What are you doing? (Part 1)

This forum is still the best.

Just fed the cat, then letting the cat out into the garden… so opened the door, looked up, and stared right into a large Summer sun… the retinas took a slight hit from that faux pas, but very short-lived.

The sun was so unusually large that I thought it might be Jupiter, but Jupiter is below the horizon here… it might be it’s rays making it look so, in a sunny yet precipitous-laden sky… like sky and sea have been reversed.

A cyan-blue dot below the sun…

What is that large mauve halo that surrounds the small cyan-blue dot…

Oh, it’s moved again… it’s from the camera…

Had a late-night coffee, so as to stay awake till dawn, but it doesn’t seem to have the desired effect that I wanted it to… oh caffeine buzz, why do you forsake me at a time like this. :angry-fire:


nah I made him much more handsome than he actually is

It’s not bad at all… when used right, right? ; )

:laughing: :wink: :blush: #-o :open_mouth:

Too close to call?

But, okay, if you had to choose one, which would it be?

Assuming, of course, it’s not yet this bad: :banana-linedance:

Oh do reveal your intentions more, Iam… wink wink

Iam = when the Mundane becomes The Meaningful… the book of revelations?

What is the main message of the Book of Revelation?
“Under these conditions, a Christian named John wrote Revelation, addressing it to the seven churches that were in Asia Minor. The purpose of the book was to strengthen the faith of the members of these churches by giving to them the assurance that deliverance from the evil powers arrayed against them was close at hand.“

Nope, I was thinking of something else.

“Iam = when the Mundane becomes The Meaningful… the book of revelations?”

The former was my intent, the latter… for my amusement, so the word “revelation” being relevant here - you are the book of revelation… unto yourself.

Actually, that’s getting even farther away. What’s next…taking this to Twitter? :-"

Yes, you should have… with this:

Iambiguous wrote:

:laughing: :wink: :blush: #-o :open_mouth:

Too close to call?

But, okay, if you had to choose one, which would it be?

Assuming, of course, it’s not yet this bad: :banana-linedance:

Further away from…?

We are all a revelation unto ourselves… when we realise what we have now become, when that veil of the obscured starts to dissolve, through a now-trained awareness of self.

Either there or straight to the bottom: Facebook.

Actually, this is more like something Fixed would post. It sounds “deep” but, well, what’s it about?

We’ll need a context.

That and then take it to the philosophy board. :wink:

Finally finished editing this 6 week project!


Hahaha! …but it’s something Mags said :-s

Mags has said many (esoteric) quips like this over the years… sorry you missed them.

Self-awareness… as it currently stands? well that was my intention of context, meant.

Perhaps we are all esoteric beings when grounded in the Now, and not the Was or Would/Could… perhaps.

The contrast is staggering, isn’t it.

After all these weeks, I still suspect you havent seen the clip from which the quote is taken, even though you reposted it. Please correct me if Im wrong.

Damn Im wondering if I should go for the second hand version or not.
amazon.com/Depth-Its-Own-Sa … 1365119025


Remember a movie called, “The Wizard” where Fred Savage has a retarded brother who ends up getting the high score on Double Dragon and gets whisked off to a huge nintendo competition where they debuted Mario 3 and he had to play against the mean kid who had every game and the power glove and all that? A classic.