For those who does not know of this sickness. Well since I am a victim I will tell you. First, migrane headaches takes place 3-5 times a year, and last for few hours. First, is sudden blindness, minor that is, a big glare that hurts some part of your eyes, this 1 hour, then your eyes are cure, then the next hour, half of your brain hurts, then the next hour, your whole brain hurts, the next hour you throw up, then next 1-2 hours is recovery.
Now what is the cure?
I have been told by my doctors, to take a headache pill, but it doesn’t work. They tell me to isolate myself in a dark room, go to sleep, and don’t listen to music, for it promotes the headache. I try that , it was smoothing but it did not work? I tried to turn the temp extremely low, maybe the sickeness is a temperature kind of thing, it work a little, but next time it did not.
So what do you think, you imposters of philosophers?
Imp will say stick a gun to your head, and there it is all over! Impenitent dada.
I heard something not long ago about a magnetic gun that zaps you and disperses the electrical storm that some people believe to be associated with the onset of the attack. Haven’t heard owt since though.
I’ve tried pills but they didn’t work, so nowadays I just lie through it. The consolation is that I get a dollop of “yang” to make my “yin” better.
I had a girlfriend who suffered, the only thing that would help was sex. Seriously…it helped in the relief of the pain. Maybe the endorfins released by the brain during sex acted as a painkiller… I dont know but I sure enjoyed her migraines!!
I can safely say I have never had a migrane headache in my life.
Come to think of it I don’t think I ever really experienced and intense headche ever. I must live in some candy cloud world.
There are some drugs that were recently released that can help with migraines. Most of them you have to take everyday which, for me, isn’t worth it. I only get maybe 1-4 a year, so taking a drug everyday is a little non-sensical. Especially since there are side-effects
There is one (the name escapes me) that you take at the onset. I’ve been thinking about grabbing that one.
But for the most part, grab a cup of coffee (it constricts the blood vessels and is helpful), lock yourself in a dark room huddled in the foetal position and hope to whatever Deity you believe in that you’ll throw up sooner rather than later and it’ll all be over.
Coffe? If I put something in my body during a migrane heache, you will eventually vomit it out later.
Crushed up altoids? that may work. but how often will it.
I tell you man, I once kept myself locked up in a refrigertor within 2 minutes and letting the cold breeze smooth my eyes, and surprisely it worked. But after the third time , it failed me
Now about gulloitines. Thats a odd one from Impenient.
Oni, you should consider imp. nons-sensical not I. I always talked and give practical advices.