What does Buddha know?

This is a part of his knowledge.I think you can get more answer.


^This link is an explaination of our mind ,our universe and more.

They will give you an answer .For example.

  • How can ghost appear?

  • How can object [seeing,hearing,smelling,touching,taste] control your mind ?

  • What is women element?

  • What is men element ?

I think they are profound science but most scientist are deny them.

What do you think?

Buddha knows that you won’t find The Answers by scrolling through a web page that tells you what men element and women element “is.”

Man, you gotta figure it out…

Who is the Master who makes the grass green?


If “Truth” and “Knowledge” is contained within web pages…then I guess everything would be considered true knowledge.

if you have to “figure it out” from your own experience (not from websites) then “truth” and “knowledge” are not rational and thus communicable then? Seems a strange type of knowledge.

The Buddha didnt technically teach and specific “truths” he taught that by extinguishing your egotistical desires (Nirvana) and choosing the right way of living (8 Fold Path) you can figure out truth using YOUR OWN reason, not someone elses website, not even their own opinion. You should read “Buddhism Plain and Simple” by Steve Hagen its really good and might help

~if you have to “figure it out” from your own experience (not from websites) then “truth” and “knowledge” are not rational and thus communicable then? Seems a strange type of knowledge ~

what is so strange about not mindlessly believing facts on your computer screen or anywhere else for that matter? Truth cannot be summed up as a list of facts or teachings anywhere, because truth is seen differently through different eyes. For Exmaple this whole conflicting opinion we seem to be having :stuck_out_tongue: is most likely occuring because of our different experiences and our own different truths we’ve learned throughout our lives. It is rational and not strange at all

Are you trying to say that Islam is rational? I take this from reading another of your posts.