I just wanna share what I just found from mylife, It is nothing.
Last night ,I was looking at a mirror to see how’s my look.Then I relized that there is no ‘me’ ,cause I see nothing from the mirror except light and a colour.
Actually , my body is not mine .It is just a nutrient which digest to be a human body ,but I didn’t create them.
I can tell you what I have done last week but i didn’t control my memory.
I can see I can hear but seeing and hearing is not mine beacause I didn’t create them, so my feelling is not mind too.
They all are belong to human but not belongs to me.
Because I made nothings , my life ,my love or even my consciousness.
I never control when I see a nice girl that ‘Hey guy , that’s a nice girl, you must feel happy right now’ .No I never .But happiness is occur at once.
I don’t know why .But I relize that the happiness is not mine.
Don’t feel alone in your observation. It is an ancient question written about by Shakespeare for example.
It seems as though “I Am” does not exist for me. As you implied, it is all just happening on its own. The question for me is if "I Am"can exist for me. Can my life and me become connected?
I am as my mind tells me I am, how else does the anorexic develop such a corrupted self-recognition? How else does the narcissist find themselves beautiful? Your mind controls all, like a man in a car you steer yourself based on your surroundings and varied input throughout your growth. It’s why your voice sounds different in your head than when you hear it recorded. You see yourself, and others see you. You’ll never see how they see you because each and every action and nuance changes, perverts and alters how you are seen. Much like a subliminal scar.