What Is God

People believe in God, though generally accepted God and religion are distinct…so being religious or not does not make a believer or nonbelievr in this thing called God. What is God really? Phylosophers through centuries wanted to define but yet there is no one definition…is God a supreme being, energy, soul, natural phenomena or what? How and why God is responsible for all matter living or dead? Is God only for humans or is it equal for all matter? What the fuck is God? I am a Hindu wanting to know this. But I am not blindly religious, and my religion gives freedom to philosophy and independent thinking.



Why believe in God, why not believe in Buddha?

I am god. :stuck_out_tongue:

When people try to speak what is non-proof-able existence, they use words like ‘God’, ‘God particle’, ‘thing in itself’ to denote them, really they’ve reached the boundaries of their experience and try to extrapolate what they can’t experience but based on logical deduction should be able to.

God is thought of as the infinite, which in itself is something impossible to experience. we as finite beings can only experience the finite, no matter how many steps you take it’s still a finite number so infinite does not really exist for us as we can not experience it.

God is thought of something as on the edge of the infinite, though valid as a concept, but impossible to experience.

god is that which we need but also that which can destroy us on a whim. nature is literally where we came from. where we return to. we should worship that which created us, sustains us, and can ultimately destroy us. turning god into a human like being with words and thoughts and commandments is only an act of egotism. it is man wishing something like himself could only be -that- powerful.

I think God is the omniscient energy of the universe of which we are also a part…I dont think we are different than God, we are just a different manifestation of the infinite energy of the universe.


I would like someone to remove my confusion about God.

Hi Renaissance203,

You’re on the right lines. All that’s needed is a little sharpening of your intuition.

Best wishes,


By the way - you’re prompting a good and interesting investigation into the truth. Hope you’re sincere.

God the father is A good father and gives us “rules.” But I suspect that the rules are a means to an end where the end is important. Thus when they couldn’t get past stonning as a govermental way,… they were still in Gods grace.

God the Holy Spirit is the healer. It heals the soul past pain. It renews the soul into the innocents and purity of a new soul so we may learn and move on.

God the son is the intermediator between us and God. He is the Gap between heaven and earth. For at Christs death the gates of hell were unlocked and souls were took from “abrahams boosum” to heaven. And Jesus’s blood fell on the mercy seat of the tabranacle thus transending time to the creation of the tabranacle as Gods resting place. And The Hebrew Nation, shareing the bond of blood with Christ, have a special role in the tabranacle.

God’s presence would kill you. We are that far from perfection. That is why the temple for the tabranacle is being made again. So we may better know God. But since God’s presence would kill you,… rest assured the clarity of seeing Christ has faded. But we have many ways to get connected with God… they all ryme with love God. God exsists in the praises of his people. Having respect and trust in Gods ways puts you in alignment with God. Jesus is the living word. Angels live as mediators to God and us. Sprit guides are real,… but so are deamons pretending to be angels.

god is the thing humans always try to define, but never can. (IMO)

oh, but it sure is fun to try.

What is god? I think this is a question with many answers!

There is the big sky god often that we see in the bible.

There is one god we are all part of that Gnostics believed in.

There are the many countless gods of the ancient world.

But my personal and favourite definition of god was stated by Stephen Hawkin

Or at least something along the lines of 'When one mind achieves all the knowledge of the world, then that one mind would achieve the mind of god."

The finger print of God is in nature. The heart of God is in Christianity. But the face of God has yet to be seen.

Here is the answer, are you ready? Drum roll please…
God Is Truth.
God is Truth no matter what that Truth is, whether there’s a big sentient Kahuna in the sky, or just a spiritless giant quantum computer that’s not even aware of itself.

I once defined God as:

“A metaphorical understanding of how itself, as this very understanding, sustains its own existence.”

“All that you have seen is God,” and “God is the unseen cause of all things.”

Hi gib,

“A metaphorical understanding of how itself, as this very understanding, sustains its own existence.”

Sounds good. What’s it mean? Perhaps you thought of the definition after a few beers!


I don’t remember when I came up with it… so maybe it was after a few beers. :laughing:

This definition stems from complicated roots, so it’s hard to explain. First, you have to understand my pantheistic and panpsychic views of the universe (which I think you do from a another thread). I believe that God is the universe and that the universe reduces down to consciousness (or a system of experiences). Ultimately, this system culminates, or sums to, a single universal experience which is the mind of God. A call it a metaphorical understanding because it’s like an understanding, like a thought (but really, we have no clue, can’t have any clue, as to the consistency of the mind of God), and what it “understands” is itself. It understands itself to be the basis of existence, and moreover how it functions as the basis of existence. Mind is something that creates reality, not just something in reality whose function it is to be aware of it, and so God’s understanding of himself as this very understanding creates this understanding (or justifies it) and thereby creates (or justifies) all of existence.

It is a very convoluted concept, of course, and it’s not easy to wrap one’s head around. Told you it was complicated. :laughing:

Having explained what you mean, I think along the same lines - much as Berkeley did, where, in the final analysis, God is mind and the creator of all experiences (and He is thus the sum of all possible experiences). If this is roughly what you have in mind, then I agree. However, we are left with the problem of explaining other minds - or minds other than God’s; that is, at least my mind which is the subject of some of God’s many experiences. How do these (i.e., other minds) fit in, if at all, with your ontology I wonder?