Someone posted That these books are not, I will explain why they are.
Beauty is not only in somthing gorgiouse, But there is also beauty in Death, Destruction, The shear power of Chaos itself. These are all Beutiful. And thus is what is ment I think but perhaps also it is ment for Love and teaching, perhaps trancending a Human view or definition of such.
These book’s for the most part these faith’s have cause more blood, destruction, wars, chaos than anything else in the world. How could one not veiw the power given to such with the ability to cause such harm and destruction, devistation in the name of a God Not Beatiful.
Some of you reading this may think I too am bashing I am not. I am pointing out a fact. And I am also defending the fact that in such they are Beautiful. These books are extreamly complex and diverse the beliefs themselves have withstood all they are still here though changed from what they were once. Is the ability to survive not Beautiful?
They have evolved and changed as needed for them to prosper and grow as a faith or belief and have done extreamly well. Is not Growth Beautiful?
They give hope and Needed council to those who are unable to cope with there every day life without somthing to lay there problems upon, some cannot bear the burden without help. They provide a since of belonging to those within a since of unity and family. Is this not Beutiful?
You see there are 2 and usualy 3 sides to everything. Those who see beauty are usually unable to see ugliness in this manner because it is masked by such and the oposite is true for those that see the ugliness within these beliefs. But then there are those who see both and see both as beautiful.