What makes us feel..

Im looking for a deeper understanding of what makes us feel the things we do, in particular, stress. Im initialy intrested in the biological side? the ANS, SNS, SAM, GAS, etc?

thanks in advance

Im looking for a deeper understanding of what makes us feel the things we do, in particular, stress. Im initialy intrested in the biological side? the ANS, SNS, SAM, GAS, etc?


I remember reading some place that the essence of being is care,care about ones own possiablities.I think too this is the basis of our feelings,no matter what the issues or circumstances,they all contain possiablities which might become our being.Depending upon whether we judge these to be benificial or harmful, so steered are our emotions.Stress,stress I would think could be understood as a generality,it is a chemical reaction manifesting as fear of,at verying levels,in general a discomfort,everything is not ok! It is first a cognitive evaluation,tiggering a chemical reaction.Well that’s my two cents.


You might want to read the works of Antonio Damasio, if you haven’t already.

For an intro to his ideas, should you need it, please see:

