What Kropotkin been up to...

The last two week have been very busy leading up
to Tuesday… and you may ask, what is going on Tuesday?

I have surgery on Tuesday… and the last two weeks have
been involved with either doctors appointments or filing out
the various forms needed for this surgery… forms for the union,
forms for corporate… local leave of absence forms… and I still
have more forms to fill out over the next two weeks…

as for the surgery itself, a basic surgery to repair a torn
ankle muscle… no putting weight on my foot for 6 weeks,
walking boot thereafter with physical therapy coming at some
point…I will be out of work from anywhere from 3 months to
6 months… depending…thus this week I will be engaged in
the surgery… so, I may not post until next week or I might be
posting on Wednesday, again, depending on how my ankle feels…
so I have several post I wish to reengage with and some new thread to
write…but all will have to wait until I am able to post again…

but as always, I shall be back…

threat or promise? I will let you decide…


Sorry to hear that Keter… I look forward to your future posts.

Easter greetings. :slight_smile:

do what the physical therapists say to do and do extra. the more you put into rehabbing that ankle the better off you’ll be. also don’t get addicted to painkillers. painkiller addiction is bad. best of luck.

Echo Mr R’s sentiments. Hope all goes well, PK. :handgestures-thumbupleft:

I thank you all for your kind words…

I am awake at three this morning because my ankle hurts
and because I need to space out my pain pills, I must wait…
which sucks…

as for the surgery itself, it was a typical surgery…
it was supposed to start at 7:30 AM, started at 8:00
and I was supposed to be released by 10:00 and I was
out of there around 12:00… I gotta say, the pain I felt
after the happy shots I felt including 4, yep 4 shots
of fentanyl to end the pain, which didn’t work… the pain was
bad… really, really bad… it took two oxycodone around 4:00 to
finally end the pain… I get around on one of those little knee
scooters… and practice does make perfect… and I am not perfect…
by any means… both the doctors and nurses were kind enough
to tell me that today, the day after, that the pain would be bad…
well, that gives me something to look forward to…
and I guess the current pain I am feeling is just the start…
yay me…

anyways thanks for your concern…


At least at’s behind you. Any fracture like that exposes the fallible delicate framework upon which we depend on mobility.

Hope the best possible recovery Peter, .

Incidentally how is your mom faring?

K: two things, One, my surgery was for a torn muscle below my ankle,
second, my mom is doing the slow fade that old people do during
their last 6 months…I don’t expect her to last the year… but I could
be wrong…
