What are you doing? (Part 1)

Lentils are a go! The lettuce is the only thing that’s not made it.

Scheduling a Wed. tune-up on my trike then I’ll post pics of “him.” What to call him?

I’ve not even gotten out into the garden yet… I’m still working on the house.

It’s coming along nicely, if a little slower than I’d like.

where did you get this figure? is this published rates or effective rates?

like people who say they take all these taxes from their checks, but then at the end of the year they claim 2 kids, write off mortgage interest etc, then get a return that is greater than the amount that was taken from their checks. those people aren’t actually taxpayers.

38% is like the highest published corporate rate of our lifetimes. im not sure thats a rate for independent contractors. and again, in the case of both corporations and contractors, they aren’t paying published rates. they’re paying an amount, after deductions and credits, that turns out to be a significantly smaller percentage that that published rate.

am i making sense here?

do you actually know someone who has given up half their income in taxes?

like at the end of the year when i do my taxes, i actually end up at the end of the return looking at a real figure of something like 6 or 8 grand that i made that i did not get to keep that went away to taxes.

then someone next door to me who may make the same money, but who has 2 kids and a mortgage and other deductions, can end up getting a check in the mail for an amount greater than what was taken from their checks over the year. this makes them a de facto welfare recipient and it means that they are most certainly not actually paying any taxes when it’s all said and done.

this is pretty common stuff. people with no kids who make a lot of money pay the taxes.

people with kids who make mid range money or less complain about payroll deductions week to week, but are often not actually having to pay anything when it’s all said and done.

that’s the 47 percent that Mitt Romney so famously brought up that time.

once you get everything set up nice and neat and figure out what they want its pretty low maintenance.

Spring cleaning’s been a bitch this year. I’ll never finish. :cry:

just dont ever let things get dirty

Either my memory is shot or I am having a twilight zone episode. You’re right Mr. that my 38% was more than double what it actually is now (15%), but my memory swears it was 38% back in the 90s. Damn scary, my memory or this is some altered repeat which I have noticed happening before but only with movies that had changed and major scenes were left out. Time to take a break from the internet.

My main problem is having too much stuff to organize it properly and meanwhile buying more stuff and not having any idea where it’s gonna go too. Like my gardening adventure, no room for it but I keep buying more pots, soil, and such which has caused major clutter to reappear and the trike being parked in my small living room doesn’t help any either Did cut up and bin a lot of cardboard boxes today, but I’m kinda overwhelmed by my stuff. I know, throw it all out. No!

the big thing with the pro-business, anti-tax crowd is that they always talk about published rates and not the effective rates that companies and people actually pay. so when you hear people on the economic right talking about tax rates in the 30% range, don’t fall for it. literally almost no one is paying that rate. that’s why we can’t fund things that we need like fixing roads or making our healthcare system more like those of the rest of the civilized world. if companies actually paid those kinds of figures, society would look a whole lot different.

on the cleaning thing…why do you have so much stuff? i made it a point years ago to not have more stuff than i can move in a day. it’s nice that way. nothing is ever lost, or cluttered, or in the way. what things does a person actually need to have? not much as it turns out.

like think about how trump only paid 700 bucks or something in taxes. yeah yeah his company paid theirs too and all that but i mean the dude is supposed to be a billionaire and all that, and somehow he’s filing a personal income tax return and coming up with a set of figures that says he only has to pay 700 bucks in taxes. that’s less than a fast food worker pays. billionaires doing shit like that is the reason why you got 30 kids per teacher in a public school, and why they haven’t been able to fix the pothole on your street, or create a job for someone to go and fix potholes. it’s why the deficit keeps rising, because it costs a certain amount to maintain things, and as we take in less and less in revenue as these types continue to exploit the system, we just don’t have the cash to get a lot of shit done that needs to be done.

I only averaged $52 a hour on this one because I fucked the bid up and did it for half of the average costs in this area (researched all this shit).

The dude axed me to put rails on the steps AFTER I finished the framing, so I had to do some funky shit to make it look right. I mean what else can you do there? You can’t use pickets and you have to fill that space with something. Only thing I can think of is to follow the profile of the back rest boards and bring them down the steps.


i woke up this morning and my dogecoin is up by like a grand lol


what if as a joke i bought a few hundred bucks of dogecoin, then flipped it over and over for like a few months, then one day it was suddenly worth a motorcycle. i should sell it and get the motorcycle right? then buy back in when it pulls back again. right?

a lot of money in block-chain from all angles. well-paid development jobs, lucrative front and back-end options, easy to borrow a lot, good bots to trade safely but you need to have a bot set-up and be able and ready to dump all your money in minutes to hours when it crushes.

i dont know anything about all that i just bought a bunch of them and then sold them a few times and bought more with the proceeds then sold again and so on and so on and now i can get a motorcycle because of it.

i think i might just buy a bunch more and still get the motorcycle with some other money. it’s fun to just click buttons on a phone and get money. some real american shit right there.

that coinbase or whatever got listed today and blew up from the initial price then dropped a bit i think we’ll see some real volatility there over the next few days i may have to pick some up

Fuck America, the king is naked, he sold off his robes to his enemies and the show is over. You don’t see it because barbarians walk around naked anyhow.