Welcome Bob

Dear all,

Please join me in welcoming Bob as the newest member of the ILP team. Bob is now in charge of the religion forum and I’m sure we will see great things from him in the near future. Bob has been a member of ILP for a while now and I’m sure we have all been moved or challenged by his eloquent posts at one time or another. It’s good to have you with us Bob, I hope you will have yourself a positive experience.

  • ben

Good Job Bob! One of The most intellectually honest theologians i have encountered in these here parts…




congrats bob!

Hello everybody,
Well thanks a lot :blush: it’s a bit embaressing really, I hope I can contribute something to this already very good Forum - feel free to contact me at will…


if there’s somebody gonna do a good job on this, it’s you

you’ve contributed already… enormously, as far as i can judge
our religion hero from now on !


yea i’d like to officially say ditto.
you can do it.

and i need some of what ben is on.

SSSSSH! Be quiet! You’re catching him in one of his rare serious moments… :slight_smile:

Congratulations! This Bud’s for you!!! :sunglasses:

How much do they pay u bob? Are you a religous man yourself? :stuck_out_tongue:

Hi Rami,

you’re obviously trying to save reading my posts :stuck_out_tongue:

I refer to myself as a mystic christian - though only because I was brought up in Christianity and know my way around it. I am someone who is trying to understand all kinds of Religion, and I come to the conclusion that I am, yes, a religious man myself.

My reward is to be able to participate here - or have you found a better forum anywhere else?


I have posted on PhilosophyForums.com a few times. It’s more organised than this one, to be honest.


You changed your avatar picture. :cry:

Is nothing sacred?

I know, but there were comments that my ‘beaming’ away at the side of my postings disturbed some people, so I decided to use a picture that is less flattering. :sunglasses:


Ah well. I’ll miss seeing it, but I can understand your decision.