the connection between narcissism and entropy.

This connection is deep, largely beyond words and the explorations thus-far of philosophy. One reason for this may be the deeply entwined nature between narcissism and philosophy (philosophers). The average philosopher is a somewhat ego-driven (semi-narcissist?) who seeks truth in large part for the sake of feeling superior over others or over his own inner demons. He wants to be and to feel above them, a king over mere peasants, therefore he seeks truth to put himself above them. And in this way he is above them, if only in this one way. Others, more science-minded philosophers seek truth for practical reasons of their own personal gain, to give insight into specific problems or technical matters they may be working on and are connected to their employment or work. Or they simply intend to publish books, and enjoy the praise and fan-fare of having their words read by others. Why do you think many people come here and post on ILP and other forums or social media online? In my experience it is incredibly rare to find people who are interested in and motivated by the love of truth as such and for its own sake. Learning as its own reward.

Because of the tectonically deep-receded overlap between these various manifestations of an underlying (quasi/semi-)narcissism on the one hand and the various reasons why philosophers philosophize on the other hand, it can be difficult to uproot and understand narcissism itself from within philosophical purviews. The waters are very muddy, the resistance is visceral and ‘heavy’ as you can experience for yourself when you take this path and try to acquire this knowledge for yourself. Do you feel that resistance, that heavy effect in your soul? This is communicating something to you. And yet, we can still project ourselves laterally beyond this resistance and take a neutral objective look at narcissism with the hopes that, after doing that, we might be left with something that can be plugged back into those ranges of the (inevitably modern, for we are all modern humans) philosophical nature as would not entirely short-circuit as a result. What then is narcissism, objectively and from a neutral point of view? It is self-focus at the expense of others. A line from a movie said is best, “narcissism means you don’t give a shit about other people.” Precisely. It is a deadening of the soul and the loss of empathy, the becoming-animal and becoming-simpler, the loss of ranges of heights and expanses of ‘human-ness’ which otherwise exist to separate us from the rest of the animal kingdom. A lot of that extra is tied into our sociality, somewhat ironically of course since we tend to think of many other animal species as highly socialized which in fact they are. But humanity’s sociality is something that doesn’t turn us into unthinking robot-controlled drones to the hive, rather as humans we must also understand what is happening to and around us in order for the actions themselves to be optimized toward effectiveness. Understanding and proceeding from a place of volition are key ways we produce higher and deeper spaces for mutual connections, these networks and metaphysical webs going on to potentiate whole new realities into being for humanity which levels of existence are not available to other animals. This goes into our use of symbolic-representational language but it also goes beyond that too, down into the immediate and ancient causes why we even have these languages to begin with and our capacities for them, for inner thought-representation and inner monologue, for being able to visualize complex objects and ‘ideas’ in the mind’s-eye which are in massive contrast to what is occurring to us via the routes of our sense organs and immediate most-salient memories.

Being highly social animals while also being intelligent, sentient and thinking beings (which sentience/etc. is or at least has become over time a core necessary feature of what it means to be able to continue to be human, in the sense of even more basic standards let along far more meaningful and realistic standards, not even to speak of such things as optimizations and self-actualization) means that our sociality-based actions, inclinations and needs must at least to a degree be cognizable and known to us, understood and accepted, ‘willed’. We require to give our consent, at least in part. This requires a minimum of knowledge and experience as well as free will. If we were or experienced ourselves as not being free to choose, then consent would mean nothing and the entire complex structure of meaningful social relations would fall apart in short order, would become merely performative and simple movements of slaves.

One key part of the maintenance of the sociality structure is empathy, the ability to know and feel what others are feeling (and what others know and are experiencing). This “extra-sense” of ours allows us to intuit and work out how to act around others in ways that accord to the larger dictates of the structure itself, the overall sociality-system and its various degrees of requisite understanding and volitive participation on our part. The system itself and its ability to successfully act as a means to the creation and optimization of sociality for the human species requires this at least basic level of empathy among its participants. So what is narcissism, in light of this? Narcissism is a turning-off of empathy, the closure of the pathways that would have otherwise led to the feelings and meaningful experiences of others being able to also become part of our own meaningful experiences and emotional awareness. What replaces it is a form of sociopathy which uses cognitive processes to make guesses about the inner states of others and refines these guesses over time as much as would be needed to obtain whatever benefit was being sought in the moment. It is difficult to believe that this sort of sociopathy would be capable of taking over for empathy because of the inherent “don’t give a fuck about anyone else” aspect which lies at its core. Nevertheless it is able to simulate sociality to an extent, and sociopaths/narcissists become highly skilled manipulators of other people and of the social systems around them even as they parasitically feed on those systems and cause harm to the people around them.

And now we can see the connection between narcissism and entropy: as empathy breaks down due to rising narcissism, the entire sociality-based system and its self-based cues and aspects residing within the individual continue to operate as best they can by adopting sociopathic tendencies. This is the whole social aspect falling down to a lower energy state. What was once a more complex, derivative and dependent structure based on larger amounts of information-flow and more accurate-real transfers of information resulting in larger and more valuable meaning-states has now become something smaller, shallower, simpler and more dependent on mediate (by cognition) supplementation to effect a best-possible simulation of social relations and one’s own place within them. Narcissism leads to a deadening within oneself and a darkening-lessening of one’s ability to meaningfully participate in the social structure, which in turn has negative impacts upon that social structure itself as more and more of its vital nodes “wink out” to varying degrees.

So what about the lack of the will to truth, how does that fit in with narcissism and entropy? The will to truth is another highly complex and inter-dependent structure similar to that of human sociality. That within us which is our portion of the sociality structure is in part a kind of microcosm of the world around us and another way in which we develop and expand the powers of our inner imagining, the mind’s eye and broader consciousness as such. “No man is an island” is a true statement, up to a point. Whatever causes the will to truth to flourish has something to do with the sociality structure within us, either positively or negatively, since this structure is itself linked into our flows of inner and outer across most regions of our being. This is one amazing thing about the sociality structure itself or what I have called the social network existing between people metaphysically, that it supports and allows so much more than simply rote social exchanges. It is an entire network of nodes and linkages holding or possessing so many substantial things and different kinds of those substantial things, shifting and moving them around in the nodes and links between people. The more socially “close” to someone you are in this metaphysical sense the more you and they are literally moving-exchanging substances back and forth between your respective minds/beings. Love is, in a way, the maximizing of this very thing to the point where both people in love become effectively one being, because so much of their substances are shared so intimately across each other’s connections they begin to live in the shared space itself. But that’s for another topic. Back to will to truth: whatever causes or requires it makes some use of the existing sociality structure. When this structure and our place in it has been damaged and is lacking, will to truth has lost some of its possible outlets and expressions, some of its ways of obtaining information are blocked and this has successive effects upon the formative impulses and causes behind the occurrences of those attempts to obtain information. The body and mind are highly optimized and if one area is damaged then other areas naturally try to increase to compensate. Furthermore, as you may have already guessed, the will to truth has direct connection to what we call empathy, for being able to be interested in the world and others around us is at the very least a part of being interested in the truth as such, if not perhaps a necessary starting point or at least an important piece for being such a large part of both truth itself from a human perspective and such a dominant effect and imposition upon us in our everyday interactions in our lives. Unless you live alone in a house with a massive library – or today the internet can substitute for that, although most people don’t use the internet as if it were a giant library – and cultivate your will to truth by reading rather than living out in the world among other people, your own will to truth will be influenced and affected by other people and by the world itself. In this way the will to truth actually develops at least in part as a response to our experiences with other people and with the world around us. This is absolutely key to understand. And once you see this and see why and how this is the case, in yourself first and foremost (assuming you do have a will to truth) then you simply invert that image a bit to see what would happen if your “experiences with other people and the world” fell into narcissistic tendencies and ways of being. As the socality structure is damaged, what happens to the will to truth that was cultivated over time and in our younger years precisely through our very experiences and interactions taking place withing and upon that very sociality structure itself? Now you can see a bit of the reason for why people with growing narcissism also inevitably experience lessening will to truth. Certainly this is not the entire story but it is a big part of it. Feel free to add other insights and ideas that you might see as relevant here which I didn’t touch on yet.

Violence —> narcissism and entropy increasing —> damage to social structures —> reduction in will to truth —> ?

One of the most unfortunate things about all this is how one of humanity’s greatest strengths has been weaponized against it and turned into the most dangerous threat, namely our ability to adapt. Unlike maybe any other creature on the planet humanity will accept and adapt to environmental changes/stresses and continue to survive. This is good… except when the world-controllers figured this out and how to turn this trait of ours into a potent weapon for our enslavement. They know that we will always accept and adapt to being enslaved, given enough time and enough outlets for our ‘stubborn’ impulses and drives toward freedom. The future is all about this: augmented reality and VR immersion, drug-induced satiety via flooding of oxytocin and dopamine in the brain, game-ification and token-ization of most aspects of life, all to allow for the successful outletting and sublimation of our instincts/psychological needs for excitement, novelty, pleasure, feeling valued and loved and satisfied; outlet for our competitive and creative drives, letting us keep the feeling of freedom, etc.

The only question was how to get the world as it currently is to the point in the future where the world will be like that. A permanent “Disney Borg pleasure island prison planet” that crosses 1984 with Brave New World. Panoptic surveillance with 6G/7G ubiquitous spatial web environmental mapping and ‘internet of everything’ AI-merged brain-feedbacked control along with absolute censorship under digital currency and biosecurity access management systems all the way from your job to your internet subscription access to your UBI to your bank account to your medical care to your ability to even turn on your devices and have them function correctly. But don’t worry, you’ll be able to live inside the Meta Matrix with your own personal customized VR-AR worlds and simple pleasures, playing video games and jerking off to immersive simulated sex forever. They don’t care what you know, only what you can do about it. Hence why veils are being lifted and truths are coming to light now even as they push increasing dialectics and trauma-based psychological manipulations of doubling-down on the lies and psyops at the same time.

None of you probably have any idea what I am talking about, and that’s fine. Your ability to adapt and accept whatever circumstances you find yourself in, one of your greatest strengths that allowed humanity to survive and colonize the whole planet in all sorts of harsh conditions and survive through the worst brutal dictatorships in the past, is simply the tool of your own enslavement. The ability to be satisfied with less, the ability to accept lies because it’s easier than wanting the truth. The violence-induced laziness and narcissism culminates in a population easily controlled and managed into “5 minute smart cities” happily integrating “AI” and total surveillance into their everyday lives because “it’s fun” and “it adds productivity”. No one stops to ask what is lost by the never-ending technological creep into our lives, let alone what other longer-term motives might be behind that creep. And that’s fine too, I suppose. If humanity was meant to be more than this it would be. If we had a brighter future then those possibilities would already be written on the walls of our current existence by fate; I look around and try to find those markings, any indication that things won’t turn out the way they seem to be going, and find nothing. It’s not that I find very little or some but maybe not enough, no— I see nothing at all. That is the definitive part of it. So we can understand that the driving freedom, empathy and moral goodness, reality-orientation, strength of will and the love of truth that have helped take humanity this far were only predicated upon humanity existing in environments that did not have the kinds of advanced technological systems and controls/powers of deep manipulation in place that increasingly exist today. What started out as a nice increase in authentic human-ness (the beginnings of modern technological development) quickly became something more that sealed out fate. Well not really, it was always going to be like that. And of course no one cares. Like I’ve been saying, caring only exists outside the middle-space between “not getting my survival needs met” or “not getting to do my favorite thing” and “who won the superbowl”.

Give humans enough distractions, drugs and cheap thrills and chills “bread and circuses” and they cease to be anything resembling real humanity. A well-played hack in the system. Evil may seem to have won, but it’s not the end. We will see new species emerge eventually, new things coming to light from mergers of biological and synthetic machinery pushed into increasingly smaller and smaller, more pressurized and limited spaces. That’s the thing about simulation: it only serves to re-create and mimic, it can’t actually be reality because no matter how accurate and convincing it gets it is still not real. The eventual backlashes from reality itself, let alone from whatever higher levels of tectonic and spiritual sophistications and metaphysical truths may happen to exist beyond our material habitual experiences that we are unaware of, will be a thing to behold.

…anti-structural, to what?


Important announcement: We must save Dancing Banana! :banana-dance: Tell Carleas. Thank you for your attention to this urgent matter.


Well played sir.

Why thank you, young man… :wink: