What are you doing? (Part 1)

wondrous cloudscapes here, haven’t seen these forms before.

I’m not sure on the exact details.
I just feel a little bit better when i take them.

What’s the name of the product/s?

Enjoying a breeze while listening to it rain.

Going to see Fool House, that 90s dance party band, again with my Sister and Cousin! Yay! Can’t wait to become a sweaty mess.


I think I’m gonna shoot these Percocets right into my fucking abs and translate some original Blake.

Where’s parodites and how do I do this?

…finished a pre-workout sweetened black coffee and Organic orange fuel-up …now time to gear myself up for this evening’s sesh, then dinner.

Dinner and the ITV news, after my first 1-set weights workout in weeks… feeling shaky, so saving core (abs, obliques, lumbar) for tomorrow.

My phone-screen light has gone, save for infrequent flickering from time-to-time… to repair or replace, hmmm?

I was en route to making butter but a phone call distracted me, so I am returning to making butter.

been doing a lot of walking up very steep hills, and a bit of driving in the snow

Has that monster snow storm hit the Rockies yet?

I went with ‘replace’ …a new phone should be arriving tomorrow …I’ve got unread messages to respond to for chrise sake.

…some Organic-cider and quaver-crisps for supper… as I only had a bowl of carrot&pumpkin soup for dinner earlier.

i dunno but this was yesterday afternoon. shit came down kinda quick.


How much did Denver get?

I’m crawling around the floor in the waiting room at wake med hospital. That’s my new thing. I come in here and crawl around the floor to see if I can get any medical help. Haven’t worked in weeks or slept in days and I’m totally broke. Losing the use of my left leg as well.

This has become a kind of game almost. Like I’m testing them, seeing what they will do. In fact I’m almost hoping they don’t help me. I’m looking for an edge to be pushed over from which there is no return. This might be the one baby. Let’s cross our fingers.

none yet in denver. maybe next week.

you should start a gofundme. no sarcasm. people on twitter do that shit and those things blow up all the time. i saw a lady get 5 grand just asking for 150 bucks to get a jacket for a homeless guy. then she said she’d use the rest for more jackets, and then that was that. you think she spent all that on jackets?

I would steal before taking a handout like that. I reason thusly; any society in which people are forced to seek charity, is fundamentally flawed by design. It is okay to steal in a society that is fundamentally flawed.

On the other hand, I know another kind of society in which nobody would need or give charity, and where medical care would be the least of a person’s problems.

This society, the one I’m in, falls woefully short of that ideal, and as such isn’t to be taken seriously.

i feel that. but look at it this way, if you get more than you need, then you stole…and you got what you needed. that suits both the take you’ve just given, and your need for what you need. a double whammy.