what is romance?

Romance is a process to become part (deeply involve) of what we “LOVE”. The subject attracts through its ability and stimulates the person to get involved heartedly - mentally or physically. Romance is deep involvement to the invitation, through attraction of the subject, which enchants and satisfies our individuality. The process is emotional because the personality (the identity) is involved. Both brain (attentiveness) and the soul (personality) have important role to tempt to involve to seek fulfillment through the attractive subject. The subject that draws (with its qualities) our attention to act (mentally or physically) is called “Romantic”. The subject becomes Romantic because it mesmerizes and drags towards it. We can not be in romance with anything or anybody so romance is the second stage of love. Link to the website:- http://www.sadashivan.com/freephotos4ursocialstudy/id34.html

Romance can be detatched from Love.

I love, I do not romanticise it. Romance is the same as lying in order to induce love for you in someone else.

If someone does not love me I will not make them.

It does have it’s uses as an aphrodesiac when already in love mutually, then it’s fun.

Jeez its been so long, I know love but I don’t know romance. I do know that romance can take many forms. I find that when my husband gives me a tool or a fishing lure that is very romantic. Or the occasional DQ icecream cone. Nothing mushy just thoughtfulness, to me that is romance, I guess.

Now, if he buys me a 12 pack I know he is just trying to get me drunk. :laughing: :laughing: Thats romantic horniness. :laughing:

I´d say romance is human courting, at least from the point where interest is mutual!

My thought of romance is seduction.

I´d like to think seduction precedes sex whereas romance occurs within love. Though I´m not so sure.

Romance is what I use to mask the repulsive nature of my true self and my true intentions in order to get what I want from women. Money, sex, laundry, errands, whatever.

Smears romance is to you deodorant. :stuck_out_tongue:

Kris…whhhoooooo weeeee girl…LOL If he is good to ya that is what counts.

Romance…I have known love as strong as that of what poets write. There is no "just’ to it. It is all consuming and calming. Safely where there are storms. where the mere thought warms your soul of only their smile, laughter. No flower has ever bloomed as sweet as the look as when they see you.
A rose may be a rose, but the moon is the breath my soul takes.

LOL I forgot what we were talking about. :confused:

I can tell you what romance used to be and what it isn’t presently. :sunglasses:

Romance is giving your lover what they need. Could be as simple as telling a woman she looks hot or finding her keys when she’s lost them. Men might have many more seductive moments if they would try on the simple things.

So would women, btw. Flowers? Candy? Poo/yuck… Try finding her keys when she is stressed about them… it shows you are about her. Could be as simple as buying her favorite soap. You might get a seductive shower with her out of it. Listen. It is all about listening.

LOL …Listening? Ya might do better with flowers…lol.

Romance is basically making the other feel special. Just as Bessy here said… large or small. Sometimes those small thing are the ones she remembers.

I agree

it is the little things that can matter the most. for both

Romance to me is the FUN part of two people being together.

nothing like Romance. its what keeps the spark that brought you together in the first place , alive :smiley: intimacy. touching , holding and listening . nothing better really =D>

LOL I can see some of the guys now going…wha? :astonished:

touching holding listening flowers who? so that’s why it didn’t work out… meh. I always thought it was all about sex. :^o

is really though all about sex?

if thats true then the guy with biggest cock should always win and the guy who is great at sex should win all the time , right. wrong

I know better. lets just put it down to experience

in the end , it is the guy who is a man and at the sametime can be sensitive to the woman and the woman who allows a man to be a man , and wants to understand their man.

with neither TRYING to control the other , respect for each other.

Your right.but ya know people are gonna come back and ask how you “know” that mean who are good in bed or ummm large dont always win.

Humor is also important in romance. For love makes fools out of all of us.

see I don't think of love in this way. you take the chance and you accept the responsibility of your own actions. 

for each failer of reaching for love gives me and has always given me , a chance for emotional growth.

and truthfully , the women I have met , quality wise , have become better.

my philosophy about love is that , I will not allow one women to destroy my ability to love another women nor destroy my opinion of women as a whole.

inotherwords I treat each women that I have met as an individual :smiley:

I enjoy the company of women Naturally. I don’t fear them , I welcome them :smiley:

I change my mind about the flowers. Put don’t buy them at some expensive flower shop. Wait until you are in the car with her and stop when you see some wildflowers on the side of the road. Say:

“'ll be right back.” Go pick some and hand them to her - and add,

“these, my sweetie, are for you.”


I think that it’s romantic when 2 are naked and then they hump.
After they hump they should make love.
After they are done making love they have sex.
That’s what I call Romantic.

and after that then what? see yeah !!!

how romantic :unamused:

the best romance is about a long term commitment :smiley: